First New IMAO T-Shirt Since… Like Forever

It’a a new IMAO T-Shirt, IMAO’s Top 10 U.S. Military Slogans, and it’s in a new color from all the other shirts we’ve had. Go check it out and pre-order because our pets need food. We heard a dog can go a month without eating, but we’d like to feed Rowdi more often than that.



  1. I wish upon you that SarahK will one day get raped. You will be devestated. Then, the next shock will come…she is pregnant. I wish you to go through what women in SD will have to go through if they were to be impregnated by a rapist….you and Sarah will have to give birth to a child that was born of a henious crime. Now justify that.
    [Frank J.: Well, were such a thing to have happened and the attempted rapist didn’t catch a bullet, it would be a horrible thing but we would not add to the tragedy with blood of the innocent.
    What I wish for you, Julie, is that you get over your anger. It’s not healthy to wish such things upon someone simply because you disagree with him or her.]

  2. Would any of you losers keep a baby born out of rape? For all your bullshit religous posturing, none of you would be any different were you to find yourself in this same situation. Yes, it will make it better not to give birth to a baby born of some pedophile alcoholic uncle. Or of a gun-wielding rapist.
    Moral and ethical posturing. Funny you hate the Muslims so much, but the rest of the world is supposed to believe that you will spend billions of dollars and send thousands of troops just to give freedom to the very people every one of you mock and despise. Expain that.
    Go to hell, or if you live in Texas, stay there.

  3. That’s adorable. I believe that murdering innocent babies is wrong, so you wish that I get raped. Your fantastic grasp of logic and humanity humbles me. I wouldn’t punish the baby for the sins of its father. It’s not the baby’s fault.

  4. and anyway, that is such a load of crap. like anyone would keep a baby that was from their father, so you could always say, there is your father, and your grandfather. Or a baby from an Arab, to make it especially pleasing for you guys.

  5. It’s a miracle! The poisonous lefty hatred has changed me into a hate-filled lefty of love and peace! Never again shall I donate to tsunami relief funds or ink my finger in support of new democracies. I’ll spend all my time and money in expensive coffee shops listening to bad poetry about the evil government. Yay!

  6. Jamesey, I don’t see any question about Iraq. All I see is a buch of bigoted ad hominem attacks directed at Christian and conservatives in general and SarahK specifically. Now if your “question” was the broad baseless acusation that everyone here hates Muslims then I’ll respond. You see Americans tend to not like totalitarian governments, whether here or abroad. The fundamental base for America is that ALL people deserve to be free. Nowhere in the founding documents of this country does it say that the government give you these rights. The Constitution, the Bill of Right, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independance all say that our rights are the inherant rights of ALL people. And yes the cost is worth it to bring freedom to millions of people and we aren’t done. If you can;t get over your mindless bigotry then keep you comments to yourself.

  7. Hey, anencephalic lefty piles of excrement!
    I bought a shirt – are you seething?
    Remember, hate makes you stronger. How’s that been working out for you? President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Republican Senate, Republican House – BWAH HA HA HA!
    (I won’t stoop to your level and express my wishes that you had been aborted – you know, Karma and whatnot).

  8. 1) The shirt is freaking hilarious! Must…buy…now.
    2) Poking fun at the extreme elements of Arab and Muslim culture != hating all arabs. Quite the contrary: we bash the extreme elements because we want the masses over there to be FREE of those extreme elements.
    3) Wishing rape upon someone is a horrible, hate-filled act. I have to say that Julie could not have offended me more had she spewed Nazi sayings on this board, and I’ve never even met SarahK or FJ! Liberals want people to be ashamed and apologize for all kinds of minor infractions (“You look nice today.” “Sexual harrasment! Repent pig!”). Where’s the apology for wishing rape upon another human being simply because they disagree with you???
    4) Why are liberals so eager to kill a baby conceived in rape, but not the rapist? Why does the baby die while the rapist gets three square meals, a bed, and counseling in prison?
    5) “Total destruction in 30 minutes or the next one is free.” God, that is some funny stuff!

  9. This comment page is great today. Once again we get to see the true colors of liberal folks. Julie’s statements are not shocking, however. They are merely sad.
    Bullet-proof love to you, Frank & Sara, for rising above the hate & encouraging others here to do the same.

  10. (1) Wishing someone gets raped to teach them a lesson is really quite sick.
    (2) Yes, as crazy as you might think, I would actually keep the baby! That’s right! Murder is murder, and love transcends all. You should have paid more attention in your history class to the story of MLK Jr. He rose above it all to fight hate with love, which is against all human instinct. It takes some serious training and deep down love for your brother to turn the other cheek.
    And it worked! Oh, and by the way, he was a black man from the poor south. He changed the world, man! Even conservative white good ol’ boy thinking (over time for some). He had some real open mindedness. Which is much more than I can say for most hatred-spitting lefties who post here.

  11. The shirt is actually very funny. It really is too bad though that we’ve become so militaristic. As our own experience shows, freedom and democracy come best from within, supported from those outside (and some of the French-bashing on this site conveniently forgets that the French were our allies in our own war for freedom). Without them we wouldn’t be where we are today – the English would have crushed us. And, however misguided, the Iraqi insurgents are following our example. They see us as an occupying power (granted that we really aren’t, but the ignorant over there believe we are) and are valiantly trying to defeat us. They have some tactics that are abhorrent, but – within their close-minded worldview – they are “freedom fighters.” It’s going to be a tough road over there the longer we stay. We can’t educate every idiot so they can know the truth, and their version of “protest” includes mass homicide, so they’ll keep killing the troops that are there to help them. And some over here cheer this situation. Our troops are dying trying to save people who want to kill them. It makes me sad.

  12. I have a dear friend who was raped at 16 and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. That child is now a lovely 14 year old who was adopted by a loving couple who see her as a blessing, not a curse.
    Julie, you are a nasty piece of work to wish something like rape on another woman.
    Frank, I hate the color. Where’s my periwinkle? (3 years I’ve been asking….not getting any younger here)

  13. Chris, I think the shirt might be more of a humor statement, not a mission statement. I could be wrong.
    The insurgents are “following our example”? Do you know of a lot of American revolutionaries that blew up schools & beheaded random foreigners?

  14. Chris, I’m going to have to disagree with you on the whole “freedom fighter” thing. There was a CENTCOM update a while back that had excerpts of statements from leaders of the terrorists. (Last time I tried to find it, the archives didn’t go back that far.) They flat out said that they didn’t want the Iraqi people to have control of their own country. They planned on wresting control from them and using Iraq as a base from which they could further their extremist Muslim regime.

  15. Wow…I just came in to say that I love the shirts and there are rape wishes???!!! What woman would ever say such a thing? How would a NOW or NARAL membership and the devastation that you can’t kill your baby in SD justify wishing another woman was raped?!
    I think this may call for another new IMAO shirt boys…

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