Well, Pat Robertson went nuts in front of a camera again, saying that Radical Islam is “a Satanic religion” and that Islam has a goal of “world domination.”
Television evangelist Pat Robertson said Monday on his live news-and-talk program “The 700 Club” that Islam is not a religion of peace, and that radical Muslims are “satanic.”
Robertson’s comments came after he watched a news story on his Christian Broadcasting Network about Muslim protests in Europe over the cartoon drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
He remarked that the outpouring of rage elicited by cartoons “just shows the kind of people we’re dealing with. These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it’s motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it’s time we recognize what we’re dealing with.”
Robertson also said that “the goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, is world domination.”
Come on, Pat. Radical Islam is not Satanic.
I would beg to differ with your last line.
In a broader sense than he is probably intending, I’d agree that the radicals (i.e. the terrorists, the ones advocating killing of jews just because they’re jews, etc etc) are indeed Satanic. Not in the sense that they are worshipping Satan, but in the sense that they are very clearly evil and Satan is pretty much THE source of evil.
Isn’t there some sort of logical fallacy involved in attempting to win an argument over the peaceful nature of your religion by killing everyone who disagrees?
Isn’t there some sort of logical fallacy involved in attempting to win an argument over the peaceful nature of your religion by killing everyone who disagrees?
Oops. The Satanic Islamists made me double-post.
Mr Simon, you are right on. How can that dangerous radical christian fundamentalist make such an asinine claim! It’s clear that Robertson is an ignorant idiot. Any clear minded, objective, halfway educated person can see that a religion founded by a pedophile dirt bag is Satanic in all it’s denominations, not just the Radical ones. Thanks for voicing the disconnect in Robertson’s reasoning.
We worship the Great Allah, the one who is good and true. He only leads us to peace and prosperity. It is his wisdom that has sustained our people for millennia. Through his kind words, we are saved.
And since you filthy, American pig-dogs don’t believe us, claiming that Islam is “Satanic” we will cut your throat and celebrate in the blood that spews forth.
Allah Ackbar!!!
Actually, here you have a pretty good example of “media bias”. The media told you that Pat Robertson (who I don’t like and am not really defending) said “radical Muslims ‘satanic'”, giving the impression Ol’ Pat thinks Muslims knowingly pray to Satan and take part in the Black Mass and blahblahblah. But if you actually read the quote, he didn’t say that. He’s not saying they’re evil, he’s saying Satan’s pulled the wool over their eyes to such an extent they can’t be reasoned with. He said that these people’s actions, beliefs and attitudes are the result of Satan’s deceptive influence (you don’t even have to believe in Satan for him to get to you…you know, like the jooos).
The hurricane thing, and the tsunami thing though, not defensible.
Somehow, the bold words in the first paragraph don’t match the bold in the second. Hmmm.
Actually, Mr. Robertson, bumbler that he may sometimes be, sometimes gets some things right. (Yea, Hugo Chavez is just asking for someone to smoke his ass — and when the pink mist happens, it will probably come from one of his South American neighbors.) The Bible doesn’t leave any wiggle room about whom one serves: you’re either a child of God or a child of the devil. Mr. Robertson does make gaffes, but he’s not nuts.
He’s a crazy old fella, but I have to agree with Pat
Dr. Pat Robertson has had a bad case of foot-in-the-mouth disease recently. However, this time he is right on! The Koran commands the instant killing of ALL who are infidels. The only “peaceful Muslims” are those who do not know what their prophet commanded.
Murdering innocents does not sound very peaceful to me.
Does this make you the Devil’s Advocate?
Islam is not a peaceful religion and I don’t think anyone can really say it is.
Also, it’s goal is world domination, in a sense. Unlike other religions they do not care about converting others, as long as non-muslims are submissive and allow them to, basically, control the world.
As for Pat Robertson… well I guess wackos can spit out a dribble of truth every now and then.
I don’t agree with the part where he said Islam is satanic. Just violent.
This time Pat actually hit the nail on the head.
Islam IS an antichrist religion and its foundation is built on the bodies of the saints and all who have refused to submit.
You’re exactly right. Radical Islam is not Satanic, it’s satanic.
I must concur with those who are concurring with Mr. Robertson. Islam is a “religion of peace” in the same way that the “Pax Romana” was brought about by way of the Roman empire. TRUE Muslims believe in peace through subjegation(sp?). In fact, the word “Islam” means “submission”.
