Come, Coward! Face Me!

I just suddenly got a number of e-mails saying I’m signed up for a bunch of newsletters of a left-leaning nature (he/she used “Frank James” as my name). If someone has a problem with me, be man/woman enough to face me. I’ll meet you after school behind the gym. I may or may not have a gun.


  1. Maybe they were trying to help not hurt. They are giving you the “inside” info from the left so you can detroy them from the inside.
    If that were the case, I would say you should still decapitate them. I mean who wants that crap in their inbox?

  2. Ohhh it wasn’t me this time I swear! My legg wound is still healing 🙂 Look at this way, they are now sending you, your new material work with, besides it could be worse, it could of been the weekly news letter from NAMBLA.

  3. Dear Frank…with your “digital domination” of the blogsphere…can’t you somehow render these obviously witless liberal blockheads defenseless at their keyboards…helplessly pecking at their keys after being “kung-fu’d” by electro-magic thru the wires. BTW…what’s a URL?

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