Straight Line of the Day: Caption Nancy Pelosi

Works like this: I give you Moon Nukers a picture to caption, and you take your best shot in the comments:


  1. “This is my gavel. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
    My gavel is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
    Without me, my gavel is useless. Without my gavel, I am useless. I must bang my gavel true. I must bang it louder than my enemy who is trying to unseat me.”

  2. This is Nancy. She’s smiling big, very big indeed. She has a new fleeing of confidence that she hasn’t felt since Joe Biden gave her a pat on the fanny back in aught six. She just tried out the new gavel shaped dildo from Acme Products. So ladies if you want a smile as big as Nancy’s remember it’s Acme for all your, ah, needs.

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