Trump vs Hillary – is this a presidential election or a vote on who’s the worst human being in the country?
The non-Trump candidates finally decide to do the right thing to stop Trump, and all accidentally drop out at the same time.
I’m kinda wishing there was such a thing as an effective Republican establishment.
GOP shouldn’t nominate that madman Trump. They should instead nominate…
*looks at remaining candidates*
So why are there only two parties?
Looks like this is going to be a black swan election. Trump winning/losing in a landslide are both very possible outcomes.
If Rubio were president, half the State of the Union address wold be him drinking water. Horrible.
I’m going to try out Trump’s tweeting style of adding a word to the end of my statements to amplify them. Smart.
A really really smart businessman would be able to build a wall on our southern border and get Canada to pay for it.
Some men aren’t looking for anything logical. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to vote Trump.
The perfect running mate for Trump would be Wile E. Coyote and then hopefully we wake up from this dream.
Can’t believe these douchebag frozen enchiladas want me to use a particular power setting on the microwave. Who even knows how to do that?
A party that is smart and serious enough to defeat Trump is not one that would nominate Hillary.
My advice for this election year is to put all your money into canned food and shotguns.
I don’t trust anyone who wasn’t calling Trump a clown months ago.
With Trump versus Hillary, you can tell which party has more integrity by how many vow not to vote for their nominee.
Hillary and Trump’s successes are both sad, but Hillary’s is sad in the way you usually expect politics to fail you.
The choice between Trump and Hillary is basically would you rather your house burn down or crippling depression.
Is Democrats’ strategy for Trump to call him a racist and a fascist? They do that for every Republican to the point it’s become white noise.
Trump is a horrible person, but that’s far far from saying the Democrats led by Hillary deserve to beat him.
“Did you say David Duck and the KAK? Never heard of them.”
It would be better idea if Oscars for a year were awarded a decade after. We’d then know which films were actually relevant.
If the election is Trump vs Hillary, at least we don’t have mandatory voting. I’d choose public execution over casting a ballot for either.
Are spelling tests still the same or do you now get credit if you get the word close enough for autocorrect to get it the rest of the way?
It’s too late. Trump is going to be the nominee. And probably president because Hillary is just that unappealing. Going to go live at sea.
The Trump people say they’re against the establishment, but the establishment are more likely to rally around Trump than conservatives.
Maybe in the long run, Trump will be a good thing. Kind of like how the Titanic led to better ship safety procedures.
Did voting booths always have a sign that says “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” or is that a new thing?
Does Super Tuesday supplant Taco Tuesday? Because then this is going to be the worst day ever.
Dems need more of a strategy for Trump than calling him a racist since that’s their strategy for every Republican. “This time we mean it!”
Yelling “Racist!” has been nothing but an election strategy for Dems for some time and thus they aren’t equipped to deal with actual racism.
Racial divisiveness has been profitable for the Dems come election time, but now we’re reaching a point where supply exceeds demand.
If you see racism as just a Republican problem to be shouted down, you are a big part of the problem.
Let it go. It’s all over, people. Let’s start coming up with a good name for the next country.
I’ll write our next Constitution. It’s going to be very short because it sounds like a very boring thing to write.
“Oh. Hillary versus Trump. Sounds like a great choice. We here in Texas are seceding, though, so email us and tell us how that turns out.”
Female ghostbusters? “I ain’t afraid of no gho– Ew! A spider! Someone kill it for me!”
Rally around Trump to stop Hillary? What exactly are we stopping Hillary from doing that we can be sure Trump won’t do as well?
Trump versus Hillary? I’d rather reelect President Logan from 24.
“You Won’t Believe This Clickbait Headline”
More and more people are starting to adopt the way Trump tweets. Sad.
At this point, I kind of want Trump to go ahead and secure the nomination so everyone will stop arguing.
Is Mountain Dew paleo?
I guess women could bust the smaller ghosts.
Can never tell when people are responding to an actual outrage or are just desperate to signal to everyone what righteous people they are.
Rubio did with Trump what someone with courage should have done a long time ago. But that’s not good election strategy. Horrible system.
The difference between Trump and any other GOP nominee is when the Dems call him a racist and a fascist, they’d be sincere for a change.
