Virginia Gov Tim Caine (No Apprarant relation to Kwai Chang)
-Was a missionary, King still dead.
-Speaks like Kirk…with…awkard …pauses
-Bush spends where bad, cuts spending where good.
-[is his left eyebrow fake? It’s coming loose, about to fly off his forehead. Is he a Human/animal hybrid?]
– We want to outsource your drugmaking. Send pharmaceutical jobs over the border/overseas.
– Some other stuff, a better way…blah blah
[Why’d they get a Governor? Why not Dean? heh]
-Together… we can…do…….. better
[Why did the response follow the speech? I question the timing!]
Archive of entries posted on January 2006
State of the Union
Live Blogging SotU
- Bunch of people in suits and dresses.
- Some old guys are in dresses. Black dresses.
- Sheehan detained, sneaking in a sign, which is a NO-NO.
- President getting announced. Comes out. Shakes some hands. Kisses some women. Black women.
- President: looks nice, blue tie, not too chimpy.
[Speech] - President says the king Creta of Scotland is dead.
- People that oppose me are traitorous morons.
- War isn’t over. and Hamas better not mess up Israel.
- Iran, no nukes, We like you Iran, but don’t piss us off.
- Enemy, radical islam, could still attack, we have a miliary.
- Before 9/11 we weren’t listening, now we are listening, are YOU listening?
[ Billary smirks]
-Let’s lead this world to freedom. Other worlds, for get ’em.
[Is Billary chewing gum? YES! i wonder what flavor. Must be bitter, Could be her cud]
-American economy Rulz and totally R0X0R5. Immigrants are good! - Congress, act responsibly, make tax cuts permanent.
- Pass line item veto!
- Baby boomers are booming, Dad likes Bil.
- Democrats cheering, ‘We didn’t save social security! Yay!”
- World should buy American, American workers are good.
- Border needs control and improvement and some other stuff. But amnesty bad, guest workers good.
- Health insurance is good and folks should have it, maybe govt can help? [what?]
- USA Addicted to oil, advanced energy research.
- Plan for power from clean coal, wind, solar, Nu-ku-lar
[laptop froze up] - USA needs to stay competitive. more math, more science. Not for me, them.
- Kids need to be smart, suceed so America succeeds. Support this initiative which is hard for me to pronounce.
- Crime low, welfare cases low, drug use down. Sin has really slacked off.
- Everybody here, dems and repubs should be proud, Applaud me!, Not you Jeffords!
- We have new Justices! Yay! Roberts and Alito.
- Justice O’Connor retires. Thanks, babe.
- No clones, no hybrids (except cars) don’t sell humans, embryos, life valuable. Too valuable to sell. [Like sex!]
- First lady, wearing pink dress, is doing…something for America.
- NO is in bad shape, [Gov Blanco grimacing], we should rebuild and make better and good for people who think life sucks.
- Ryan White, HIV/AIDS is bad, we should do something, drugs maybe?
- Are we going halfway? No that’s weak let go finish well and lead, an do good stuff, forward and confident.
-May God bless America
-Pres drinks, water? vodka? hard to say, looks like shot glass, high fives Supreme Court. - Shakes more hands, condi
We got some problems, here are some plans.
I didn’t get everything I wanted, meet me half way.
Iran, we are gonna mess you up if you [bleep] with nukes.
Iranians, we got your back, wink wink, nudge. - still shaking hands, taking pictures,
- is Billary holding a cardboard cutout of Abramoff for the camera to get shot with Prez? Nah.
- Update Sheehan arested for bringing an antiwar tshirt.. Who wears a tshirt to SotU? California’s next senator that’s who.
- Update/Cry for attention:Michelle Malkin links to a lot of live blogging, not mine, but a lot.
Addicted To Oil
(My apologies to the late Robert Palmer)
“Addicted To Oil”
by W
Your enginer’s on, back on the road
You’re at the bank, you need a loan
Your heart sweats, your body shakes
The heating bill is all it takes
You can’t drive, stuck in the grass
That SUV burns too much gas
Your budget’s tight, you can’t breathe
A smaller car is what you need
Whoa, you like to think that you’re conservin’ the stuff, oh yeah
It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t burn enough
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to oil
You saw the signs, but paid no heed
The price of oil made you concede
Those OPEC thieves took your last dime
That ANWR land is looking fine, a one track mind
You can’t be saved
A hybrid car is all you crave
If there’s some gas for you
You don’t mind if you do
Whoa, you like to think that you’re conservin’ the stuff, oh yeah
It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t burn enough
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to oil
As Much as I Want to Hear a Long-Winded Speech…
I got to help win back the hood in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, so I’m going to pass on the SOTU. Anyway, I’m always more interested in the analysis afterwards. Hey, I admit it: I don’t know what to think until others tell me.
But, if something interesting happens, like Bush and Alito telling the filibustering Democrats to “suck it,” Bush declaring himself emperor and disolving the Senate, or Chuck Norris coming in and roundhouse kicking all the Dems in the face, then tell me in the comments.
