What to Call a 3rd Party?

Okay, I’m tired of the shutdown now. I ran out of things to say about it and now I need some new news — the next big disaster. But something new this time. Like maybe the Obama administration will put Biden in charge of building a dam with hilarious results — if Biden’s done web designing for Obamacare, that is.

Anyway, I hear talk of a third part because half the Republicans are pretty useless (while the other half don’t really seem to know what they’re doing — what are we trying to accomplish with the shutdown again?). I don’t know about a third party (though I’ve argued before that a fourth party might be a good idea). Still, if we’re going to make one, I want to help come up with a name. Here are my ideas so far:

* The Don’t Touch My Stuff Party
* The Hippie Punching Party
* The Totally Not Extreme Party
* The Anti-Treadists
* The Super Ultra Freedom Party
* The “Shut Up, Losers!” Party
* The We Have Lots of Guns So Don’t Piss Us Off Party
* The Anti-Moochers

What are your ideas for a name for a third party?


  1. I saw we kick all the establishment types out of the GOP, keep that party.
    We also get the frothing lunatics to kick the establishment Dems out of that party and then the crazies (Like MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, etc.) can keep the Dems.

    Let the establishment types form the third party, they can call it the Better Than You Party.

    You know Boehner, McConnell, Pelosi and Reid like each other a lot more than they like anybody who votes for them.

  2. The Our Goose Is Cooked Party

    The Up A River Without A Paddle Party

    The Sold Down The River By The Mainstream Media Party

    The All Your Monies Are Belong To Us Party

    The Not Politics As Usual Party

    (Hey, is this today’s Straight Line Of The Day? I smell cookies.)

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