it’s the Jack Bauer Power Hour! complete with graphic violence! spoilers below the fold…
Archive of entries posted on 20th February 2006
oh no you didn’t!
Don’t Make Her Happy… You Won’t Like Her When She’s Happy
I guess it’s on the next tougher grade kennel for Rowdi.
All she wanted to do was greet SarahK at the door!
Too bad she wasn’t out long enough to freak out the cats.
HA!! Take THAT!!
Yes, and they said I was insane for ironing my mail…
take a look at this!!
Sure, my junk mail could do without the starching, but still –
You never know!
The Moon Must Be Punished
The Quail Hunting Incident Is Symbolic of Everything That’s Right with the Bush Administration
An Editorial by Frank J.
As soon as I heard that Cheney shot a man in the face, my immediate reaction was, “This is why I voted for Bush.” I’ve had my doubts about President Bush at times, but, as this incident unfolded, it’s reminded me of everything that’s great about his administration.
First off, this incident involves guns. Gun rights are important to this nation, and even Democrats pay lip service to gun owners by saying they support hunting. Cheney didn’t just support hunting, though, but also demonstrated the most important purpose of guns – shooting people. The Bush Administration doesn’t just support guns for sport, they support gun use for self-defense.
One of the worst things about the Democrats is how they are beholden to trial lawyers – a scourge to our country with their constant lawsuits trying to ruin people and drive companies out of business. The Bush Administration, on the other hand, will shoot lawyers in the face – WITH A SHOTGUN! – even if they’re supporters. Now that is the action of people not ruled by special interests.
Also, look who did the shooting. It was Dick Cheney, a seasoned hunter. President George W. Bush has surrounded himself with many people good at what they do, so, instead of Bush wasting time shooting quails and lawyers himself, he left that to who knew it best. It was also left up to him whether to notify the Washington press corps, and he wisely chose not to since those people are dumb and all information is wasted on them.
Some may say that how the quail got away while the innocent lawyer (or, as innocent as lawyers get) took the blast in the face is symbolic of how Osama got away while we accidentally bombed that orphanage full of puppies, but, to me, it reminds me of how the Bush administration is determined to at least try and get the terrorists (quails) even in detriment to their own friends (specifically, Whittington).
Finally, there’s how Cheney didn’t pay for that seven dollar hunting stamp, which is another example of the Bush Administration’s contempt for excessive taxes. Yes, Cheney did eventually make out a check for seven dollars, but I hear he wrote “I hope you choke on this!” on the memo line.
So, all in all, I guess you can sum up the Bush Administration as one big hunting accident, and that’s why I love them.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on and is a frequent contributor to He is also the author of such books as “Not in the Face! – A Day with Dick Cheney” and “Extermination at All Costs: The Case Against Quails”.
International Eat An Animal For PETA Day
I just wanted to give y’all a heads up that the Fourth Annual International Eat An Animal For PETA Day is coming up on Wednesday March 15th, 2006.
Meryl Yourish started the Eat an Animal For PETA Day back in 2003 in reaction to the idiotic “Holocaust On Your Plate” campaign comparing chicken coops to deathcamps, and it’s gone International since then. Hence, the word “International” in the event’s name.
Anyway, a site is in the works to help people organize gathering-places in various cities for eating animals together. It will also allow people to post links to their own blog entries on eating animals.
Oh, and putting a putting a puppy in a blender and drinking it counts. It’s gross, but it counts. (Maybe that’s why SarahK and FrankJ got the new puppy?)
I look forward to the participation of the various IMAO bloggers and the loyal IMAO audience in this noble cause.
Ok, So Dead, Then?
Osama has issued another audiotape (why never a cd or an mp3 file?) apparantly it’s a slam against Saddam for being captured so easily, basically OBL says “I’ll never be captured alive.” That leaves being captured dead, and I think I, at least, can live with that.
Partial transcript.:
…Haha, that’s right, American infidels, if you ever dig me out of my cave, you’d better be ready to meet Allah, because I’ll be ready to make the intro, know how? Because that grenede I’ll be clutching will already have the pin pulled. You’ll be all, “look we got him, we got Osama, quick take my picture”, then, BLAMMO. 73 virgins for me, I got upgraded, I’m a frequent Jihadi, and eternal hellfire for you!
Oh noooo, you won’t be delousing me or checking my teeth on video, noooo and degrading me like you did ol’ Spiderhole man, the big baby, noooo. Not that you’d find any lice on me. They really are a significant source of protein! the experience is not unlike eating popcorn, popcorn that you find crawling on a friends scalp. But that is not the point. The point is when I go down, I’m taking as many of you with me as… [distant rumbles]…. infidels I got to go..[sound of squeaking].. the cave rats are running in towards us…. away from the bombs, there’ll be fresh meat tonight, yum! Oh, and don’t forget, read Chomsky! I do!
Religion of PEACE OUT
So, bagged and tagged instead of cuffed and stuffed. I applaud him for saying that, that’s the way I’ve wanted it all along, the dead part not the taking some of us with him part. Of course, “Hussein in the membrane” said something similar, back before we nabbed him and got him addicted to Cheetos.
Osama bin Laden promised never to be captured alive and declared the U.S. had resorted to the same “repressive” tactics used by Saddam Hussein, according to an audiotape purportedly by the Al Qaeda leader that was posted Monday on a militant Web site.
Now that Osama bin Laden is denoucing Saddam Hussein (albeit to take shots at America) is it now all right for the American left to do the same?
Seems Like An Important Story… But It Doesn’t Involve Cheney Shooting Anyone
So what’s all this with the Middle East now controlling our ports?
I’m angry at Bush on this one for putting me on the same side as Chuck Schumer; that makes me feel dirty.
The Last Dog Post Until the Next One
Rowdi was only liking the toys I’ve given her so-so, but then I bought a stuffed monkey toy. She immediately chomped down on it to crush its bones and then tossed it in her water bowl to drown it.
Good dog!
Rowdi is like the perfect dog (calm, sweet, obedient, already house-trained, hardly ever barks) with the only problem being that the cats are scared of her. My solution to that is to put both cats in a burlap sack and throw them in a bog. I honestly don’t know where to buy a burlap sack, though, but I bet I could find the nearest bog using Google. SarahK vetoed that idea, though.
Instead, we’ve penned off the kitchen and made that Rowdi’s area. The cat’s get the rest of the house since they were here first. Also, the kitchen gate is situated so that the cats will never see the dog unless they choose to go over and see her (which Sydney, being both dumb and brave, has done a couple times). Hopefully the cats will get over their fear in not too long, because I really want to let Rowdi have full run of the house. I don’t know about you, but to me the main point of a dog is for her to lay at your feet chewing a toy while you watch TV.
Anyway, wish SarahK luck. She has to take care of and walk big happy Rowdi until I get home from work today.