Since it looks like John Kerry has a lock on the Democrat nomination, being the uber-partisan I am (hell, I’d vote for a retarded mule if it had an ‘R’ next to its name and said it would cut my taxes) I’ve set my crack research staff out to find the dirt on the haughty, French-looking Senator who – by the way – served in Vietnam. Here’s what they got:
* In his campaign, Kerry is planning on relying on his wife’s ketchup money. That’s a lot like blood money, but more tomato based.
* Kerry has enough botulism in his face to wipe out a small African village.
* Kerry wants people to know that he is a friend of the common man… he just doesn’t want to talk to any of them, see any of them, have any in his country club, or even be near any of them unless they have lots of special interest campaign contributions.
* John Kerry’s hair is the source of his important lookingness. If you shaved off his hair, he would no longer look important.
* Like George Bush, John Kerry was a member of the secret Skull and Bones society at Yale. They will actually determine who will be president, and this whole election is just for our entertainment.
* The Vietnam war was going great and was extremely popular in the U.S…. until Kerry joined in.
* Sometimes Kerry has simultaneous flashbacks to fighting in Vietnam and being a Vietnam War protestor, causing him to spit on himself.
* Kerry knows for a fact from Vietnam that eating the heart of your defeated enemy will not gain you his non-French-lookingness.
* Some hippies had called Kerry a “baby-killer” when he returned from Vietnam, but, in reality, he wussed out and ran away when caught in a baby knife fight.
* Though he likes to tout his Vietnam record now (he was in Vietnam, you know), he was also involved in the same protest group as Jane “Why in God’s Name Wasn’t She Hung as a Traitor” Fonda.
* Jane Fonda was married to Ted Turner who is a total jackass. That has nothing to do with John Kerry, but it’s worth saying.
* If you are in the military and Kerry drops by your place, hide your medals. Apparently he likes to throw other people’s medals.
* Senator John Kerry has a more liberal voting record than Senator Ted Kennedy, which people used to think was scientifically impossible since the way to judge how liberal one’s voting record is was to see how close it is to Ted Kennedy’s.
* Wait, who was I zinging there? John Kerry or Ted Kennedy? Hell, they both deserve it.
* John Kerry is so liberal…
How liberal is he?
He’s so liberal, that he thinks minors should be able to get abortions without even their own consent.
* In a fight between John Kerry and Aquaman, I’m not sure who’d win, but the battle would involve a lot of effeminate slapping.
* Some say Kerry looks like Lurch from the Addams Family, but that’s not fair; Lurch is not French.
* Kerry comes from the most evil/liberal state in the union: Massachusetts. Some say Hitler was born there.
* According to sources, Kerry’s name rhymes with “fairy”. I’m not saying to call him John “Fairy”; I’m just putting that information out there.
* Kucinich rhymes with spinach… but I’m not sure what to do with that.
* Oh, wait:
Vote for Dennis Kucinich
‘Cause he eats his spinach.
He’s Kucinich the crazy man. (toot) (toot)
- Back to John Kerry, according to lots of anecdotal information, he loves to play the “Do you know who I am?” card. If he does that to you, the best response is to say, “Yeah, you’re the guy I’m going to punch in the nads,” and then punch him in the nads. If he complains, hey, he asked.
- The last guy from Massachusetts who ran against a George Bush for the presidency of the United States lost. That’s precedent for you!
The second to last one got me laughing.
Noticed your foreign link has disappeared over at RWN.
What are you now the right wing Michael Moore?
Have you seen the picture of Kerry with Hanoi Jane?
John Kerry is so liberal that even his shadow leans left.
JOhn Kerry is so liberal that he worries about the rights of poligamists more than the rights of boy scouts.
John Kerry is so liberal he sees the value of socialism.
John Kerry is so liberal he makes Uncle Teddy look like a gas guzzeling, god fearing, tree chopping, mouth breathing, victims rights advocate.
As a former sailor, I must complain that I am DEEPLY offended that you would besmirch Popeye’s good name by using his otherwise respectable theme song in connection with Kucinich’s name.
It’s not quite as bad as putting a crucifix in urine, but it’s somewhere on the list of “just plain wrong” things.
I missed that; what was the foreign link?
Don’t know if you’ve seen this one or not:
LOVE the Patty Hearst-type pic!
