International Eat An Animal For PETA Day

I just wanted to give y’all a heads up that the Fourth Annual International Eat An Animal For PETA Day is coming up on Wednesday March 15th, 2006.
Meryl Yourish started the Eat an Animal For PETA Day back in 2003 in reaction to the idiotic “Holocaust On Your Plate” campaign comparing chicken coops to deathcamps, and it’s gone International since then. Hence, the word “International” in the event’s name.
Anyway, a site is in the works to help people organize gathering-places in various cities for eating animals together. It will also allow people to post links to their own blog entries on eating animals.
Oh, and putting a putting a puppy in a blender and drinking it counts. It’s gross, but it counts. (Maybe that’s why SarahK and FrankJ got the new puppy?)
I look forward to the participation of the various IMAO bloggers and the loyal IMAO audience in this noble cause.


  1. I mean dead American garbage, of course. Cheers!
    And also, how about show some partial nudity, or maybe even some kissing on broadcast tv, and really get some repug blood boiling and cardiac arrests.

  2. How about I eat a sector of roasted camel, grilled over a propane fire–with propane supplied by Halliburton, of course!
    Thank you for your concern for American garbage, but I regret to inform you that Jane Fonda is not yet dead, just her career.
    Cardiac arrests, you say? Good for business! I’ll be busy!

  3. Hey, no complaints here! Saudi royalty is garbage too. Those high-school dropouts garbage-American (whew, I hope I wasnt rude before, calling them American garbage) troops can all cosy up with their greasy oil buddies, and then we can nuke them both of the face of this Earth.

  4. How about fish? Does fish count? I’ve started eating a lot more fish since that lady in some “save the fish”-organization was over here on one of our boats. She claimed that our methods of fishing was “extremely violent and cruel”.

  5. Norseman,
    You can only eat it if it’s a cute Dolphin or baby Harp Seal. Though those aren’t technically fish.
    Forget about fish… make it a soubly special day… grill something off the endangered species list.
    Humans First. American humans that is. Then the rest of you can figure out where you are on the food chain and feast on the table scraps of American prosperity. A bit like the whole world has been doing since WWII. I guess that would make the rest of the world parasites. Just like our un-hugged and un-kissed European fellow who is so concerned with garbage, and so very brave expressinghis opinions anonymously.
    But I Digress!
    No fish, Norse. I has to be a Mammal, and preferrably as innocent and defenseless as possible. I’m going to buy veal just for Tomorrow!

  6. Hey, lets nuke every animal on this planet. Animals suck. PETA sucks. Liberals suck. Lets nuke every liberal on this planet. And every liberal state in America. Lets like, bring down building in really big liberal states, by like flying planes into them or something. Wait….i mean….ahh, libruls suck.
    This just in: Bush Rules.
    Hot off the Press: NASCAR drivers do more than just drive in a circle.

  7. Ooops, sorry Mr. DesertElephant. I forgot the proper etiquette for formal statements one makes on Blogs. Everyone here uses their real name, and I had not realised that.
    Hehe…pleased to see one can’t resist but respond when someone calls a spade a spade, or an American soldier high-school dropout garbage. 😉

  8. A dissection:
    “Hey, lets nuke every animal on this planet. Animals suck.”

    No, animals are tasty. And don’t nuke them, I like mine medium-rare, thank you.

    “PETA sucks. Liberals suck.”

    Right on, brother!

    “Hot off the Press: NASCAR drivers do more than just drive in a circle.”

    Yeah, there’s straight-aways, and pit row, too!

    “Hehe…pleased to see one can’t resist but respond when someone calls a spade a spade, or an American soldier high-school dropout garbage.”

    Maybe not all of them finished high-school, but they sure have kept your sorry ass safe for all these years!

    End of dissection. Thank you. We now return you to your original program.

    “Lets nuke every liberal on this planet. And every liberal state in America.”

    Aw, come on! Then who are we going to laugh at and make fun of?

    “Lets like, bring down building in really big liberal states, by like flying planes into them or something. Wait….i mean….ahh, libruls suck.”

    So, uh, because we have a difference of opinion, we are just like Osama? No. I don’t want to kill anyone for their views, liberal or conservative, Christian, Jew, Muslim, or tree-worshipper. Not like you-know-who (maybe you don’t–it’s Osama)

    “This just in: Bush Rules.”

