Cannibal Muckadoos

I like the new craze with the moonbats; since they’re unsuccessful attacking conservatives, they’re now after the weaker liberals.
Yes, please spend all your energy on bringing down Chris Matthews and Katie Couric; that’ll really scare us.


  1. This sounds like a job for me, Aquaman, your web-fingered crusader.
    Actually, my toes are webbed, too,
    This sounds like a job for me, Aquaman, your web-fingered and web-toed crusader.
    No, too wordy. I’ve been reading Strunk and White lately. I’m thinking of writing a supplement for communicating with fish, but I’m having trouble finding a publisher. Well, such is the life of a major superhero. So let’s try again:
    All in a day’s work for your web-digited superhero!
    That should be on a poster or something.
    As I was saying, why wait for the loony left to devour itself when my piranha friends can do the work in a fraction of the time? All we have to do first is convince them to bathe in the Amazon. You guys figure that one out, and I’ll be there! With my amazing fish-communicating abilities.

  2. OMG!! this is like when the baby mocking bird knocks the “actual species product” hatchling out of the nest and just feeds on the gullible parent birds that are too stupid to notice the big fat blob of a bird now sitting in their nest isn’t even their own offspring.
    I watch Animal Planet WAY too much…LIBERALS SUCK!!!

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