Kitty Sniper Caption Contest Winner

Man, it was hard picking the winning entry from those available, but, in the end, I had to go with the first one that made me laugh out loud:

“Oswald was a pussy!”

It was written by Tim B., and, as for the super secret prize – so secret that I just decided what it is right now – he gets a limerick of praise:

Hooray for the triumphant Tim B.
He displayed his acumen for all us to see.
He saw the sniper kitty,
and made a caption so witty,
That it filled all our hearts with glee.


  1. The contest was rigged from the start.
    Frank J isn’t terribly smart.
    We were ALL very witty
    About sniper kitty,
    Tim B.’s quote was not from the heart.
    From ‘The Usual Suspects’ it came.
    Tim B. has admitted the same.
    I could have plagerized,
    Or not even have tried,
    But originality’s the name of MY game.
    So at this point, I’ll stop getting bent.
    I really just needed to vent.
    I’m not at all mad.
    I’m really just sad.
    If I don’t win, I always lament!

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