I have closed the poll on which new character people would like to see more of in In My World™, and here are the results with 752 people voting:
The Unnamed Mexican: 69 votes (9%)
The Fox News Reporter: 328 votes (44%)
Buck the Marine: 238 votes (32%)
Ow! A monkey just bit me!: 117 votes (16%)
Ha! So the non-sequitur poll answer involving a monkey came in third! This means the curse of the monkey has been broken ,and I am now back to human form. Thus, there is a brand new About Me page.
As for the characters, I guess we’ll be seeing more of the Fox News Reporter who will be easy to work into any press conference In My World™ post. Though Buck didn’t win, I have plans for another post with him that involves my favorite fox news personalities. The unnamed Mexican, though, will have his farewell in tomorrow’s In My World™, which I will write for you, my readers, despite the horrible sun burn that now covers most of my body.
Don’t feel obligated to get rid of the Unnamed Mexican just because he came in third; he is still a funny character, just not quite on the level of Buck and Fox.
I have a problem with the UnNamed Mexican. How do we know he’s the same Mexican in each of the stories?
For all we know – you could be shuttling Mexicans with Names in and out of your story and just telling us it’s the same one!
Noooo! I loved the UnNamed Mexican! He was much funnier than Cheney.
I am hereby lodging my formal complaint on the unlawful ousting of the monkey “about me”. The monkey faced Frank won fair and square, there has not been another vote on the subject since. Although no action will be taken on my part, I would like to give you a collective evil eye for monkey lovers everywhere.
I think the about-me pic should show the sunburn. Otherwise, how do we know it’s really you?
I feel that the Mexican guy and I have a real future together. Does he need a citizenship sponsor? An American wife to help him get his green card?
Send him my way when you kick him to the curb over here. He’s all I’ve ever wanted.
Just saw the new “about me” picture. Jeebus, Frank! You need to look at WHAT YOU ARE SHOOTING AT, not AT THE CAMERA. Talk about self-obsessed! I just shudder to think of what happened to those sweet, dear CATHOLIC NUNS who were standing a little to the left of the filthy hippy communist you THOUGHT you were opening fire on.
PS. Kim Du Toit wants a word with you about this…
I’m sorry Frank, I had to expose you for what you are!! Kill me is you must, But I will not be silenced!
What we really need is a Fox News Anchor with a short skirt…
I am so good at shooting that I can accurately aim using just my peripheral vision.
Dude, that’s not even funny. But only if you knew the even more horrifying secret…
That is NOT a nice picture!
Bad Frankie!
Tell that to Sister Mary Inacoma
Not only did you shoot the poor nun, you rigged the poll, so the monkey lost!!!!!!!!!
We all know the monkey won the poll!!!!! What is wrong with you, do you think this is Florida????
The monkey won, Buck the perfect MARINE was second and the poor unnamed mexican was third!!!!!
Get over it you have a monkey head forever!!!!!!!!
Thats Laughing My A** Off At Your Monkey Head.
Speaking of polls, over at my place the list of nominees for the IMAO caption contest are up and awaiting comment to help cull and/or classify them. If comments are still down you can e-mail me, or think about the candidates while waiting for comments to be working again. (The one other time Enetation was down, it wasn’t for that long.)
They’re very entertaining.
No! It is infidel lies! There is no monkey within a hundred kilometers of IMAO! All these monkeys are committing suicide before they can clink the link to come here. We have routed the force of monkey infidels in the airport and they are destroyed.
Thanks, Big Dog. That’s exactly what happens.
personally I would like to see more of Karl Rove: the dark forces, the prophecies… cooooooool!
yeah frank, what happen to my Marine? Ohh-rah!!!
For the love of humanity, more Buck!
He comes back Monday. Don’t worry.
Great, just don’t overdo the Fox News Reporter. He should appear sporadically – too often and it would hammer what is essentially a one-joke-characterization (it IS a damn funny joke, mind you) into the ground. Buck’s ‘unfailingly polite killbot’ routine has a lot more nuance, and hence potential.
Did I mention the monkeys’ stomachs are roasting in hell? I think I might have forgotten to mention that.