John Kerry’s hair is the source of his important lookingness. If you shaved off his hair, he would no longer look important.
So, where’s Delilah when you need her?
(Sorry about the spelling, but you know what I mean.)
Kerry rhymes with “fairy”
Important reading assignment for today- Know Thy Enemy: John Kerry The most important thing to remember is: “The last guy from Massachusetts who ran against a George Bush for the presidency of the United States lost. That’s precedent for you!”…
Kerry also rhymes with “scary”. Which explains my Howard Dean-like scream every time I see his face.
Replace the retarded mule with a monkey and tell us how you’d vote.
“Senator John Kerry has a more liberal voting record than Senator Ted Kennedy, which people used to think was scientifically impossible since the way to judge how liberal one’s voting record is was to see how close it is to Ted Kennedy’s.”
Ted and Kerry also both have important looking hair. And names that start with K! Why is it that all liberal politicians are the same? Also, anybody ever notice that Kennedy walks like he’s got a potato chip between his butt-cheeks and he’s trying not to break it? Well, how many other liberals can you name that walk that EXACT SAME WAY? Strange and eerie.
You never mentioned that kerry is secretly in love with dean
(WARNING: That image has scarred me for the rest of my life. View with extreme caution)
Kerry was such a great hero he gave himself a medal just so he could throw it over the White House fence: check it out!
Self-inflicted Medal!
Hmm… what other great leaders can we think of who gave themselves medals?
Idi Amin
Who else?
Wow, it’s amazing how much I hate Kerry now that I’ve seen that Vietnam veteran’s website.
Last night Gen. Clark made the wisest decision of his short-lived presidential campaign: he took his marbles, tucked his tail between his legs, and went home. Note to Kerry: don’t be so smug if you have the blessing of the news media today – only two months ago, they wrote you off for the first time, and it won’t be the last.:)
How well does the “Do you know who I am?” card work against the Race card?
Gary Trudeau got it right back in ’71
John Kerry is so liberal that Joe Leiberman is voting for Bush.
John Kerry is so liberal that he thinks the biggest threat to America is…..The Patriot Act.
John Kerry is so liberal that all of Europe and the Middle East think he’s going to win.
Startle the cat line: “In a fight between John Kerry and Aquaman, I’m not sure who’d win, but the battle would involve a lot of effeminate slapping.”
If you were voting for a retarded mule with an R next to his/her name its IQ would still be 5 points higher than what we have as a president know.
The last time a Bush ran for president after a war with Iraq he lost… now there’s a precedent for you
Cruelty to Cats and Other Creatures
Ah, Frank– you’ve done it again…made me laugh out loud so suddenly and without warning that my poor kitty jumped and fled the room. Know Thy Enemy: John Kerry proves that Frank does, indeed, hate cats….
Hey Patrick…before you slam anyone for being dumb, run spellcheck “…we have as a president know“?!?!?
I agree with your second point, however you forgot two things:
1. The war is not over. It is still on-going so honest thinking Americans (non-liberals) are still concerned about National Security and realize that a danger still exists.
2. This Bush is not running against a political used-car salesman (B.J. Clinton) who’s able hide who he really is. Let’s face it Kerry’s speeches are as exciting as kissing your sister (or brother if you’re from Massechusetts). Dean is so flakey he’d disappear is a bottle of Head ‘n Shoulders was spilled on him. Edwards is such a lightweight he has to put rocks in his pockets on windy days. If it weren’t for the passes these ciphers get from the press they’d have already been laughed off the national stage.
Hey…isn’t Patrick a character on Spongebob Square Pants? What a coincidence. Oh, wait…but on the show Patrick is a clueless chuckle-head that constantly spouts off with stupid, baseless, and pointless remarks. Hmmmm, maybe it isn’t that big a coincidence after all.
Don’t forget there’s no Perot (but there may be a Nader).
I tink wittle Patwick didnt wike the wittle pawody at DU. Oh, you poowor wittle democwat.
Hey, somebody just told me JFondaKerry served in Vietnam. Is it true?
Frank, I know I’m a little behind the times here, but I’m still reading the DU response to your parody. Please settle this issue once and for all: DO YOU or DO YOU NOT have a mullet?