For a thourough history on the bloody march of Islam through Europe, read “Islam at the Crossroads” by Paul Marshall, Roberta Green, and Lela Gilbert. Or, check out Daniel Pipes’ website.
Robertson is right. What sane person can argue that a suicide bomber is not under the spell of Satan??? As for that terrorist COWARD that wrote that stupid post with all the bold words, BRING IT!!
I think he was kidding, Dave.
I guess this one should have been a podcast item.
LAIR: Come on, Pat. Islam is not Satanic.
RIGHT WING DUCK: What about it not being about world domination?
LAIR: Um… nice weather we’re having?
Jooos are always sticking up for Islam!
Let me run an idea past you.
A guy named David Koresh assumes that an angel speaks to him and tells him to have multiple wives, a closed community with limited freedom of information, and the ability to shoot people who disagree with him. This angel insists that the whole of Judeo-Christian scripture is corrupted and must be rewritten to allow all this to happen. And a new “true” religion has to be created at gunpoint.
I’m assuming that angel is a fallen one.
Joseph Smith? Same thing. Remember Mormons were extraordinarily violent for the first few decades.
Mohammed? Same thing.
Same song, different chorus. Whether you call this a demon or a meme, it’s a repeating pattern. Sadly, it works.
Knowingly satanic? No, but pure Islam is murderously evil, pure and simple. That said, God does meet people where they are and gives them light to find their way to him if they choose to follow the light. Some of those people do come from Islam, and God does use that cultural language to speak to them until they learn more about him and have truth revealed to them. When the Ayatollah came to power in Iran, the number of Christians went up tenfold because people who were on the borderline decided that if this is what Islam is, they wanted no part of it.
Good post Kent. Just to follow up on that idea, consider the following: many founders of different religions were “visited by an angel”, and if you read these accounts, they were always alone in some secret place (Joseph Smith–in the woods; Mo-bomb-head–in a cave; Siddhartha(Buddha)–alone by a river). Jesus Christ walked and talked openly among His followers, and His detractors.
BigOrangeAx, that’s a pretty cool point when you consider the one time Satan visited Jesus, our guy was alone in the desert and Satan was trying to mess with His head. Kinda shows the difference in response between God and men.
After reading Laurence’s post though I’m truly of the belief that Lair was kidding, right Laurence? You don’t really think what Pat said was THAT looney do you?
“In fact, the word “Islam” means “submission”.”
They should pay attention to that the next time we are taking pot shots at them with siper rifles, M4’s and M16’s.
Just submit and get your brains used at mondern art. Silly muslims.
I call crap on your post. And you Orange and you Shim.
Koresh was crazy. Joseph Smith and Mohammed were not. Comparing them is plain bigotry.
And your history of Mormons being violent for the “first few decades” is inaccruate. Indeed, they were continually forced to move from violence perpetrated on them without responding in kind. And Islam got its monicer “religion of peace” from the fact that it was just that. The first 1000 years saw increadible scientific and cultural progress.
The comment that these men saw angeles in secret is not persuasive. Prophets throughout scripture had this exact same experience. Are they somehow diminished in your minds? I hope not.
Bottom line, you will know them by their fruits and the fruits of true followers of Mormonism and Islam is good.
What you are doing by denigrating entire groups of people based on the actions of a few is. . . oh whats that called again? Oh, Its on the tip of my tounge. It’ll come to me in a minute.
Meanwhile, I wonder if Lair might have a comment about how only when Jesus met in secret with an angel that things worked out for the good while other “men”: Joseph Smith, Mohammed, and maybe MOSES, did the same it just sucked.
Fee Fie Foe Fum I smell a bigot.
Bottom line, you will know them by their fruits . . .
Truer words never spoken by you.
“Koresh was crazy. Joseph Smith and Mohammed were not. Comparing them is plain bigotry.” …Have you read some of the stuff in the Book of Mormon?
“And Islam got its monicer “religion of peace” from the fact that it was just that. The first 1000 years saw increadible scientific and cultural progress.” …Which is why, after founding it, Mohammed spent his years as a general, conquering the Arab tribes. As for scientific progress…not so much. We can give them credit for two things – the arabic number system (including zero), and for preserving science and cultural concepts from older civiilzations, which Europeans lost when Rome fell.