I’m letting my daughter watch the original animated Disney’s Cinderella, or are the old Disney princess movies sexist hate crimes now?
Because of super delegates, every state Bernie wins only puts him further behind Hillary. Win anymore states and he might as well drop out.
I wish I was enlightened and righteous enough to be hateful about Nancy Reagan on her death.
Dems, Hillary is not a great option for stopping Trump. Very unlikeable. Just remember what you thought of her in 2008.
I can’t vote for Trump because I have principles and a coherent ideology, but everyone else knock yourself out.
Movie Pitch: Somehow, the two most unlikeable people in the country end up as the two presidential candidates. And then they fall in love.
Had dream where there was college class I forgot and I missed all the tests but I woke up and everything was okay but Trump is still a thing.
For how many decades am I going to have nightmares about my grades in college? How did that scar my psyche so?
Now all children’s educational shows are nothing but nightmarish creatures shrieking at the void because Common Core.
“Innovators are the scourge of this nation and they must be stomped down!”
“Is the FBI watching this?”
“Math was invented by Wall Street to hold down the poor!”
“I was married to a president.”
“Billion! Scary number! Must be stopped!”
“I am human female. Therefore if you are human female, you must vote for me.”
“Corporations are taking all our money in exchange for goods and services! This must stop!”
“Just give me my damn presidency!”
Children are the easiest to deport. You can fit more of them in a deportation pod.
You can call the Repub debates a clown show, but you’re as bad as a Trump voter if you try to pretend the #DemDebate is smart and reasonable.
I’m going to take Iron Man’s side in Civil War because I instinctively trust the judgement of people in robot suits.
If we picked presidential candidates at random, it would be statistically impossible to come up with a worse choice than Hillary vs Trump.
I would vote for the Captain America: Civil War trailer for president.
“One cough drop every 2 hours.” Yeah, whatever, bag of Halls.
How do you explain govt to kids? “They demand money from you and will send people with guns if you don’t pay. We pretend we control this.”
We’re starting to have a conflict of Trump’s overt fascism and the left’s crypto-fascism.
It’s going to be the subtle racism and fascism of the Democrats versus the overt racism and fascism of Trump and I don’t see a happy ending.
Dems are going to have trouble attacking Trump on anything and not being seen as hypocritical b/c he’s a fun house mirror version of them.
“If you see something, say something.” -motto every dog lives by
In November, the American people are going to be given two clear choices on paths away from classical liberalism.
What do people chant when they get fired up at a Hillary rally? “Status! Quo! Status! Quo!”
My company has begun playing in VR and has made a VR app. Grab some Google Cardboard and give it a look. iOS Android
Even though I did the stitching for the video and programmed the app, I still find it hard to believe 3D 360 video works at all.
Oh, and make sure to wear earbuds. You only get the 3D sound with earbuds.
It’s funny how popular Stormtroopers are considering that they’re about the most useless, unthreatening mooks in all of cinema.
I guess it doesn’t matter if you can ever hit anything or successfully threaten a farm boy as long as your armor looks cool.
They did get a bit of a threat upgrade in the newest movie, though. “Traitor!”
Watching SPECTRE. I’ve decided not to trust the guy played by Moriarty.
Used to like IMDB trivia, but now feels like it’s filled with irrelevancies. “This is 5th Bond movie where 3rd letter of the title is an e.”
In the new Indiana Jones movie, is Harrison Ford going to be dramatically killed by Shia LaBeouf?
Everyone loves VR now. And we’re pretty sure it’s not just a fad again like in the 90s.
For now, I think I get to call myself an expert in VR video since the field is so small.
How long until we stop freaking out over everything Trump says? He says dumb, poorly-thought out things. We all know this. Not news.
The reason Greedo tried to shoot Han first is because Han killed his six brothers: Prideo, Lusto, Slotho, Wratho, Gluttonyo, and Doc.
Something tells me FrankJ isn’t half as amused by ol’ Off-The-Cuff Trump as I am.
“If you see something, say something.” -motto every dog lives by
Great, great line.
For a visual pun, do a virtual reality video of the Victoria Embankment in London. The letters VR are visible everywhere. And trademark it.
