Democratic Underground has finally discovered the uncannily accurate parody I did of them. Then they say mean things about us and some mysterious group known to them as the “Freepers”. Boo. I’d go tell them what I think of that, but then I’d be banned (I just like spreading wacky conspiracy theories on their board and seeing who bites too much to risk being banned).
And could someone please explain to me where the insult “mouthbreathers” comes from?
UPDATE: A poster to DU has realized the DU moderators can’t censure any of this thread lest they prove me correct. Thus, the DU’ers are now free to say what they want within the thread, and IMAO has brought freedom of speech to a despotic regime. All hail IMAO and Frank J., benevolent ruler of the internet.
UPDATE 2: One of the DU’ers attempts a Hannity and Colmes parody, giving me, the humor expert, a good example of how to do a good satire and a poor satire. The reason the DU parody resonated with so many people is because the posts (excepts where I had some fun at the end) were just slight exagerations of posts commonly seen on DU (the poster who thinks everything is a properly timed Karl Rove conspiracy, the poster who thinks they’re all doomed because Bush will rig the election and do anything to win, the poster who thinks every new quasi-scandal is the one that will finally sink Bush, etc.). In the Hannity and Colmes parody, on the other hand, the person starts with a fantasy setting: a bunch of conservative guests ganging up one liberal guest. Anyone who has actually watched the show, though, knows they either have one guest or a conservative/liberal pairing. A good satire of Hannity and Colmes would start with a regular setting – two guest, one conservative and one liberal – and then focus on Hannity interrupting and talking over everyone, including the conservative guest. I don’t know how Colmes puts up with that guy. I’d regale you with such a parody, but I need to go to martial arts now and throw people.
NOTE: I consider “good satire” hard to do, and a lot (if not most) of my humor on this site would not fall under that definition… but that’s a discussion for another day.
first. I got banned within 4 posts on there.
I am particularly amused at their lack of caring about the parody:
“I care so little about this parody that I must be sure to post here and tell you how little I care! See me not caring! Ha! I do not care! And I will use up 5000 characters to tell you all about the tiny little non-impact this alleged humorist has on my life!”
Irony is laughing her ass off.
And I like how they’re annoyed by the Ad that says “Annoy a Liberal”. That’s truth in advertising.
I am an undercover operative posting as a liberal at the DU. I’ve posted my own expereince at my site. I will continue to do so until they discover me.
My DU parody
“I care so little about this parody that I must be sure to post here and tell you how little I care! See me not caring! Ha! I do not care! And I will use up 5000 characters to tell you all about the tiny little non-impact this alleged humorist has on my life!”
now imagine the fat guy that sells comic books in the simpsons saying that. Priceless!
As per IoT’s official slogan: “Irony is the Enemy of the (Post-)Modern Left™”.
‘Mouthbreather’ stems from an interesting biological tidbit of info– apparently, lower forms of life are supposed to breath only through their mouths, whereas higher forms of life (read: liberals, the French) breath through their nose. It’s an insult that gets used by the sort of person who corrects someone’s use of “who” versus “whom” in everyday conversation.
Hee hee. That mullet comment was kinda funny!
Not sure about your other definitions of “mouthbreather”. The only one I know is a person who is out of shape (as in a sports venue) who exerts themselves and must breath from their mouth. A digital analogy might be a person who is “out of their league”. By failing to keep up with the “level” of intellectual conversation one becomes an intellectual “mouth breather”.
Its funny how as you read through all the responses on their site that so many of them acknowledge all the censorship that goes on. Reminded me of reading “1984” by Orwell. Those poor dumb bastards, sitting there stewing in their own self-righteousness, afraid that big brother is gonna censor their posts.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could grease the treads of our tanks with their entrails?
“…apparently, lower forms of life are supposed to breath only through their mouths, whereas higher forms of life (read: liberals, the French) breath through their nose.”
Now, if liberals (hippies), or the french really did breathe through their noses, wouldn’t they bathe more often?
They have some weird insults, Frank is a wingnut!
I’d always heard “mouthbreather” used as a slur for someone from a poor region. Think Cleetus from The Simpsons.
No matter what the etymology of the word it is obviously meant to be an insult relating to someone’s intelligence.
You…you….you bad guy! I’d write more but I have to run back home and brag about how good I told you off with my High Intelligence and eloquence.
Don’t yall know anything?
SSG B is the closest – a ‘mouthbreather’ is a slack-jawed, big forehead yahoo who can barely put words together into a complete sentence. Biology or fat people with coronaries have nothing to do with it.
PS – DU is the Internet flypaper for REALLY kooky liberals….
Hell what we need to be doing is logging into the DU as Yellow Dogs and then subtling inflaming these people into attacking us. Since they have a “we’re weenies who can’t take personal attacks” clause in their user policy, we just simply alert their administrators to these insensitive, insulting and bigoted posters and demand action from the larger group like good Democrats and get their best posters banned.