“Bottom line, you will know them by their fruits and the fruits of true followers of Mormonism and Islam is good.”…I’ll deal with Mormon’s later. I’ve thought often about how to determine what is “true” Islam. Is it what the Koran says? – Well I’ve found that book frequently contradicts itself in major ways, so it’s hard to use that a system of measure. Then is it by what the upper echelon of leaders in Islam say Islam is? Because that’s the “Jihad” movement, which isn’t “good”. Now, Mormons: If subjegating women, and outcasting/disowning people over an inconsistant, biased, and often ridiculous set of “holy laws” is a good fruit of the Holy Spirit, I guess I have to agree.
BTW, “you will know them by their fruits” was written by Paul when talking about how to avoid false teachers, but he also said, and in fact emphasized far more, that one should study the scriptures and be grounded in true theology so that they can spot wrong ones. Islam and Mormonism both have cocked-up theology, at least when you take their claim to extend from the Judeo-Christian tradition into consideration.
“What you are doing by denigrating entire groups of people based on the actions of a few is. . ” ..I’m gonna stop you right there. A few? 50 years of the Middle East being a powder keg and you want me to believe that one group of a few wackos with no real support from the community is responsible? Then explain why this “few” you speak of is ruling in either a theocracy or a monarchy in almost every country in the region?
“Meanwhile, I wonder if Lair might have a comment about how only when Jesus met in secret with an angel that things worked out for the good while other “men”: Joseph Smith, Mohammed, and maybe MOSES, did the same it just sucked.”..Nobody said anything about Moses. The point of those statements was that Joseph Smith, Mohammed, Buddha, etc. all just came back from being off alone and said they’d seen a vision/achieved enlightenment/whatever, and just insisted on it without proof, whereas Christ and Moses both went around performing signs, miracles, etc. to show that they were serious and their God was powerful. The closest thing Mohammed ever had to a miracle was saying God granted him victory in battle.
“Fee Fie Foe Fum I smell a bigot.”
…I think I smell a moron.
Dearest “”
Your anonymous post was thoughtful if not full of crap. Why not sign it?
Q: If your God and my God were to arm wrestle, who who would win?
A: Since your God has no arms…
Moron indeed!
I have read ALL of the “stuff” in the Book of Mormon. Whats your beef? Perhaps if you could site just one example of something you think is crazy?
Your vast knowlege of Islamic history is staggering. You can count to 10 and read a book. That captures it in stunning brevity. Wow! You should publish. Actually you know just enough to be dangerous. Most drunken redneck bigots are dangerous though and usually drink themselves out of the gene pool so Im not too worried.
Your point on jihad is fine but you walk off into the deep end with the anti-mormon hate mongering. Any time I hear someone say mormons subjegate women, I know that all rational conversation is at an end. What religion doesn’t “outcast/disown” individuals who don’t believe in their theology. Oh yeah, one of those liberal-anything-goes-just-as-long-as-you-love-Jesus religions. Whatever turns your crank.
You missed my point of bringing up Moses. Thats okay. Reading it slowly a few more times may help.
You calling me a moron is meaner than me calling you a drunken redneck bigot who is obviously dull witted and has little historical knowledge and poor thological understanding, but just to show that I am a God-fearing man, I’ll let it slide.
PS no more anti-mormon bigotry please. Its boring.
“September 11, 1857 is the day the Mountain Meadows Massacre transpired in southern Utah. Approximately 120 men, women, and children in a wagon train from Arkansas were murdered by a band of Mormons… John D. Lee pretended to come to the Arkansans’ aid, and after having them lay down their weapons in truce, enabled a defenseless bloodbath to ensue. That event, in its day, was abhorred by a shocked country, nearly as much as the world was horrified by the brutal events of Sept 11, 2001. Lee, whose name became synonymous with the attack 144 years prior, was called “The Great Terror of the West.”” As I recall, they were also shooting little girls sent from the wagon train for water. Reminds me of the Russian school where the muslims would summarily kill children for asking for water. This one example doesn’t include all the other examples of “blood atonement” in the Mormon community after they established themselves in Utah.
As for the inventiveness of the Muslim community – this is clearly a thing of the past. One small example: The US sells a lot of street sweepers to Saudi Arabia because they frequently need replacement – the $200K+ machines burn out because Arabs don’t think to change the oil. Most cases listed of Muslim historic inventiveness are blown out of proportion. Examples exist, and yes, there were brilliant men in there on occasion, but they are long dead. Yes, Mormonism is no longer violent. However, since it’s encoded into their spiritual leader being a butcher, Islam will never separate itself from violence. Even if everyone in the world were Muslim, the various sects would fight for control.