    For 3 more years, he sure does! Right on, brother!

  9. Schmo,
    And I was so hoping that that Nuke fella was right about our soldiers being uneducated. Personally, I’d prefer they not be college attendees eiher, as it leads to the pussification of American males.
    Awesome link Schmo, but trolls can’t understand reason. Nor the concept of bathing, but we can forgive their ignorance.

  10. “So, uh, because we have a difference of opinion, we are just like Osama? No. I don’t want to kill anyone for their views, liberal or conservative, Christian, Jew, Muslim, or tree-worshipper” Wow, very clever banter, Medic.
    Well, how about killing somoene because their political views are different, even if they were democratically elected. No, doesn’t ring a bill. Or staging a coup? Both examples of Southern Hospitality are they? Both examples of not wanting to kill someone for differences of opinion? Well, then 9/11 might have been some Arab Hospitality then.
    “Personally, I’d prefer they not be college attendees eiher, as it leads to the pussification of American males.”
    This is just amazing. I think it captures the essence of the inbred, Down Syndrome thinking. By the way, inbreeding can cause genetic defects, but since you are not a pussy, and must have obviously wildly fought the efforts of anyone to educate you, you are not aware that this is not a good thing. But its okay, a GED is every bit as good as a high school diploma. It allow you access to the best dive bars, brothels, and human garbage arming institutions, aka the US military. Its too bad this non pussy institution is fighting other non-pussy institutions, like suicide bomber brigades.

  11. Wow! I guess he told you, DesertElephant. The bravery of the liberal left… so brave as to be not just mistaken about a great many things, but to be mistaken at the top of their lungs. It’s interesting to read all the cheap shots & references to “Southern”, “trailer trash”, “inbred”, etc. I think if they were saying the same things about Jews, gays, or African-Americans, they’d have a fine hate speech.
    But we’re the haters. Riiiight.

  12. huh? why would I say that about Jews, African Americans, or gays. They don’t blindly and collectively support human garbage, they don’t inbreed, and they (gays) are apparently not the only ones who like their American males hard and hate pussies (right,Desert Elephant?)

  13. Hmm… missed the point again, did you? I’ll help you out here.
    Hate speech is hate speech, no matter whom it’s aimed at. I would hope you wouldn’t say that about African-Americans, Jews, gays, or anyone for that matter, like soldiers, omnivores, Whites, and so on. You seem to want to make a point by trying your hand at being witty, but it’s just not working.
    You have your opinion, and who can tell you whether it is right or wrong? Certainly not I, but I think there’s no wisdom in a multitude of words or a volley of slurs that have no cohesion to whatever point or points you are trying to make.

  14. “You seem to want to make a point by trying your hand at being witty, but it’s just not working.”
    Now tell me Alan, is that your opinion as a Grade A exemplar of human garbage. Now tell me, where in the Constitution does it say that calling an inbred an inbred is racist.

  15. Well, it looks like I’ve been outdone. I suppose it’s back to the single wide with my bucket o’ KFC & aerosol cheese so’s I can watch Springer while polishing my rifle for the day when th’ south will rise again. You sure have me pegged, Schmo. You sure have me pegged!
    And that brings us back to the topic; Animals are tasty.

  16. Hey all, I found this site (IMAO) from one “LifeKnight”‘s signature of the webboards, though he was banned from those boards a while ago for being too consevative, apparently. Great place to have an old fashioned Evolution/Creation debate, though you’ll be supplying everything creation while no less than ten various evolutionists continuously restate that evolution is right and creation is stupid, with hardly any facts at all.
    Wow, I get off-topic easily. About eating an animal for PETA, of course mammals are preferred, especially the cute little deer, but deer season is only open in the fall (a “majestic” elk would probably be even better). Will it still be note-worthly if it’s a nice, fat, loud turkey, since that’s the only hunting season open in the spring for Idaho? Yes, I know I could learn bowhunting and open my horizons, but I’m lazy. And I may be able to get the family to help ingest a whole turkey in one night, but I’m guessing that it’s okay to just eat portions of any animal, as long as it died of un-natural causes? Because I also have access to plenty of elk and deer meat from my Dad’s season last fall.

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