That sounds about right
Frank has posted a “Know Thy Enemy” about Senator Kerry (Vietnam!). Check it out. Since Frank said it, you can be sure that it’s all completely 100% true….
“Hmm… what other great leaders can we think of who gave themselves medals?
Idi Amin
Interesting that you think of these men as great leaders.
Right Wing News posted the link to your site as
After I made a comment in the comments section it has since been changed to
HA! What are you trying to hide?
* In his campaign, Bush is planning on relying on his father’s/Saudi oil money. That’s a lot like blood money–actually; it’s exactly like blood money.
* Bush is from Maine (Kennebunkport) not Texas, which is twice as liberal as Massachusetts.
* Bush has tossed enough conservative special interest salad to feed a small African village.
* Bush wants people to know that he is a friend of the common man… he just doesn’t want to talk to any of them, see any of them, have any in his country club, or even be near any of them unless they have lots of special interest campaign contributions.
* Like John Kerry, George W. Bush was a member of the secret Skull and Bones society at Yale. They will actually determine who will be president, and this whole election is just for our entertainment.
* The Vietnam War was going great and was extremely popular in the U.S…. until Bush dodged the draft and then fled to Alabama.
* Sometimes Bush has flashbacks to fighting in Vietnam and then remembers that these are just old nightmares from his time spent hiding in Alabama.
* Bush does not know anything about Vietnam for a fact except that if you’re rich enough, your Dad will keep you out of it.
* No hippies ever called Bush a “baby-killer” because he never went to Vietnam, in reality, he wussed out and ran away to Alabama. Though he is afraid of babies.
* Though he never was involved in the same protest group as Jane “Why in God’s Name Wasn’t She Hung as a Traitor” Fonda, Bush often recounted his struggles with alcoholism and his arrest for DUI.
* If you are in the military and Bush drops by your place, he is probably about to ask you to go get your legs blown off in Iraq. There are only so many soldiers in the army and Bush needs all of them if he’s going to make all his friends rich with oil and fat, non-bid government contracts.
* Back to George W. Bush, according to lots of anecdotal information, he loves to play the “Do you know who I am?” card. He does this because he doesn’t really know who he is. If he does that to you, the best response is to say, “You’re Dick Cheney’s “doo-boy” so why don’t you “do” what Dick say’s and shut-the-f***-up.”
Hey! A! A lot of those are vaguely familiar…
Dear ~A~:
What rock are you going to hide under when Kerry gets blown out of the water in November? Better pick it out now because all of your midget minded friends will be scrambling and you want get a good one.
Indeed they are Frank…if one must copy, one should copy the master, no? And anyway, what’s the fun of satire if it’s not mimicking something?
Enjoy the site and your writing very much…too bad we disagree on the Bush issue…though Kerry does suck as well.
Frank J.
What are you all doing with your oil money? As a republican mouth breathing freeper I assume you get a cut from the Halliburton contracts just like I do. I have found that I have more leisure time now that I can relax on the untaxed proceeds of my no bid contracts. It has given me time for hobbies.
One of my favorite hobbies to do is to collect blown up terrorist limbs and make modern art peices to send to Dan Rather.
What are your favorites?
Kerry doesn’t exactly strike fear in the hearts of the Republicans… but then again, none of the candidates did. It’ll be a battle to be sure, but I’m thinking it’s going to be a definitive vistory for Bush (results more like when his father won) unless he screws up royally.
I was unaware hiding was going to be in order in November regardless of who wins. As for me, Kerry and Bush aren’t different enough to differentiate. They both blow. As a former military type myself I think anyone who avoids service in a time of war (and no the Texas/Alabama national guard does not count) is a puss. I was merely pointing out that from my own perspective, a Vietnam vet would be superior to a draft dodger but of course, you’re entitled to your opinion.
Sorry Frank, I haven’t reached that 1 percentile mark that entitles me to a cut of the big money. I, along with the rest of my conservative friends work at real jobs (what’s left of them anyway) and pay much higher tax rates that Haliburton or Raytheon. But of course someone has to pay the bills…that 16 Million Haliburton scammed from our tax dollars last month by billing us for food they didn’t provide for our troops in Iraq won’t pay for itself now will it.
“Kerry doesn’t exactly strike fear in the hearts of the Republicans…”
That’s for sure. He does have a chilling effect on small furry animals though…and that’s gotta be worth sometin’.
