Fun Facts About Maryland – The Director’s Cut

The version on the IMAO podcast (Feb 13th “It’s About Something, We Think”) was cut here & there for time & quality reasons.
My unsullied and divinely inspired artistic vision is in the extended entry…

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Don Knotts

One of the creepy things about running a dead pool is that I don’t need to read the headlines or watch the news to know that a famous person has died. I just check my stats, slog through the hundreds of hits in an hour for that celebrity’s name and the word “dead” with it in a Google search, and I know that there’s one more face to be added to the Emmys or Oscars morgue’s gallery.
What’s even creepier is when people slam the site with a celebrity’s name and the word “dead” but the celebrity isn’t dead. Horatio Sanz is the most common subject of furious and fast Google searches when someone passes around a new rumor about him.
Anyway, I thought I’d share that bit of information before asking:
What was your favorite Don Knotts movie?

Hate Love Filled Open Thread

Since we are having a lot of enlightened comment from the left, I would lke to offer this comment thread as a means for you who so desire to offer your advice on how killing babies is a GOOD thing, under the right circumstances.
Put us in our place. Shut us up. Tell us where to go. Perhaps you think we may not realize how dumb we are, this is your golden chance to let us know! All the things that advance your side’s arguement. Don’t blow it!
By blowing it I mean forgetting to do it with love or forgetting to speak from your happy place.
Listen to me, you fail to speak with love from your happy place, then sadly, you’re just going to push us further away from the path of love and enlightenment that you have found. And in the end you’ll just look like the hate-filled moron we’re sure you probably think you aren’t.
We are listening. Spew, I mean speak.

First New IMAO T-Shirt Since… Like Forever

It’a a new IMAO T-Shirt, IMAO’s Top 10 U.S. Military Slogans, and it’s in a new color from all the other shirts we’ve had. Go check it out and pre-order because our pets need food. We heard a dog can go a month without eating, but we’d like to feed Rowdi more often than that.