If it looks like a duck
….quacks like a duck
….walks like a duck
and smells like a duck- could it possible be a bear?
I don’t think so. This guy is a raving looooony and needs to be committed to Happy Acres. There to commune with people who think they are Napoleon, Caesar, Winston Churchill, George Washington and Jesus Christ. He’ll fit right in.
I lived in Caracas for two years, 2001-2002. Chavez has been systematically destroying every institution in civil democratic society that can challenge his power. Typical of one South American dictator after another over the last two hundred years. On the other hand he is spending billions on social programs that really are needed by the desperately poor majority of Venezuelans. When the oil money drys up AGAIN the next time and Chavez is discredited and there is not much to show AGAIN for all the money spent subsidizing bread and coffee…….who knows. Only the Chileans seem to be able to get it right in South America.
The US? A Coup? Is this guy just straight out trippin?
What a cretin.
I want Condi to snap him in half as an example to others.
I like this guy. I’m heading to Venezuela.
Hey, he kinda looks like a tanned, younger Bush
Can you get him to snap his fingers too.
If it looks like a duck
….quacks like a duck
….walks like a duck
and smells like a duck- could it possible be a bear?
I don’t think so. This guy is a raving looooony and needs to be committed to Happy Acres. There to commune with people who think they are Napoleon, Caesar, Winston Churchill, George Washington and Jesus Christ. He’ll fit right in.
looks like bush, except for the fact that he has more rhythm.
I lived in Caracas for two years, 2001-2002. Chavez has been systematically destroying every institution in civil democratic society that can challenge his power. Typical of one South American dictator after another over the last two hundred years. On the other hand he is spending billions on social programs that really are needed by the desperately poor majority of Venezuelans. When the oil money drys up AGAIN the next time and Chavez is discredited and there is not much to show AGAIN for all the money spent subsidizing bread and coffee…….who knows. Only the Chileans seem to be able to get it right in South America.
I always thought he looked more like Ross Perot.
These guys have to talk big while they’re alive, y’know? Because at the end it’s not “Don’t mess…” but “No mas.”
I think Cheney should invite him on a hunting trip.
And not tell the press for a week this time.