Just the sort of conspiracy they want, right?
Seems they proved your point, Frank. Good job, guys.
I know I started using the phrase “mouth-breather” to reference the type of person who’s genetics are so poor that they can’t keep their mouth shut. You’ve seen them at the mall, with thier jaws dropped and their blank expressions. If you talk to them, they get confused.
I don’t usually use the term to describe liberals because I don’t want to insult the mentally weak.
ghod, what a bunch of smug, pharisaical, self-rightous prigs.
Frank, your parody was too good for those poor humorectomy victims.
Imperial Minion
“mouthbreathers” was a signal from our guy undercover and in this context refers to some one with a brain in his head, as opposed to “buttbreathers” whose brain is in another location.
Those DU guys are such idiots. I feel oh so sorry for them.
Nice work, Frank!
DU is the reason I made my new years resolution –
never comment to a blog that requires a subscription or sign in process.
I have never seen another blog where the number of posts by any given person is counted and posted. There is only one reason for it. To more easily identify and exclude people with independant thought.
The time I logged into DU was when they had a thread titled : How do we draw in and include more people?
My comment : you could start by ditching the anti republican disclaimer.
My comment was deleted, I shit you not.
Congratulations on you own personal El Alamein, concerning the battle against the DU. But at this point you must remember the words of Churchill, “This is not the beginning of the end, this is only the end of the beginning.”
I beleive the insult mouth breathers is a slight at your inteligence. (Not true oh Magnificently inteligent one) It refers to a person who lets their mouth hang open and breaths through it. This makes a person appear quite stupid. Such trogloditish behavior could not possibly be constured through a simple post unless you were to post a picture and a rasping sound bite exhibiting this phenomena.
the new website will be up soon. O yeaa. Frank I want you to be the opening ceromonial person guy dude for it. I would be honored frank.
Hey, do you have a mullet? There is a 20 dollar bet over there that says you do.
frank doesnt have a mullet.
There’s pictures of me… it could be photoshopped to give me one…
An evening’s entertainment
Wow, this has been a really fun evening. Just sort of cruising around the sphere, sort of aimlessly wandering the bookmarks and blogrolls. Eventually, I stopped of to see what Frank was up to. He was chuckling because the DU…
About the “mouthbreather” definition. Adam from Utah (my condolences) is the closest. It’s not merely an insult towards stupid people. It is more an insult towards the uncouth, unrefined, and uncultured. Think slack-jawed red-neck. The blue-blooded high class types take offense to (among a great many other things) staring at another persons gaping pie-hole at cocktail parties.
Yikes. DUer’s scare me. Curse you Frank J. for making me look at their site. I’m suing you and all of DU I’ll make it class action so everyone here who is horribly offended and traumatized by their spite of the right can reap the benefits.
Orrrr I’ll just make sure to never EVER visit them again.
And I’m sure we all get enough out of you to never sue you…man I love free ice cream.
I’ve lurked through many DU posts and threads and have come to the conclusion that the overwhelming majority of DUers have not spent enough time away from their Momma’s tit. Recreational Pharmacology, Mindless Indoctrination, Socialism 101, Virtual Reality Political Correctness, GameBoys, IPods, PS2s and X-Boxes to earn a good day’s sweat. Or smack their collective asses with a bass fiddle!
w00t!!! Banned after only 1 post — it was the definition of the word “parody.”
These guys are insane.
Too funny!!!
Good, Lord, all of this is just TOO hilarious. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
From what I could stomach to read in that thread, a “Freeper” is a person who reads Free Republic.
Yea, I find it amusing that, while saying they don’t censor people, they are all constantly on the lookout for their “fair” moderators to ban their posts.
Occasionally I hang out at Good message board, though some of the people over there give me the creeps too. However, there isn’t nearly the level of censoring that goes on there that there is on DU.
I always though “mouth-breather” referred to one lying(laying?) in a hospital bed in a comatose, vegetative state, with tubes up their nose, thereby only able to breathe through the mouth: i.e. “brain dead”.
Photoshop contest!GIve Frank a mullet and a slack-jawed moutbreather look!
Is geniph (on DU) really an undercover rightwinger? Or is he actually stupid enough to describe people who disagree with him as “Wingnut knuckledragger boneheads” and then include “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with a passionate intensity” in his sig?
I’d love it if he really is that dumb, er, I mean “smart” …
I was called a “knucklescraper” on Godulike only yesterday – the variations on this theme are, well, not endless exactly, but, errm, you know.
Slack-knuckled jaw-breather can’t be far away.
I’ve always hated the term ‘mouthbreather’ because, frankly, when my allergies are acting up, I -HAVE- to breathe through my mouth.
Since this is 4-8 months out of the year since about the age of 4, I’ve never gotten in the habit of only-ever-breathing-through-my-nose-if-at-all-possible.
Hey! Making Fun of You is OUR Job, Dammit!
