Q: Why did Sony terminate the Aibo product?
Archive of entries posted on 2nd February 2006
The Freshest Carnival of Comedy is up at SCG.
Taleena at Sun Comeprehending Glass has just notified me the Carnival of Comedy has been posted
I haven’t looked at it, did she do good?
I need hosts/ostesses.
If You’re Wondering Why Glenn Reynolds Is Acting Funny…
…it’s because he needs to check his puppies better before he blends them.
Spacemonkey’s New Book
–Welcome, Instapundit readers!
My new book* Anarchy Of Franks: How Monkeys With Ninja Training Empower Extraordinary Bloggers To Beat Big Lefty Bloggers, Big Centrist Bloggers and Other Goofballs. is ready to go to the publisher!
My book** is all about*** the GBW (Great Blog War) and how Frank J. is the Anti-Insta and oops, I’ve given too much of the plot away already. So, buy, then read**** the book! Oh shoot, just buy***** it, I don’t really care****** if you read it or not.
My book is NOT associated in any way with Glenn Reynolds’******* book, An Army of Davids
* If ONLY I had a book.
** When I ever get around to writing one.
***.Or more likely some… other stuff, would you buy one?
**** There’s no book, really.
***** Cha-ching! I likey da money. Woops forgot, no book.
****** This is probably the truest part of this whole thing.
******* Glenn, please, don’t sue me for what I did to the cover art.
The Only Thing I Might Pull Out Is My Foot Out of Your Ass… But It’s Unlikely
A Marine is hit by an IED, and, as soon as he is patched up, he stands up and flips the captured terrorist the bird (he refused being brought to the helicopter on a stretcher so as not to show the terrorist weakness).
That’s like Chuck Norris bad.
He probably could have gone home on that injury but didn’t want to. Semper Fi.
Now Send Me a Free Copy
Glenn Reynolds has his book available for pre-order. It’s currently ranked #133 in books, but let’s see how well it will do now that I am telling everyone to go buy it now.
UPDATE: It’s now ranked #1,283,945 in books.
Pez – The Bread Of Life!
Q: What flavor of candy do you get from a Glenn Reynolds Pez Dispenser?
Kids These Days
Everyone keeps saying how kids these days don’t have basic knowledge, but they seem to know Ted Kennedy pretty well (second paragraph).
(hat tip to Best of the Web)
In other news, the bipolars at Democratic Underground, who just moments ago were claiming that Alito would beckon in the apocalypse, are wondering if he’s the next Souter after his first decision. Bad Alito! You’re supposed to be for the killing of everyone and everything!