I expected the slams, hate the Spongebob reference I’m going to find the creator of that show and kill him. But the first person (anonymous) who responded to my post suggested I use a spell checker to find my error of; should have been now instead of know is not bright enough to “know” that a spell checker doesn’t clue you when a word is spelled correct a grammer checker might, are you sure G.W. didn’t leave the anonymous post? nah he wouldn’t have “known” the difference
Dear ~A~
Gosh, yes, they’re all such manly men; it’s just something about those stylish uniforms that gets me all juicy.
It seems you know about as much about irony as you do about the hazards of flying an F-102 (one of the more dangerous and crash-prone planes the Air Force ever came up with. Something like 20% of all military pilots die in the first years of their career, so if you’re gonna dodge the draft, there are probably safer ways to do it.
And just as an FYI, I started out as a PFC and ended up XO of a mech infantry company/company team, and I’m a lot more comfortable with Bush than Kerry or any Democrat I can imagine in the White House.
Well richard mcenroe,
I don’t think he flew too much after he failed to show for his physical then got shipped to Alabama where the unit there doesn’t even have the kind of plane he’s rated for at which point he took an 8 month vacation without leave before being released seven months early from his responsibilities to attend Harvard. But just so I understand, and I’m not familiar with the failure rate you describe, but are you suggesting that GW was actually courageous because he used his father’s connections as a powerful (at that time) Texas Congressman to skip a 500 man waiting list to fly a plane that they didn’t know (at that time) was faulty??
And I’m particularly glad you feel comfortable with Team Bush…perhaps the families of the 700+ American dead in Iraq will take comfort in your confidence now that we know Saddam was not a threat to our country.
The point being that even if you’d just peeled spuds for four years and never saw a rifle, your military record would be superior to GW Bush’s. If for no other reason than Bush joined the Guard to AVOID going to Vietnam…he avoided the draft and is a coward. For that reason alone he doesn’t deserve to be Commander and Chief. I’m not pro Kerry…but for Godsake, just because you’re a republican or a conservative doen’t hitch your wagon to a cowardly bumbler who serves special interests far better than he does the American people.
~A~ … Ah, gotcha. Just like Kerry joined the Navy because the NVA destroyers were such a threat to the sealanes. No wonder he was so cranky about his brown-water duty; if I got yanked out of a clean bed and three squares a day sea duty and stuck on a PBR in the Delta, I’d be grumpy too.
For an interesting perspective on Kerry from someone who was standing in the same mud he occasionally waded in, go here:
Every ‘allegation’ you bring up about Bush has been invalidated. Even the Boston Globe which broke the ‘story’ of Bush’s ‘desertion’ has had to recant. If you want to claim that he was ‘dodging the draft’ you have to assume the same thing about every other Guardsman and reservist who never got deployed to Viet Nam… and you have to believe it of every sailor with the Sixth Fleet in the Med and ever soldier patrolling the Fulda Gap in Germany, cuz hey, they weren’t in-country.
And if you don’t think the air force and navy had waiting lists and quotas for enlistment during the Viet Nam war, you are sadly mistaken.
Now if you want to talk special interests, well, Kerry has taken more special interest money than any other US Senator. If it’s a choice between him and Bush, I’ll still take Bush.
I am, to my embarrassment in public places, a registered Democrat, deeply ashamed of what that party has become (I just keep my registration to screw with them in the primary). Right now, the only person I see who can keep them from laying down more of the crap they laid down under Carter and Clinton is Bush, so that’s where my vote is going.
My draft number was 308, so I was in no danger of being drafted. Still, I joined the USAF. Not to avoid the fighting, but because I wanted to serve my country and, like many young folks, learn a skill that I could market after my service.
Many foks contributing to this discussion today are honestly completely ignorant of the atmosphere at the time of the Vietnam Conflict. We lost nearly 60,000 Americans. 60,000!
Now, if your classmates were being drafted and coming home wounded or dead, if the media you saw EVERY night, harped on the failures of the war effort, if you were bombarded with images of peace protests on college campuses, and civil rights protests, and Soldiers being spit on when they returned home to the country they had served — what would it do to you head?!
