A Real Marine Answer

I meant to inlcude this in my Bite-Sized Wisdom when a reader alerted me to it, but I forgot. Anyway, Best of the Web picked up on it. Check for the item under the heading “Great Moments in Wartime Journalism”.

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  1. You gotta love the AP. I think their job must be to make sure that no matter how dumb the reader, they couldn’t come up with a stupid question the AP didn’t already have answered.

  2. I think the only reason for the AP’s existence is to make sure that there isn’t an overabundance of oxygen going to intelligent people. So they sit there and steal our oxygen.

  3. Asked how he knew the man killed was a gunman, Gurganus said: “He had a gun, and he was shooting at Marines. That’s what I call a gunman.”
    That sounds like Rumsfield logic (aka his daisy-cutter statement) delivered with Buck the Marine’s simple way of putting things.

  4. To me, it sounds like he has been cribbing from Dirty Harry movies – The Enforcer, I think.
    From memory:
    “When I see a rapist, I shoot the bastard.”
    “What makes you think he was a rapist?”
    “When a naked man is chasing a woman down an alleyway with nothing but a hardon and a carving knife, I don’t figure he’s out collecting for the Red Cross.”

  5. Also on that page:
    Asked how it feels to have Ted Kennedy
    stumping for him now, Kerry says, “It’s
    neat–pinch me; is this really happening?”
    I think if we just crown him Miss America, he would probably go away happy.

  6. How do we know she’s a witch?

    (Classic via Scott at AMCGLTD and Frankenimao) AP: U.S. Marines Say They Killed Haiti Gunman U.S. Marine Col. Charles Gurganus said gunfire broke out on the northeast corner of the plaza and several people were wounded before Marines spotted two…

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