Since we are having a lot of enlightened comment from the left, I would lke to offer this comment thread as a means for you who so desire to offer your advice on how killing babies is a GOOD thing, under the right circumstances.
Put us in our place. Shut us up. Tell us where to go. Perhaps you think we may not realize how dumb we are, this is your golden chance to let us know! All the things that advance your side’s arguement. Don’t blow it!
By blowing it I mean forgetting to do it with love or forgetting to speak from your happy place.
Listen to me, you fail to speak with love from your happy place, then sadly, you’re just going to push us further away from the path of love and enlightenment that you have found. And in the end you’ll just look like the hate-filled moron we’re sure you probably think you aren’t.
We are listening. Spew, I mean speak.
We should randomly bash the head in of every 5 out of 10 babies. We could make a sport of it too! Like see how far the babies fly! or Drop the Baby!
How dare you restrict such a “progressive” experiment to babies! Do you hate the elderly, or something? Age-ist!!!!
Actually, we do hate the elderly, just the Democrats don’t know that we do…oh and one way is to play kick the baby!
Hey, of course, killing babies is wrong! …Wait, this isn’t about abortion. Okay, Iraq war — killing babies is a necessary… toward bringing democracy … freedom… to … madman Saddam … Osama… their oil will pay for… Al-Quaeda in Iraq… fight them there…so killing babies is good– bad… gotta ask my Congressman…pastor.
In order to qualify as satire, something must:
1) Be Funny
2) Have a point
That last post fails on both accounts.
Well, at least you can tell his happy place is also a very confused place.
Higher power(God is too controversial) help you if you are unable to see the truth in that abortions are good for families, or that Bush lied about… stuff(BTW, Not my president), or that the war in Iraq is just blood for oil (I’ve driven to every protest rally about it), or the obvious fact that all Neo-cons(facists one & all), Repugs, Christians and their ilk in general are prejudiced. ALL of them. They should all be pushed into the sea, but I mean that with love.
War is bad because it causes abortions for oil. Only women have the right to abort babies. I therefore propose that we form special units of woman warrior/aborters to hunt down and abort suspected enemy babies to help win the hearts and minds of indigenous families.
Blargle! Er, ah, never mind.
I think children are a sin against God. Also, we should legalize rape, because, well, won’t you think of the rapist’s rights? I know I do, because I can’t get any!
Also, Bush is Hitler… I mean, look at that H! It’s damning!
Hmmm, so that’s how it feels like with a tin foil hat on. Better than crack! Wheeeee…
To prevent future wars, round up enemy babies, load them into a truck and send them to a re-education camp. If they don’t cooperate, use a pitchfork.
In order to come up with a reason why killing babies is a good thing, we’d have to come up with some justifiable reason why babies should be killed at all.
I can’t think of one.
Unless maybe by chance it really is for the health (I would say LIFE) of the mother. In which case, I can’t think of a reason how, with our current medical knowledge, we couldn’t get past that. But I’m sure there is one in fifty million pregnancies which are life-threatening. Then you’d have to make a choice, and the baby is smaller in size than the mother, so it should die.
Right? Let me know if I’m way off base here. And tell me how on Earth this reasoning could be construed to allow a baby to be halfway born and de-brained. Because that has nothing to do in any stretch of logic with the life or health of the mother.
How did we get to the point we’re at now?
I think Dr. House explains this issue best.
Dr. Cameron: Would you give up a baby for someone you love?
Dr. House: Please tell me I don’t have to decide. Depends, how long would they live?
Dr. Cameron: Is this a pragmatic question for you?
Dr. House: Fifty years, no problem. Six months, I say let ’em die. Well, I’ve actually given this a lot of thought, and my personal tipping point is seven years, eight months, and 14 days.
Years of descensitization has brought us to this point. We love carnage and giving people the choice of abortion or any other killing babies methods is like not being able to attend the event at the Colleseum but knowing that some Christian who had stood up for his faith is being torn apart by blood thirsty lions and that knowledge is enought to satisfy our imaginations. SICK who do we think that we are??!?!?!?!?