I had friends and releatives injured. Fortunately, none died. I considered duty in Vietnam, but never volunteered for it. I was newly married and figured I go later. But, the war ended. I still served 20 years, yet was never actually involved in a conflict (though I provided other information directly supporting those efforts).
The value of military experience for a Commander in Chief is that hopefully it will provide him with some insight into the use of the military. I believe that President Bush has exercised sound judgement in his responsibilities to defend this country. On the other hand, Kerry has chosen political expediency as his guide. He voted to send the troops, but voted AGAINST supporting them. What the hell message does that send? Just like Vietnam. He fought the good fight and then publicly protested against it. That was exactly the type of news footage the Viet Cong would flash in front of American POWs to demoralize them. He should have known better. I bet he did. He just didn’t care. Once he was home. What at a spineless weasel.
One last thought. What are you doing today to preserve our way of life in America? Talk is cheap.
Hey! Doesn’t that title belong to CA? 😉
We’re not ALL liberal here! (Yeah, I’m a MA native, guilty as charged) Don’t forget that there shall always be a remnant! I voted against Kerry in the last senatorial election and dang it felt good. 🙂
Keep the pressure on him. As a native of PA I was really crushed when the widow Heinz hiched up with Care Bear Kerry, as shown here:
Keep fighting the good fight! Your sense of humor never goes out of style!
Hey {A}ss hole, arn’t you the same people who swore up and down that millitary service wasn’t important about 8 years ago.
Fiskfiskfisk… Got ’em ready, but first a little endoscopic light to illuminate your alleged credentials:
“As a former military type myself I think anyone who avoids service in a time of war (and no the Texas/Alabama national guard does not count) is a puss.”
So, ~A~nonymous ~A~sshat… You claim to be a “military type” yourself. Well, specifically what type would that be? Do you play with G.I. Joe dolls on the kitchen table while your mommy cuts the crusts off your PB&J for you? You watch reruns of MASH on TNT and can recite dialogue from every episode by rote – you think Hawkeye Pierce is ‘da bomb’ and giggle hysterically every episode when he gets the better of Frank or Winchester? Or perhaps you have a set of ‘cammies’ from the Army-Navy surplus store that you wear to play paintball on Saturday afternoons with your pimplefaced little friends?
I’m just curious… What background gives you the right to call yourself a “military type” before you go spouting off against the most RESPECTABLE Commander-in-Chief our armed forces have had in nearly a decade? Don’t think so? Go ahead, ask some servicemen, ask a Military Family who has loved ones in or returned from or shipping out for Iraq or Afghanistan. (As for my own: Three generations (so far), three branches of service – including the Texas ANG (yes, my wife wore combat boots) four wars and a lot of guts, gumption and pride under my collective family roof – and the ability to recognize what it takes to lead, motivate and inspire our troops.) Ask someone who served during the Clinton Administration under another former “war protester” who expressed great disdain for the military, and who for the first time in History allowed our troops to fall under direct command of the UN, as Kerry suggests it should be, afterall. Go ahead, join McAuliffe in spitting in the faces of active and retired Guardsmen, as you do here with your worthless anti-Bush, anti-Guard rhetoric. Think you’re game? My WIFE can probably leave her Texas Air National Guard bootprint on your bottom without breaking a sweat. (Actually, she teaches first grade now, and with a daily regimen of reigning-in those troops and all of their acronymic afflictions, I fear she can probably kick my ass!)
So we noticed you quickly back off your support/defense of Kerry the moment a little light shed reveals his own cranio-rectal infarction — Judging from the sounds you’re making, you seem to be suffering the very same fate… Bless your heart®. (Which, by the way, is a Southern expression for “aren’t you just a shining asshole!”)
Personally, I think a worm has propagated from – some strain of bird-flu that invokes ‘wild chicken’ ranting in liberals, and causes some to even throw other people’s stuff in protest. The only problem is discerning the affected ranting from the usual ranting — to us, it all sounds the same.
So, Mr. “former military type”, what is it?
Wait! Before you answer, tell your mom to try making your sammy with raspberry preserves instead of grape jelly, and have her get you an extra BIG glass of milk – this may take a while. Go ahead, live a little, champ! You gotta try new things if you want to grow up and be a strong, independent, cognitive adult. But remember, baby steps…
I’m an Army vet (although too young for Vietnam) and think ol’ Kerry redefines scum-sucking. Whenever I see him on television, I mentally hear “I’m just a gigolo, everywhere I go…..” sung by David Lee Roth.
