I looked like that once. Of course, that was seconds before the Hebrew God exploded my head for trifling with his Ark.
This is a little off topic, but check this out: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,183507,00.html
From all the lies you told us, I have to say that this whole thing reeks of Glenn Reynolds.
“And here we have a still photo of our subject. This Bellowing Hippo was seen rampaging through the House of Representatives and on Caiptol Hill in general, up until the moment she was finally put down by the game master’s tranquilizer gun. This still was taken at the moment of impact.
Senator Clinton has been taken to a zoo in Mongolia where she will no longer do damage to the American Democratic Process. Upon waking, she raged about her personal freedoms, but was of course ignored as it was evident she has no care for anyone’s personal freedoms, as evidenced by her rampage.
For National Geographic today, I’m Jesse W. Good night and Good Day.”
Big red gas bag out of reach,a deflating Hilary gestures with eyes to to alert aide to attach it before her chances of running for presid… kersplunk!! and the hose is reinserted.
Bill let go of my A..!
Caption: Must…resist…use..of….the..scream…of…doom
Bride of Chucky
(color her face green, and you have “The Mask”)
I looked like that once. Of course, that was seconds before the Hebrew God exploded my head for trifling with his Ark.
This is a little off topic, but check this out:
From all the lies you told us, I have to say that this whole thing reeks of Glenn Reynolds.
Fffffffurget you!!
(almost didn’t see the microphone)
trying to outdo Nicolson’s character from The Shining!!
The queen of the harpies prepares to unleash her acid spit on the unsuspecting bystanders.
And now the retarded chipmunk face!
“Dahlink! Giff to me Lartch Kees!”
And don’t you EVER touch my penis, AGAIN!!!!!!
“And then I made this face and shrieked ‘Join the dark side, Jeffords!’ Works every time.”
“And here we have a still photo of our subject. This Bellowing Hippo was seen rampaging through the House of Representatives and on Caiptol Hill in general, up until the moment she was finally put down by the game master’s tranquilizer gun. This still was taken at the moment of impact.
Senator Clinton has been taken to a zoo in Mongolia where she will no longer do damage to the American Democratic Process. Upon waking, she raged about her personal freedoms, but was of course ignored as it was evident she has no care for anyone’s personal freedoms, as evidenced by her rampage.
For National Geographic today, I’m Jesse W. Good night and Good Day.”
Big red gas bag out of reach,a deflating Hilary gestures with eyes to to alert aide to attach it before her chances of running for presid… kersplunk!! and the hose is reinserted.
Coming Soon: The life of a moonbat senator
“Wait just a sec while I put on my ‘girlfreeeeind from da hood’ persona…”