BTW, why is he called “The Prophet Mohammed” when he didn’t prophesy anything but one bit at the end of Armageddon? The biblical standard for a prophet is that they must predict at least some things that take place in their lifetime so that the community can determine if they are a true prophet to be revered or a false prophet to be stoned.
Thanks to those who backed me up with mister grammatically challenged, here.
Kent, You summed it up all too well. Thanks.
It is so wonderful to know that all of the religious bigots are not just on the left.
If I wanted to know something about a Ford truck would I go and ask a Chevy dealer. Of course not, that’s why it is amazing to me that people will take as gospel what others say about someone else’s religion.
No other religion or people have ever committed acts, not called for by their leaders, but because of fear and terror. How would we as a people react if our leaders were unlawfully arrested and then murdered while in the custody of those who had arrested them. We as a people might storm the halls of government, we might riot in the streets, we might rebel in a multitude of ways.
What we probably not do, being conservative right wing Americans is go to our homes and wait for the local government and peoples to come and force us at gunpoint from our homes. Burn our businesses and house of worship and send us out into the February night to cross the frozen Mississippi with just what we could carry on our backs or in a wagon we may own. We would also probably not expect the governor of a state in the United States to put out an extermination order that says anyone who finds a member of our group can kill them with impunity. Said order remaining on the books of the state until 1974.
By your fruits, I know you Kent!
Just because a religion commands you to slice the throats of infidels, send your children on suicide bombing missions, and dominate the world through fear and terror, does not necessarily mean it’s a satanic religion.
I mean, it could be…ummm…hmmm…
Maybe Pat’s got something there….
You don’t have to believe in Satan to believe in evil, and Islam is most definitely evil.
Hey Scotty, first, I apologize for not signing my last comment, simply slipped my mind as my posts are not usually so long.
“Perhaps if you could site just one example of something you think is crazy?” Okay then. Mormonism is “a restoration to the earth of the original church instituted by Christ, lost during the “Great Apostasy”. This is in spite of the fact that the Gospels were written within a generation of Christ’s death (and our oldest manuscripts show that they have not much changed), while John Smith wrote the Book of Mormon in 1830, which is to say 18 centuries after the fact. The fact that the Book of Mormon supposedly comes from the “Plates of Nephi”(which have never been seen)”Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites — Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel;” – despite the fact that at no point in the history of the jewish people has there been a single reference to any group called the Lamanites. These plates were translated through use of magical seer stones, which also were never seen by a single person. The Lamanites, as I understand, means the Native Americans, who by some miracle of continental drift ended up on the other side of the world. (Recent studies have shown, by the way, that Native Americans do not have certain genetic markers in common with modern Middle Eastern DNA samples, and genetic research shows that they are more closely related to people in Asia than anywhere else.)Besides, Joseph Smith’s ideas on the history of Native Americans, oh I mean those written down in the plates shown to him by the angel Moroni, are eerily similar to those published 5 years earlier than the Book of Mormon, by Ethan Smith [no relation], pastor of a church in Vermont, in the book “View of the Hebrews” which called for recognition of Native Americans as the lost tribes of Israel and for bringing them back into the “Christian fold”. By the way, David Persuitte wrote a book about the origins of the Book of Mormon wherein he pointed out extensive parallel passages between the two books, though no word-for-word copying was found. It can’t be proven that Smith read the book, but we know that its author visted Palmyra to support the book, and we know that Oliver Cowdery, a relative of Joseph Smith with whom he frequently associated, was approached by Ethan Smith to publish “Views of the Hebrews”. It is also known that Cowdery soon thereafter left his job and within a few months Smith reported his first divine visitation. The Book’s claim to be a historical record gets easily thrown out when you, you know, look at historical records. The book talks about plants we know didn’t exist in the area at the time period represented, etc. Also, the Nephites and Lamanites would have spoken a Semetic language up to at least 400 A.D., where the Book of Mormon stops. Only no spoken semetic language has survived in the Americas to modern times. Plus, the 1,000 years after the end of the period covered in the Book of Mormon just don’t account for the difference between Native American languages or their complete lack of similarity to Semetic languages.
