Krispy Kreme riots?

I got back from the Doctor’s office at 13:40, fell asleep.
I woke up to this news:

Krispy Kreme stores in Houston will turn off the lights next month.
The closings come as part of a legal settlement between Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and its Houston franchisee Lone Star Doughnuts Ltd.
The franchisee had sued Krispy Kreme, claiming the doughnut chain pressured Lone Star to open new stores and threatened to declare a default if the franchisee refused, according to court documents. It also claimed Krispy Kreme forced Lone Star to buy unnecessary equipment and marked up cost of goods and supplies, the documents show.
Lone Star officials weren’t immediately available for comment.

Excuse me a moment…
Riot! Burn the embassies! Attack the army bases! Storm th-

The six area Lone Star Doughnut stores will cease to operate as Krispy Kreme on March 8.
The stores will reopen as Jumble’s Dough Factory & Coffee Bar.
Krispy Kreme said today it plans to reopen stores in Houston, but didn’t say when.
“Krispy Kreme remains committed to developing the brand in the Houston market and plans to re-establish stores in the area at the appropriate time,” Steve Panagos, president of Krispy Kreme said in a statement released today.

Um… er… never mind.

Fun Trivia

Why is Bush telling us now about a terror plot that was foiled in 2002?

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American Idol hell week

well, Frank wants me to start cross-posting these here now that we’re to this stage of the competition. so here are my thoughts on last night’s show…

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IMAO Riddle

This family found a dead mouse in their Campbells soup!
Do you know why they’re so angry?

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Podcast Soon!

It’s all recorded, and Sarah is editing it togther today (and we’re already working on ideas for the next one).
Until then, I should mention that John Hawkins scored an interview with Kate O’Beirne, one of the lefts’ most hated women right now because of her new book.

Britney Spears’ Top Ten Excuses

Britney Spears was recently photographed driving down Pacific Coast Highway with her baby on her lap.
I don’t see how she could do that.
What’s worse is her lame excuse that she was “escaping from the paparazzi’ to protect her child. Personally, I don’t know if she’s done anything to deserve having her life endangered. I don’t know. Maybe she drew some silly cartoon, maybe she recorded another album. What I DO know is that this is one LAME excuse.
So here are the
Top Ten Excuses Britney Should Have Used For Driving With Her Baby In Her Lap…
10. (Looking down at belling and acting completely surprised) What? I’m not pregnant anymore? And it’s a boy!! yay.
9. I had somebody on my lap who doesn’t do anything and is completely dependent on me? Are you sure it wasn’t K-Fed?
8. Hey, buddy. somebody had to hold my beer can.
7. We have an agreement. I work the gas pedal and baby does the steering.
6. (Whining like a child) But baby likes to stick his head out the window.
5. K-Fed said I should lash the baby to the roofrack – but that would be irresponsible.
4. This is so much easier than those Baby On Board signs.
3. Who are you gonna believe – a picture, or my publicist?
2. That’s not just a baby – it’s an emergency airbag!
And the number one excuse Britney Could Have Used For Driving With Her Baby In Her Lap…
1.. I’m sorry, I got carried away singing the lyrics to PopoZao!

I Like Pandas!

Who remembers the Frank Fan Club and the One-Time Pads? If you do, DON’T SAY ANYTHING!!! It’s important we still don’t have any of that traced back to us because I think it’s time to once again make the crazy and paranoid more crazy and paranoid. First thing, I’ll need an e-mail list; anyone know the easiest way of maintaining a mass e-mail list? When that detail is figured out, I’ll tell you all how to sign up for the fun.