Because the Government’s Not “Helping” Enough

In a recent speech, President Obama proposed a new program to help families who “don’t have access to the supply of diapers they need”.

A perfect follow-up to Obamacare, which is providing us with a rich supply of what makes diapers stink.


  1. Addressing the high cost of diapers for low NO-income *NON-families can help to take one more burden off those families welfare leaches as they strive to reach the middle class get even more money they don’t deserve, thus freeing up what they already do get to buy more drugs and alcohol instead of diapers, and give the next generation the great $hitty start in life that all NO kids deserve.”

    Obama’s proposed budget for 2017 calls for spending stealing $10 million *MORE from people who WORK to test different methods of getting diapers to needy families give it to people who don’t and have no business having kids or needing diapers in the first place.

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