I proudly served the US for 20 years in the Air Force (1983 — 2003). Did I see any combat time? No. Did I volunteer for Desert Storm? Yes. But, as a ‘computer geek’ my services weren’t required. Did I volunteer for Iraqi Freedom? No. I was assigned to an Intelligence Command and NO ONE was allowed to go. Does that make me a ‘puss’ for not seeing any action? Or does my being deployed to Italy when we were about to kick the living shit out of Serbia count as being a man in your eyes ~A~, even though we never went in?
I think ~A~ got scared away. He is no more a ‘miltary-type’ (and what the hell is that?) than any of the chicken shit liberals protesting the war of liberation in Iraq.
Check out Drudge- It seems that Kerry is subject to the same temptations as Clinton.
Not scared off…just other things to do…I’ll answer as many of your questions as I can.
First I think I already said Kerry suck as did Bill Clinton (though for different reasons). So for those that wish to lump me in with Kerry supporters, you are mistaken.
Second, Bush record is still at question as there are still 7 or 8 months of his military term not accounted for. When I say, “draft dodger” I’m talking about intention. There are many people who joined the various National Guard units to avoid going to Vietnam…They are all draft dodgers. There are many people who volunteered to go into the full-time military Army, Navy, Marines, etc. They did not know where they would be sent when they enlisted and they should not be blamed for where the military chose to assign them. It is ironic that one of the posters above claimed that I inferred that all guardsman where draft dodgers then went on to impugn Kerry’s service in the Navy and by his logic, all sailors in the Vietnam theatre would also be cowards. Back in those days one did not get a “contract” or get to select your MOS. You went where the military sent you…That Kerry was assigned to a particular duty or boat was not his choice. Furthermore, Bush’s father pulled political strings to get him moved ahead of 500 other applicants in order to get into the guard. He had lost his college deferment and was now eligible for the draft so things had to be expedited before he was called up. Again, I’m not a Kerry fan but Bush is still a coward and those no way around it. Someone else mentioned a waiting list to volunteer for active duty during the Vietnam war…BULLSHIT. If you walked into a recruitment office in 1970 your ass would be in a plane or on a boat within two months (just long enough for you to finish boot camp).
Third, I’ll compare my service to anyone here. At least Frank has said he thought about going into the Marines but thought that boot camp was too tough. Well, as Clint said, “A man’s got ta know his limitations.” Good for you Frank. I was a Marine (joined in 80 right after the embassy fell in Iran). After My service in the corps, I became a cop and have been one for 16 years.
Fourth, you don’t like Kerry or anybody else, fine. I don’t like him either. But I’m a conservative (apparently no one else here is though) and Bush is NOT a conservative. He’s a coward, a liar, and he sends better men than him to die so he and his corporate buddies can get rich on tax dollars and build factories overseas. It’s corporate welfare plain and simple. If you don’t mind being lied to and swindled so you can have an imaginary “hard-on” about how tough the USA is and how we “kick-ass”, go ahead, have a blast. But it’s not reality though. And if any of you are younger than 21 or 22 and haven’t served then I ask you why not? Once you come back from Afghanistan or Iraq we’ll have a talk and I’ll respect your opinion…until then, don’t expect too much sympathy from me.
Kerry is so liberal he will sign an executive order allowing the offspring of homosexual marriages to give themselves partial birth abortions without notifying their anonymous sperm donors, who will still be required, however, to continue child support payments.
“Kerry is so liberal he will sign an executive order allowing the offspring of homosexual marriages to give themselves partial birth abortions without notifying their anonymous sperm donors, who will still be required, however, to continue child support payments.”
As opposed to killings tens of thousands worldwide while simultaneously cutting hazard pay to troops and medical benefits to veterans while creating the biggest budget deficit in US History. He may not be a liberal, but Bush certainly isn’t a Conservative…he’s really just a fascist.
In Secretary of State Colin Powell’s autobiography, My American Journey, he says, “I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well-placed managed to wangle slots in the Army Reserve and National Guard units… Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to their country.”