Looks like the Democratic Underwear have finally noticed the Imperial Secretary of War’s parody of them and are throwing a…
“Conservatives and Liberals can throw stones back and forth at each other until armageddon… it’s not really effective is it?”
Pfft. They might throw stones, but we’ve got shotguns and “assault weapons”.
^^ That was me ^^
As far as your first update goes, see message 34 on that particular thread.
I find it really interesting that they accuse conservatives of being anti-free speech because we dare to argue with them and disagree with them, while at the same time they claim they are pro-free speech because they don’t allow any criticism. Seems like they’ve got it backwards to me.
Valdis, you have to understand that being for free speech at DU means being for the freedom to oppress the speech of the “Repugs” and “neo-Cons”. What good is free speech if it can be used against you.
I think “freeper” refers to someone who follows/reads/etc. the Free Republic.
Who is this “NameRemoved” character? Every time I read through one of their forums, it seems as though the only thing he can type is “Message removed by moderator. Click here to review the message board rules.” Yeesh–that’s even more boring than “Bush Lied People Died While he was AWOL!!!1!!1”
The level of delusion at DU is almost jaw dropping(mouth breathing) amazing. Those folks are probably clinically ill. I wonder if the web site is actually a study being conducted about mental illness? They would need to eliminate any poster that isn’t ill to keep the study going.
I bet advertisers could have fun developing pitches for the people who post there. “Shop at K-Mart because we have been secret fighting Halliburton for many years.”
Hippies tied, t-shirts dyed!
As one of the mysterious Freepers, I’m greatly amused 😉 Hi DU!
That genghisjim guy on the thread there seems to get it for the most part, although he doesn’t see that the reason we think it’s funny is because you’re using the left’s bizarre stereotypes of the Bush administration and conservatives and throwing them right back at them. If someone on the left were to do such a thing during, say, the Clinton Administration, they wouldn’t be nearly this popular with their own ilk because these guys just don’t have a sense of humor about themselves.
I think it’s funny that one of the DU-monkeys makes a sweeping generalization about conservatives watching pro-wrestling. Why is this funny? Because of the recent Dean and Gore speeches, where they sound exactly like those speeches the wrestlers give between matches. That was my first thought uppon hearing Dean’s infamous “Take back the White House” speech. I haven’t watched wrestling since elementary school, but I assume they still do those angry speeches.
(By the way, has anyone heard the Gore soundbyte yet? What was he thinking (or not thinking) when he decided to go off like that? It worked so well for Dean, right?
And, naturally, nothing in the DU thread discussing IMAO’s parody bears even the slightest resemblance to anything in Frank’s parody. Nope. Nuh uh. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it… snicker
Big Dog:
Keep talking about genghisjim like that and he’ll end up getting banned for consorting with the enemy.
You’d think they’d be able to weed out the sane people with a simple multiple-choice quiz…
So that they could exclude them altogether?
I got banned over there after about 70 posts.
Frank commented on the DUer who pointed out that they had free reign on the one thread about the parody, because the moderators couldn’t delete any posts about it without proving the censorship thing… Hate to say it, but that was me. The DUer’s deserve less credit (if that’s possible) for intelligence than we were actually giving them. Pretty sad for them when a troll from IMAO makes the best posts on their board!
That is addicting. It’s like watching a train wreck; not at all pleasant, but you can’t look away.
What is the Free Republic?
ok, i read in their posts that they are planning to do a “freeper” parody. This should be good…
Being from the South, I can assure you that the term “mouthbreather” originates here. It usually refers to a product of incest whose gene pool is extremely shallow, thereby rendering said person incapable of rational thought or speech. These people generally wander around with mouths open and say “huh?” a lot. Found most often in trailer parks. May also refer to Royal Families for the same reasons as above.
I got Banned from I don’t why, I think it was because i said Laura Bush killed her Boyfriend in a car accident….Then they all went crazy on me…I was like WHAT!!! Not everyone is “perfect…” I was shocked they even kept me that long I was there for about 180 Posts (2 months, and I talked to Mark (owner of RN) and he knew how I was)
God bless their soul’s
O and Mark (the guy who founded RN) Thanks for banning me! talk about free speech and trying to get the truth out……To bad Public Polls show Kerry Kicking BUTT in all 3 debates….
John (A.K.A JAM (RN Screen Name) – from NC)
I got Banned from I don’t why, I think it was because i said Laura Bush killed her Boyfriend in a car accident….Then they all went crazy on me…I was like WHAT!!! Not everyone is “perfect…” I was shocked they even kept me that long I was there for about 180 Posts (2 months, and I talked to Mark (owner of RN) and he knew how I was)
God bless their soul’s
O and Mark (the guy who founded RN) Thanks for banning me! talk about free speech and trying to get the truth out……To bad Public Polls show Kerry Kicking BUTT in all 3 debates….
John (A.K.A JAM (RN Screen Name) – from NC)