Where’s the Friggin Memo?

I keep hearing that maybe the conservatives are bashing Miers so much to get the Democrats to lower their guard. That means that all the pundits and bloggers have gotten their secret VWRC newsletter letting them to bash Miers for now so she can slip through confirmation. But I haven’t been overly bashing Miers because I didn’t get any sort of memo.
I’m a top 100 blog by most measures! I should get these memos!
Fine, then I’m going to like Harriet Miers.
Miers is great! Yay! I bet she’ll vote coservative on all the issues and be the Democrats’ worst nightmare! Hooray!
There. It’s done.


  1. Silly man, pay more attention!
    The memo was secretly encoded into advertisements. You know, in the warnings at the end that are read really, really fast.
    Like- blah blah lasting longer than four hours should result in a trip to the emergency room where you will use reverse psycology, screaming distrust of Meirs…
    Or- yadda yaddo objects may appear larger than they really actually are causing you to say Meirs is a liberal in disguise.
    It sounds lots better when saying it really, really fast.

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