Time to retire some more polls.
No one appreciates Potsy.
Who is the greatest figure in American history?
Answers Percent Votes
Potsy – 36 votes (13%)
The “Time to make the donuts!” guy – 135 votes (49%)
The Riddler – 57 votes (21%)
Tonya Harding – 47 votes (17%)
I honestly can’t remember what any of these words mean. I guess no one likes adjectives that have “homo” in them.
What best describes your political views?
Homokaryotic – 20 votes (12%)
Orthogonal – 62 votes (36%)
Dioecious – 33 votes (19%)
Paraxial – 58 votes (34%)
If the moonlight was pale, how could you be sure you were dancing with the devil?
Ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Yes – 52 votes (21%)
No – 71 votes (28%)
The moon light was actually quite bright – 129 votes (51%)
Well, as long as you know you’re hellbound…
What are your religious views?
I believe in the Catholic faith. – 68 votes (25%)
2. I’m hellbound. – 124 votes (45%)
3. Hey, that’s mean! – 84 votes (30%)
Yes! Seek vengeance!
If IMAO were shut down, what would you do?
Kill myself – 9 votes (3%)
Kill others – 54 votes (17%)
Take vengeance against Instapundit.com – 142 votes (45%)
Not rest until all monkeys are dead – 114 votes (36%)
I think people are drastically underestimating Snuggles the Bear.
Who would win in a fight between the Aflac Duck and Snuggles the Bear?
The Aflac Duck – 246 votes (75%)
Snuggles the Bear – 67 votes (21%)
It’s a tie – 13 votes (4%)
Yes, let him forever be remembered as the governor with no name.
Should California Governor Gray Davis be recalled?
Yes. – 47 votes (21%)
Yes, but only when trying to think of a list of ineffectual governors. – 53 votes (23%)
No, he should forever be erased from our collective memories. – 127 votes (56%)
I say it would be a tie, as it would end in a killing spree as soon as one of them encountered a word he couldn’t spell.
Who would win in a spelling bee between Wolverine and the Punisher?
Wolverine – 87 votes (41%)
The Punisher – 76 votes (36%)
It’s a tie – 51 votes (24%)
I’ll try to come up with some more polls as there is still more to learn.
Ducks are vicious vicious creatures.
While bears have their mean points cuddles lacks most useful forms of defense.
Although if the duck is allergic to wool the results would be different.
I found your other website, Ethel. You should be ashamed.
Come on! The duck doen’t even have teeth, and there is something truly suspicious about that bear!
It is pretty obvious that Snuggles is weak. He has no claws, is way to chubby, and likes to roll around in other people’s laundry to sniff it. The only way he could really beat the duck would be to freak the duck out by trying to smell it.
Someone should hold a poll to see if there is anything you can’t learn from internet polls.
You think that Snuggles has teeth? He doesn’t even have a real mouth!
Aflac all the way. If nothing else, he could annoy Snuggles to death.
Whatever, Snuggles is pretty freaky –
I bet he has killed before.
I think the duck would win, and he’s cooler, but shuggles could throw that beaver thing that tries to replace him at the duck. does the duck have a name?