You f***ing liberals. You talk about love and peace, but you are really hate-filled hypocrites. You speak of love, yet how can love exist without guns. You speak of tolerance, yet are not willing to tolerate the intolerance of republicans towards gays and lesbians. You speak of freedom of press, yet forget that freedom of press should be stifled the instant it makes our military look bad or lowers troop morale. You speak of the objectives of the Iraq War, but only a liberal commie pinko fag holds this opinion. A moonbat like William F. Buckley. You speak of the administration lying to the American public, but who are you, the FBI?. You speak of the Administration misleading America and the world about Iraq, but do you have basis for statements like these?
Bark Moonbats, Bark away. God always sides with people with guns. It is the way of Jesus.
oops, that was supposed to say “You speak of the FAILED objectives…”
Can any of you educated conservatives quote some biblical passages in which Jesus, Paul, or any of the prophets for that matter, extol militarism, consumerism, and a focus on oneself rather than the good of others? I studied the Bible for many years and I can’t find them. My God tells me that I shouldn’t fear terrorism because he watches over me, and I have eternal life waiting for me if he chooses that as the method of my death. My God tells me that my needs will be provided for regardless of my station in life. My God tells me to love my brother as myself – and doesn’t specify any boundaries to the word “brother”. I’m not sure why others’ God isn’t big enough to protect them from terrorism, or make sure their monthly bills are paid no matter how high taxes may be. It really is too bad that they believe in such a weak God. My God is powerful enough to do all of this and more. I have faith that no matter what, there is a plan for me and my life and that God is in charge of it. It seems that others don’t have that same level of faith. What do you think?
Gee, your god is an awesome god. Do you think God wants everyone to be totally complacent & just let Him do everything for us?
In Luke (and other places I think) He also tells you to “sell your cloak and buy a sword”.
What if we are the method God is using to destroy the evil of terrorism? The vessel of His wrath?
Uhm, Chris? The question was regarding your advice on how killing babies is a GOOD thing. Try again.
Yeah that WAS pretty off topic. But at least it was polite and obviously some real thought was put into it, not just vitriolic kneejerkiness.
I suspect when Chris uses his “my mighty God” and then finds himself placating the terror-driven until the Islamofascists are in charge of him and the rest of the USofA, he’ll probably find they are not real happy with his choice of Gods and reprogram/kill/or both his wonderful placating person!
Blessed Are The Children. Don’t Kill Babies!
Do not do to another person what you would not have another person do to you pretty much sums up my attitude on this.
Are you glad to exist? Would you rather not exist? You say you’re happy to be alive?
Then DO NOT rob another person of their shot at existence!
Killing babies is good because that’s where we get lamb and veal.
We’re talking about farm animals, right?
We’re not?!?
What the f**k is wrong with you people? You can’t even get spam from babies! Don’t kill ’em unless you can eat ’em.
I love liberals. They taste just like chicken!
An apostle asked Jesus who his brother was. I am not sure of the exact scripture, because my Bible is at home, but he sure as I’m breathing did not include Homicide bombers and those that intentionally slaughter the innocent in that group. Keep up that Bible study though. You might actually learn a fact or two about God if you keep at it.
OK, I want to comment on the post above from ‘Rush is the Bomb’ who apparently chose the Red Pill and whos ‘happy place’ includes non-punctual white rabbits and talking doorknobs.
He basically tried to equate abortion with casualties of war. I don’t know what size bus you have to ride for this to make sense, but I doubt it’s restricted to the 1st 2 lanes of the freeway.
So let me set something straight:
Killing A BABY on purpose is not morally equivelant to unintentionally killing babies in battle.
you libs get it yet? No? OK.
Let’s take a police officer for example.
He points his gun at a baby’s head and pulls the trigger intentionally killing the baby.
This is quite different than if…
He points his gun at a criminal who has an infant hostage and, in an attempt to save the hostage’s life, pulls the trigger, missing the criminal and accidentally kills the hostage.
If you need further help distinguishing these two concepts just use this little trick. If you kill the baby on accident and feel really bad about it than you’ll have to live with the guilt, but you’re on much higher moral ground than if you kill the baby on purpose and don’t care.
Here’s the equation:
(Intent * 4) + (Action * 3) + (Outcome * 1) + (Conscience * 5) = Morallity
The multipliers give added weight to the more important pieces of the equation.
(FYI – this equation is just for illustration and IMAO cannot be held liable for any damages arising from the litteral interpretation and application of it.)