Mythbusters Does Instapundit

(A Filthy Lie)
Discovery Channel has a show called “Mythbusters” wherein special-effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman examine popular urban legends, constructing elaborate experiments to determine whether they have any basis in fact. For example, if you use a bullet in place of one of your truck’s fuses, can it go off and shoot you?
Recently, Adam & Jamie undertook one of their most intriguing investigations to date: Does the cuteness of a puppy actually effect its potency as an energy drink, as claimed by Glenn Reynolds?
First, test puppy A:
ugly dog.jpg
Wow! That’s one ugly puppy!
After thorough blending:
blended puppy.jpg
The beverage was fed to an anonymous test subject, known only as F.J:
tired frank.jpg
Hmmm… doesn’t look too energetic…
Next, test puppy B:
cute puppy.jpg
Blend! Blend! Blend:
blended puppy.jpg
What does F.J. think about this one?
perky frank.jpg
And there you have it folks, Glenn Reynolds was right: “the cuter the puppy, the better the energy drink
Be sure to check out Mythbusters next week when they investigate whether worshipping Satan can make your crappy book rise to #1 at Amazon.


  1. Like my papa always said: “A cute blended puppy a day keeps the doctor away!”
    (Sips straw…) Mm, Mm, Mm…that’s some good puppy!
    (No…my father was not related to the hooded figure of Karl Rove…why do you ask???)

  2. How could you drink puppies! Has Glen Reynolds seen a Pedigree commercial. It says,”Puppys are for playing. Sleeping in a little cardboard box.” and I’m sure that they did not say dying in such pain like being blended to make an energy drink. I think the police should put Glen Reynolds to sleep(death)

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