He’s Now More Famous

On my way home from work, I heard John Hawkins’s new poll of bloggers about the Harriet Miers nomination (which SarahK, Lair, and I participated in) mentioned on the Laura Ingraham Show. Cool!
Interestingly, NRO recently had an article saying Bush should dump Miers and nominate Ingraham.
OT, an IMW is waiting for posting this afternoon.


  1. Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter are both more qualified for the Supreme Court than Harriet Miers.
    I cracked during the President’s radio address last Saturday when he proudly said Harriet Miers was in the Top 100 female lawyers in the USA because I expected him to add: “Just behind Janice Rogers Brown, Edith Clement, and ‘Judge Judy.'”
    Harriet Miers isn’t the #1 lawyer, but Ann Coulter has been #1 on the best seller’s list numerous times. Laura Ingraham has been #1 in her time slot, often beating out MALE show hosts.
    What has Harriet Miers placed first in? The Emperor from Star Wars look-alike contest.

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