Ok, So Dead, Then?

Osama has issued another audiotape (why never a cd or an mp3 file?) apparantly it’s a slam against Saddam for being captured so easily, basically OBL says “I’ll never be captured alive.” That leaves being captured dead, and I think I, at least, can live with that.
Partial transcript.:

…Haha, that’s right, American infidels, if you ever dig me out of my cave, you’d better be ready to meet Allah, because I’ll be ready to make the intro, know how? Because that grenede I’ll be clutching will already have the pin pulled. You’ll be all, “look we got him, we got Osama, quick take my picture”, then, BLAMMO. 73 virgins for me, I got upgraded, I’m a frequent Jihadi, and eternal hellfire for you!


Oh noooo, you won’t be delousing me or checking my teeth on video, noooo and degrading me like you did ol’ Spiderhole man, the big baby, noooo. Not that you’d find any lice on me. They really are a significant source of protein!  the experience is not unlike eating popcorn, popcorn that you find crawling on a friends scalp. But that is not the point. The point is when I go down, I’m taking as many of you with me as… [distant rumbles]….  infidels I got to go..[sound of squeaking].. the cave rats are running in towards us…. away from the bombs, there’ll be fresh meat tonight, yum! Oh, and don’t forget, read Chomsky!   I do!
Religion of PEACE OUT

So, bagged and tagged instead of cuffed and stuffed. I applaud him for saying that, that’s the way I’ve wanted it all along, the dead part not the taking some of us with him part. Of course, “Hussein in the membrane” said something similar, back before we nabbed him and got him addicted to Cheetos.


  1. So, it’s just a matter of time before we see Osama doing laundry in his underwear – if the whole “pride goes before a fall” rule of life is still in effect. I, for one, certainly haven’t heard of it being repealed anytime recently.

  2. Do you think he has indoor plumbing in his cave, the location he’s being so high-and-mighty from? If not, how often do you think he has to crawl out of his cave to empty the bucket he must use? Unless he sleeps in it…
    Or eats it…
    In which case, I’m sure the Marines would rather take his dirty ass dead too.

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