Try East Berlin vs. West Berlin, East Germany vs. West Germany, North Korea vs. South Korea, China vs. Hong Kong, etc.

During a speech in Argentina, President Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments”.

Pro-capitalist intellectuals risk their lives to move to a free country. Funny you don’t see pro-commie intellectuals doing the reverse.


  1. If they are “just” intellectual arguments then they don’t really exist. For intellectual argument’s sake let us assume that Obama is a space alien sent from a planet that wants to destroy the Earth’s ability to protect itself from cosmic invasion and takeover…

  2. “Funny you don’t see pro-commie intellectuals doing the reverse.” Usually they’re trying to screw over the country they reside in. It would be nice if they would “escape” to a county that has the system of government they espouse.

  3. Actually…I don’t think “if I vote for a communist, I’ll get everything for freeeee forever!!11!!” is very intellectual but then again, to people like him and his voters, it’s about as high up the ladder as they get.

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