If you want a more serious take on Michael Moore, read Jonah Goldberg’s column today.
Smart people read IMAO everyday says one out of one smart people.
Michelle Malkin has a contest for coming up with t-shirt slogans for celebrities (I already put down my idea).
Blackfive has a Marine’s response to the capture of one of their own.
The lady writes a good blog. She may even get a spot in my link bar.
Hey Frank, did you screw up the link to Goldberg’s article on purpose?
There; fixed it. Now you can read Jonah if you really want to.
Very funny entry in the t-shirt contest! I was laughing before I even realized it was yours Frank!
Folks, here’s an even better, more coherent, and just damn-near drives the nail into the squishy, walnut-size organ that M.Moore has in his cranium.
I my jaw was hanging agape after reading this, it is SO right on.
Day-um! That column affected me I totally stumbled over my last sentence in my previous post. Whoops!
has a bit from a Primus tune playing in his head, something about “So I kissed him upside the cranium with that aluminum baseball bat”
Anyone for Moore-ish T-ball?
“I hate George, but I love bush!”
-Rosie O’Donnell
that one is hilarious
ditto what jonag said, out loud laughing was i.
Yeah Frank, your t-shirt wins.
Lots of funny suggestions for T-Shirts, Frank. Though there’s not enough cotton the the planet for a T-Shirt for Jabba the Putz.
I added my two cents, anyway.