The Libertarian Party really needs to be asking themselves what it is about them that is so unappealing to conservatives that people are voting for Trump instead of flocking in droves to thier party. My guess it is that they completely do not understand the purpose of war and how it works and most Republicans like seeing our enemies bombed.
Most obvious trick question ever.
“For how many decades am I going to have nightmares about my grades in college? How did that scar my psyche so?”
I still have that exact same dream about forgetting I had a class until its finals every once in a while and am almost 40. For bonus points sometimes its for the only class I had left that I needed for graduation.
The worst part is its the only dream I remember repeating and the terror feels real when you wake up.
Worse: Indy is fatally injured in a fall; as he lays dying he looks up and says, “It was… furshlugginer.”
“I can’t vote for Trump because I have principles and a coherent ideology, but everyone else knock yourself out.”
With that wacky logic, it’s highly unlikely that I’d ever allow myself to vote again.
Canned food and shotguns?
You mean Joe Biden was right?
I’m a married woman now, so I’m feeling a little guilty about how much I love this post.
Still giggling to myself.
It’s okay, though. My Harvey loves it too.
If we all chip in to buy enough video games, can we write you in for president, Frank?
We got the reports about the weaponized laser… now this:
So the Frank J. defense plans are moving forward for his administration.
I’m still trying to figure out why it was a problem if Han shot first. If a bounty hunter sits down at my table and tells me that he is planning on collecting my dead body, why can’t I shoot him?
@10: I’ve always felt the same way, but thought the meme was to mock the attempt to re-write history by revising the scene…. like saying the cops hunting E.T. had rifles, not flashlights.
Haven’t been here in a while Frank J. But used to read your site all the time. Now I come back here to see what you’re up to and I see you’ve been drinking the Glenn Beck koolaid.
“I can’t vote for Trump because I have principles and a coherent ideology, but everyone else knock yourself out.”
Your principles, if I remember correctly, did not stop you from voting for either McCain nor Romney. yet somehow you can’t vote for Trump? He’s not perfect, not even close, but he’s a hell of a lot better candidate that McCain and Romney ever were. And not voting for Trump = voting for Hillary = Super Liberal Supreme Court = End of Days. So don’t vote for Trump. Knock yourself out.
But take your own advice and stock up on the canned food and shotguns. You’re gonna need em if she wins.
Torm – just curious… Which campaign promises do you trust Trump to not abandon? Me, I can’t think of a single one he wouldn’t toss & brag about being “bipartisan”
Trump, like 99% of politicians including Ted Cruz, makes way more promises than he can possibly keep. Really the only promise I expect him to keep is building a wall and at least making an attempt at deporting some of the illegal aliens here.
He will most likely will also take out tpp and some other crappy trade agreements.
If he does just those two things though and nothing else changes then he will be the most successful president that we’ve had in a decade….which isn’t saying much I guess lol.
Back to my original point though would McCain or Romney have accomplished that much? You still voted for them didn’t you?
“It would be better idea if Oscars for a year were awarded a decade after. We’d then know which films were actually relevant.”
So from 2006, “Crash” won. “Brokeback Mountain,” “Capote,” “Good Night and Good Luck,” and “Munich” were the nominees. “Walk the Line,” “Batman Begins,” “Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” “Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith” and “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” we not. I would think there would be a different winner as I saw only a couple of the nominees and wasn’t that impressed.
When it came time to vote in the primary, I voted for Cruz, because of the four still in the race at the time, he’s the one I trust most to make a Supreme Court appointment.
When November comes, I may end up voting for Trump. But, here’s my dream: there’s a strong enough third party candidate that could throw the election to the House of Representatives. That way, Hillary doesn’t get the White House, and I can say I didn’t vote for Trump.
Why on earth would you want the house of reps to pick our next president? They’ve been on a losing streak of picking their own leader for decades! Do you really want the same people who elected John boehner to the speakership to have the power to select the Potus?
The House has to pick from the top three recipients of electoral votes, so they can’t go off the rails. A GOP-controlled House won’t pick Hillary. That leaves Trump, who they don’t want, and a strong third-party candidate.
I’m not a Trump fan myself, but I am surprised that Frank J. is not as well. Isn’t Trump the only candidate we’ve ever seen who MIGHT be crazy enough to actually “Nuke the Moon?”