Brilliant as usual. You missed “Kerry is so very…”
What I Read Today
Still not really in a writing mood. That beal infestation – tough to beat. But, it’s not gotten everyone yet, so check these posts out. The Meatriarchy has an excellent post about what he sees as the problem with hockey today, and he proposes some good…
If Kerry gets the nomination, you should have “Know Thy Enemy: John Kerry” T-shirts printed up.
This website has some interesting facts and articles on the Real John Kerry.
This website has some interesting facts and articles on the real John Kerry.
Bravo! I’ll be voting for Kerry in November (since my man Dean appears to be out of the running), but I enjoyed this list for the most part. All in good fun.
Best Kerry Related One Liner That i Plan To Steal And Tell All My Co-Workers Tomorrow
Sometimes Kerry has simultaneous flashbacks to fighting in Vietnam and being a Vietnam War protestor, causing him to spit on himself. Thanks, Frank….
Fun with Kerry
Readers demand more from Kerry, I fulfill their wishes. Frank at IMAO has an amusing little Kerry round-up. Found at Trying to Grok….
It is no surprise they are called “the LEFT”
Remember the movie “LEFT BEHIND”?
I understand that the initials are the same (JFK)
I understand that they are/were both liberals
What I need to know but cannot find out:
Is Kerry also Catholic? Somebody please inform me, it’s important.
I heard that Kerry changed his name from Cohen to Kerry. Can anyone prove this?
Super [boring] Tuesday!
Whoopity-doo! Look there! It’s a war hero! It’s a man who understands the average American! It’s a man who ignores the “special interests” in D.C.! It’s a man who will put the needs of America first and make this country…
John Kerry is so stupid he thinks Western Union is cowboys underwear.
The original surname of Kerry family is Kohn. It is an German-origin jewish surmane, one of the most common. His grandfather was Fritz Kohn and the whole family lived in Silesia (nowadays territory of Czech Republic and Poland).
Fric Kohn asked the Austrias authorities (it was in times of Austrian imperium) to change the name to Frederick Kerry and converted to catholism. It happend in 1901.
Is it wrong to intentionally forgo any of the intellectual arguments for or against John Kerry’s candidacy, and simply hate his guts instead?
Hahahaha lol these john kerry bashing things are funny!
I like the retarded mule comment. Isn’t that how Bush got elected in 2000?
Prachtige site, ik haat Kerry ook, vieze vuile linkse lul. Trouwens, ik vind dat ie op Frankenstein’s wezen lijkt en niet op Lurch!! 😉
You know, considering which party it was that led the charge into Vietnam, and later criticized the same war, it’s kind of interesting that they want to make that war an issue. Their own dear Lyndon Johnson insisted on running the war from the oval office, tying the hands of the commanders in the field and leaving them in a situation where they weren’t allowed to do what needed to be done to protect their own troops, much less win the war. I think Bush’s decision to serve in a way that kept him out of that war was pretty intelligent. It’s possible to be a patriot and still to see that your government is wrong and not want to go to an “unjust war” (which I think was one of the liberal left’s favorite names for the Vietnam War).
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t belittle what the guys who went over there did at all. They were betrayed by their own government which sent them into a war they were not allowed to win though they fought valiantly. And who was in the oval office when that mess started up and which party was in the White House when we finally dragged ourselves out of there and quit sending our soldiers over there to be slaughtered? The soldiers didn’t lose the Vietnam War, the micro-managing liberal, war-on-poverty knuckleheads in the White House lost it.
This time the president sent our guys in, not to prop up some suspect barely pro-American Asian regime, but to take out a genocidal maniac. He didn’t tell them, now don’t actually hurt the bad guys, he told them to go kick Saddam’s fuzzy butt and gave them the hardware with which to do it. And they did it quite well – in fact they did it so well it caused some problems for our military strategists who had under-estimated our boys’ capabilities and hadn’t planned to win so quickly.
I just believe we’d be better off with someone who knows how to let the commanders do what they do, who knows when to stand up and do what you have to do instead of letting the French and Germans (with their long history of peaceful co-existence & stunning diplomatic successes) dictate to us how we should defend our country against a hostile and very determined enemy.
As to our military losses, I understand the fear and grief of families with loved ones in theater, but I’m quite sure also that our soldiers would rather we risk their lives over there rather than risk that their loved ones here would have to endure another 3,000+ men, women and children killed and wounded. I know they’d rather fight them over there than sit here snug within our borders waiting for another bomb to go off or plane to drop out of the sky.