“All mankind will be saved from their mortal condition” while simultaneously “Although salvation is offered through the grace of God, He will not save the unrepentant, who will be punished for their sins.” So everyone will be saved, but those who are not saved will be punished!
Of course there’s always the Curse of Ham/ curse and Mark of Cain doctrine (not found in the Book of Mormon, but supported by Smith as early as 1831). That’s the theory that black people are black because they decend from either Ham or Cain (depending which you choose), and their skin color was cursed by either Noah’s curse on Canaan’s children (curse of Ham) or it is the mark of Cain, which he recieved after killing Abel and being banished from Eden.
Anyways…you asked me not to have any “anti-mormon” speech, it’s kind of hard to draw the line between explaing what I take issue with and where you would accuse me of hate-mongering, as you are apparently quite sensitive.
“Your vast knowlege of Islamic history is staggering. You can count to 10 and read a book.” I never said it was vast or even moderately-extensive. But you’re kind of shooting yourself in the foot by pointing out how painfully easy it was for me to find problems with your original claim, don’t ya think?
“Actually you know just enough to be dangerous.” ..Spoken like a true cult-follower. As I said before, there are standards established by God for judging the validity of a philosophy – one’s personal relationship with God, the Holy Scripture of the Bible, and lastly the visible “fruits” of the followers.
“Most drunken redneck bigots are dangerous though and usually drink themselves out of the gene pool so Im not too worried.” ..I’m sorry, did you say something about bigots before that extensive stereotype which was totally unrelated to anything being discussed?
“Any time I hear someone say mormons subjegate women, I know that all rational conversation is at an end.”
Then what do you call polygamy? Ignore that, let’s presume you’re speaking of mainstream Mormonism, which abandoned polygamy due to social pressures, what do you call the policy that a man’s word is final over objections of a woman or women, simply because he is a man? (and you call me a redneck?)
“What religion doesn’t “outcast/disown” individuals who don’t believe in their theology. Oh yeah, one of those liberal-anything-goes-just-as-long-as-you-love-Jesus religions. Whatever turns your crank.” …Did you ever hear the words “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?” What about “Love your neighbor as yourself”? or “Love your enemies”?Ever read this one: “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them. 33And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ do that.”? I promise I could go on.
“You missed my point of bringing up Moses.” Nope, got it loud and clear. You were saying that Moses and Christ, whom you presumed we’d respect weren’t different from the figures of other religions in that respect. I then pointed out that they were, in fact, different. …Maybe you should read it again.
“You calling me a moron is meaner than me calling you a drunken redneck bigot who is obviously dull witted and has little historical knowledge and poor thological understanding, but just to show that I am a God-fearing man, I’ll let it slide.” I suppose you think that’s witty? Well, let me explain something to you. I have never imbibed alcohol of any kind, not even wine on New Years. I am not a redneck by any stretch of the imagination – I am from a middle-class midwestern family, raised in a very nice house which doesn’t have wheels. Nor am I a “bigot”, as I have friends and family members of many different religions, races and sexual orientations. As for Historical knowledge I am quite certain that I know a great deal more than most people, and I have less than one percent doubt that I am more informed than you. “poor theology”? I haven’t even gotten into my theology in my last post, and beyond that I’ve been personally studying the Bible, christian/church history, secular philosophy, psychology, and various world religions including hinduism, buddhism, judaism, islam, the Jehovah’s Witness faith, taoism, wicca, satanism (did you know there’s like five kinds?), Native American religions, the Greco-Roman and egyptian pantheons, and my own favorite non-christian religious system, Norse mythology for the last 7 years. Even prior to that I attended a traditional Methodist church every sunday and wednesday from the week I was born until 3 years ago, anyone who knows will tell you that alone qualifies me to debate theology, as the principle characteristic of Methodism is, well method. Just to give you some idea, at the age of 8 I was studying Abrahamic Law.
So, in conclusion, if you feel compelled you stereotype me and stuff me in a niche full of caricatures of ignorant or simply stupid people to explain why I could possibly disagree with your beliefs, then maybe you should take another look at your beliefs. At the very least, you could make an attempt at not villainizing me or accusing me of lying simply because I disagree with you.
Damn Tristan! I’m glad you’re on the side of Light…WOW
You’ve spent a great deal of time on your post so I must have pushed the exact button that I was hoping to push. I was hoping just to plain insult you and it looks like it worked.
