In any other era this woman would have been certified as the lunatic she really is. The only reason she is still around is the press and in some ways the blogs are keeping her in the news.
Remember the only bad publicity is NO publicity. Let’s all encourage her to crawl back under the rock she crawled out of, and give publicity to the stalwart parents of our American Heroes.
WMD= Woefully Manipulated Dunderhead
The best link in the second story goes to Angry in the Great White North and points out that Mother Sheehan, who cares so deeply for her departed son, hasn’t bothered to take the time to have a headstone place on Casey’s grave.
The woman is a self-serving bitch and beyond disgusting.
If only that mother had a tape with her to play Cindy’s screeches to her face…
Maybe it’s just the bad audio, but does cindy sound like one of those toy dolls where you pull the string & it repeats pre-recorded phrases?
Cindy is like a WMD for the left; Whimpering Monotonous Drone.
In any other era this woman would have been certified as the lunatic she really is. The only reason she is still around is the press and in some ways the blogs are keeping her in the news.
Remember the only bad publicity is NO publicity. Let’s all encourage her to crawl back under the rock she crawled out of, and give publicity to the stalwart parents of our American Heroes.
WMD= Woefully Manipulated Dunderhead
Don’t let AquaMan see these pictures! Before you know it we’ll have a bunch of hapless liberal super homos on our hands…
I saw Cindy again on Friday at UCSD, and got a chance to ask her a question…
The best link in the second story goes to Angry in the Great White North and points out that Mother Sheehan, who cares so deeply for her departed son, hasn’t bothered to take the time to have a headstone place on Casey’s grave.
The woman is a self-serving bitch and beyond disgusting.
I am ‘livin … on Channel Z!