Browning’s Blustering Bozos
It shouldn’t have been hard to predict that the 9th Circuit Court would declare the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Unconstitutional and uphold and injunction barring its enforcement. If the Constitution allowed for crucifixes to hang in courtrooms, the 9th would ban the use of walls.
The 8th did a similar thing on PBA. The 5th, on the other hand, was too busy treading water and going “Glub glub glub” to come to a decision.
Now that the Supreme Court’s been Alito-sized and a stable 5-4 majority for all things conservative is in place, I believe the infamous Ninth Circus Court with its clown-car system of 28 justices forever playing musical benches for 11 butt-sized spaces is about to be rendered nothing more than a document-shuffling outpost on the Left Coast until reform comes to roost. (Or until Ann Coulter realizes that spiking Senile Stevens’ breakfast mush is pointless now, and a little “special” granola gets sent to Browning and his rag-tag lefty legal eagles.)
You know, it’s almost like watching Jordan launch from the key, Patrick Ewing just standing there in the paint totally helpless to do anything but get stuffed and rocked for two in the worst way. At some point, you sit Ewing down and just let Stark take a pair of Air Jordans to the face for a quarter or two.
I want one! I want one!
A Victory Today For The Unborn! GLOAT!!!!
Here’s my Alito gloating.
No.. scratch that. it doesn’t quite fit the sentiment I feel. Make that…
Continue reading ‘A Victory Today For The Unborn! GLOAT!!!!’ »
Justice Alito… Say It, Biatch!
58 to 42!
Hey, wingnuts, what’s that I see fleeing? Oh! It’s Roe v. Wade? Bye, Roe v. Wade!
Now your daughters won’t be able to get abortions… daughters who should have been aborted in the first place if it weren’t for Alito to stop you!
So, crazy KosKids, how’s it feel to be completely impotent? I mean, you got 25 Senators scared into voting for a filibuster, but that just shows how weak the current Dems are now to actually be influenced by you nutters. Really; all that effort for nothing… just like 2004.
And 2002.
And 2000.
Well, that’s it. Alito will now rule away all your rights and round you into camps. Thanks for playing the game.
Greenspan’s last laugh?
Alan Greenspan will finish his tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve today with a final rate-setting meeting:
The Fed is expected to boost a key interest rate by a quarter-point. That would mark the 14th increase in the Fed’s target for the federal funds rate, the interest that banks charge each other, since Greenspan and his colleagues launched their credit-tightening campaign 19 months ago.
Those moves pushed the funds rate from a more than four-decade low of 1 percent up to 4.25 percent before Tuesday’s meeting. Short-term consumer and business borrowing costs have moved in lockstep with the Fed changes.
The prime rate, the benchmark for millions of home equity and other consumer and business loans, was at 7.25 percent before this week’s meeting. It would rise to 7.5 percent with the expected Fed rate increase, which would be the highest level in nearly five years.
Of course, that’s all based on a quarter-point increase.
What if Greenspan raised the rates by twenty points?
That’s right. Twenty points.
Look, Greenspan’s 78 and he’s retiring. He’s not just old. He’s crazy old. Almost liche-like in his appearance.
He probably doesn’t have much time to spend everything he’s got stashed away in Swiss bank accounts, and his wife’s got one of them high-falootin’ journalism jobs so she doesn’t need egg-and-cocaine money from Daddy Greenbucks. He’s already got his mansion and his vacation home and army of ninja economist followers at his disposal, so it’s very likely he’s not going to need any more loans before it’s time to start pushing up the daisies.
The man’s the most powerful finance man in the world. There’s nothing to stop him from having a little fun and jacking things up into the twenties.
Follow the Boy Scout Creed: Be prepared. (No, not “Keep your knife sharp for the day when the scoutmaster offers a badge for unzipping and bending over.”)
Based on this fact, I strongly suggest y’all consider filling up your tubs with an emergency supply of water, purchase a large number of firearms, and buy up as much hard commodities as possible like gold or pork-bellies.
Vote to Confirm Alito at 1100 Today
Brokeback Mountain Sequel
The “Bush Did It!” Game: Coretta Scott King
After we found a Democratic Underground thread about the death of actor Chris Penn in which one poster suggested Bush had him killed, one of the IMAO bloggers (sorry, I forgot who and don’t have the e-mails at hand to look it up) suggested we do a countdown from the time any famous figure dies until someone at DU blames Bush.
Anyway, at 0708 this morning, a link to a news article of the death of Crretta Scott King was posted. At 0807, someone wrote this. I think that counts and makes the time until Bush blame just shy of an hour.
UPDATE: DU has fallen into its “Diebold will steal the elections anyway, so none of this matters” doldrums. Someone tries to talk some sense to them. Watching the crazies tear him down should be fun…
UPDATE 2: The thread trying to talk sense into Democrats got locked for being “flamebait.”
24 Day 5 – 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
hiya folks. Frank wants me to post my 24 notes and quotes here from now on, to save y’all from having just a one-liner “wasn’t 24 bad-pinkytoe last night” post. so here it is. also, if you want to see my previous recaps from this season, follow these links:
8 a.m.
9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m.
spoilers below the fold…