Give me a president that can make a decision and execute without interminable navel gazing. The president may not have the highest IQ (although Harvard MBA’s aren’t exactly given to stupid people so he’s probably in the top 5-10%), but IQ measures only 2 of 7 types of basic intelligence and leadership intelligence is a function of a broad range of intelligences, not just verbal and math. So do you want high math scores or high leadership ability?
People with high IQ’s are arguably not the best people to be leaders anyway. Research supports that brainiacs tend to be as equally out of touch with society at large as are those with mild mental retardation. They tend to be too introspective, too indecisive and too out of touch with the fat part of the bell curve.
If you listen to what BUsh writes and what he says, you hear a rationed, reasonable man. I’m not talking off-the-cuff press conferences either which doesn’t measure leadership, only showmanship. I’ve got a 139 IQ and I babble when placed in a public venue where I have to answer rapid fire hostile questions.
Leadership has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with character, confidence and vision. Bush has it. I’ve been waiting to see it from Kerry, but I don’t think I’m ever going to. This supposedly smart man went out and made statements to the news media after he returned from Vietnam that got POW’s in Vietnam tortured and killed.
Kerry did leave men behind in Vietnam and his blundering, limelight grabbing anti-war activities got some of them hurt. When’s he going to apologize for that?
Tom King
Teresa Kerry got a wooden leg with a birdhouse in it.
Teresa Kerry face so dirty, when she smiles, she looks like a cheeseburger.
Teresa Kerry drive a 2-door potato.
Teresa Kerry live in a shoebox with an escalator.
Teresa Kerry got an afro with a chinstrap.
Teresa Kerry so cross-eyed. when she cries, tears roll down her back.
I went too far. That one’s older than Teresa Kerry
I really don’t mind the Kerry bashing, I’m an independant who bashes both Bush and Kerry on occasion; but without the Massachusetts liberals we’d probably still be part of Great Britain.
This might be old news considering the post was WAAAAAAAY back in February, but for Patrick who was belly aching about someone nagging him about his spell checker’s abilities, no it will not catch the difference between now and know but it should know that the word grammar is not spelled grammer. Misspelled words drive me nuts… almost as nuts as Democrats.
Ann Coulter is a dumb, ugly bitch!
Ann Coulter is not married because no one could love her crazy, giraffe-like self.
Republicans are either dumb ignorant hicks who are being brainwashed or greedy, rich fascists intent on taking over the world.
I was listening to the radio the other day, and I heard about a guy who had his wife pass away. He wrote in her obituary that she was a passionate conservative. Although succumbing to cancer, she was trying to hold out until Nov. 2nd, so that she could vote for John Kerry (she had cancer, after all… And Bush didn’t fund stem cell research to her liking). The man said that since one of her greatest passions in life was politics (which I find rather sad, but hey–whatever floats your boat), he wanted to urge the American voters to vote Kerry, and help her to achieve her dying wish.
The man immediately began getting prank phone calls and threats on his life. One of these callers was rude enough to say “On Nov. 2nd, when GW Bush is re-elected, I hope she burns in hell.”
Now I don’t agree with using an obituary to run a campaign ad, but I think what this caller said was quite rude. One thing is for certain, however: If Bush gets re-elected, that poor nameless gentleman’s wife won’t be burning in hell alone… She’ll have the rest of the country there to keep her company.
John Kerry is an intelligent Patriotic American who should be elected to The Presidency of The United States of America. He is the one candidate who can right what is wrong with America. If Gearge Bush was not already the Selected President and you looked at him objectively you would not intelligently be able to vote for him for President. Your portrayals of John Kerry are Un-American, Un-Patriotic, and totally biased and insulting to all Americans.
See what a conservative republican writer for the Orlando Sentinel has to say about Bush in his article: Vote for a Man, Not a Puppet
Bush sucks my ass. He is a son of a bitch. He has sex with mary poppins. Suck my balls bush. He is also horny, besides being a lesbian and a homo sexual. Go to hell where you belong bush. george w bush, unkown to the public, he is a trans sexual lesbian. He is a f***ing fruad and a moron. We didn’t need to go to war. He and dick my ass made babies together. Comment from the ass hole himself, “i like dicks.”