Now let me apologize. It was a cheap trick to play. I of course had no idea of whether you were a drunken redneck bigot or not and I believe that indeed you are not. I take you at your word that you are not a drunk nor red-necked, but let us discuss the word bigot.
That word is an extreme word. It usually cannot be used in civil rational discussion. Who decides whether a person is a bigot or not? If someone offends you because of your religious beliefs, are you entitled to call that person a bigot? If you’re a Jew and someone implies that you are going to hell for your choice of religion, can you call him an anti-Semitic bigot? If you are a Mormon and people tell you that you are in a cult can you call them an anti-Mormon bigot?
You said in your second to last paragraph that you are not a bigot. You explain what a model of tolerance you are in accepting friends of “many different religions, races and sexual orientations”. Why then have you no tolerance for Mormons? What particular thing is it about them that you cannot abide? I begin to question your “tolerance” bona fides when I read your comments on Mormonism.
Rather than arguing your comment point-by-point (we really have lives to live, who has the time for this tit-for-tat.), let me state that your view of Mormonism is tainted and while you appear to have some knowledge of Mormonism, there is, scattered throughout your comment, blatant falsehoods. I don’t know your history or why you know what you know about Mormonism, but if I were to take an educated guess, I feel that someone has given you incorrect information that has been designed to discredit Mormonism. The tell-tale signs are all there– the recurring themes: Smith copied someone else’s work, the “magic” stones, No DNA or other historical evidences, Blacks and the Priesthood (Ham/Cain), Polygamy. While all these stories contain some truth, there is always that one piece of the story that is a lie and skews the whole thing to some dark, cultish description. It is offensive to me. It is as offensive to me as if you passed me on the street and called me a Kike, or perhaps a Ni**er, or maybe Faggot. How can you say “Love thy neighbor” and these hateful things all within a few paragraphs.
You tried to rationalize that your comments are not hate mongering but rather you are just trying to explain what you disagree or take issue with. Well, first, let me say if Mormonism were actually like what you’ve described, I’d be with you and would strongly disagree as well. However, I have, through firsthand experience, knowledge that Mormonism is not even close to your description. Since your second or third-hand knowledge is clearly based on repeating anti-Mormon misinformation (probably obtained from some anti-Mormon website or maybe your pastor has filled your mind with these hateful lies), I would say I am entitled to ask you to refraining from repeating it. You have gone well beyond mere disagreement. Secondly, there is such a thing as hate-mongering: (a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is discreditable) and you appear to actually be participating in it. Let me illustrate: Jews are going to hell because they don’t believe in Jesus. Is this hate-mongering or just a statement of disagreement? My position is that Jews are NOT going to hell. Well that’s an ongoing 2000 year debate lets not solve that today. But I hope you get my gist. (By the way you still have not gotten my point on Moses, keep trying, its not that obscure a reference and for a hint: it is not related to Jesus. You studied Abrahamic Law? Impressive. What did you learn? That’s not a question it’s a hint)
Tristan, these comments are going on and on. And I am sure I haven’t persuaded you one iota. So, I think I should stop banging my head against the wall. Mormons are good people. I invite you to suspend your current beliefs for a time and take a journey of discovery. If you don’t like what you find, you may return to your current beliefs. But, I promise, if you take the journey in sincerity you will be changed forever for the better, for now we see through the glass darkly.
Good Luck!
I promised myself I wouldn’t check this particular comment group again but I just can’t seem to help myself.
Scotty- you are casting your pearls before swine. Bless you and your kind heart, but it’s hopeless.
Kent and Tristan – I don’t particularly care what you believe. I am not arrogant enough to feel that my personal beliefs have to be shared by every person on this planet. I am also no longer so naive that I assume others will grant me the same right that I grant them- to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of my own conscience, so that we can all worship where, what and how we may.
For those of you who are assured that Mormons are not Christians because (you think) they don’t worship your Jesus Christ let me leave you with this thought.
When asked what was the GREAT commandment Jesus said, “thou shalt love the Lord your God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang ALL the LAWS and the PROPHETS. Matthew 22:36-40
And less you think I am ignorant of the Old Testament, I will leave you with this scripture from Proverbs: 17:28 Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
(sometimes I just don’t pay close enough attention to what I know I should do! Yes Lord, I’ll shut up now!)