
Osama bin Laden promised never to be captured alive and declared the U.S. had resorted to the same “repressive” tactics used by Saddam Hussein, according to an audiotape purportedly by the Al Qaeda leader that was posted Monday on a militant Web site.

Now that Osama bin Laden is denoucing Saddam Hussein (albeit to take shots at America) is it now all right for the American left to do the same?


  1. Sorry to spoil your clever comment. But haven’t Osama been denounsing Saddam all along?
    I mean: Regardless of US “evidence” presented to the UN (linking these two villains to each other, and thereby Saddam to the 9/11), Osama has several times (even before the 9/11 bombings)stated that the Baathists in Iraq were too seqular to be accepted as true defenders of Islam against Big Satan & the Crusaders. And while still in power Saddam spent a lot of resources procecuting and oppressing people suspected to be islamists or Al Qaida sympatizers, because they might represent a threath against Baathist hegemony and Saddams personal power.
    This not said to indicate that it woldn’t be good to see Bin Laden captured or killed. But not ALL evildoers are operating in concert! Nor should 9/11 links be a nessecary criterium for US armed forces to take state laeders on. Bush wanting them dead or arrested should be reason enough, with no need for silly justifications.

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