Q: Name three reasons why Al Gore should be in favor of climate change as a result Global Warming.
A1: Rising ocean levels would force the closure of the Guantanamo Bay military base and the processing of detainees. (Unless we start detaining them on cruise ships in International Waters, of course)
A2: Devastating coastal flooding of Florida would be sweet revenge for all that butterfly-ballot crap in 2000.
A3: In the ensuing collapse of civilization, Al Gore could wait for people to forget about the Internet, then re-invent the Internet. People would be too busy treading water to argue about it.
I, for one, am not worried. Very little will change, in my opinion.
After all, the 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea ride at Disneyworld realistically won’t have to change, although they could borrow an asterisk from Barry Bonds for the signs:
20,000 Leagues* Under The Sea Submarine Ride
(* Now with 1 or 2 additional fathoms of extra fun-filled goodness!)
We’ll deal with it.
“He said he has shown his slide show on global warming more than a thousand times in the past 30 years. He began showing it again, more frequently, after the 2000 election.”
…”SLIDE SHOW”?!!! My lord, he really is THAT BORING of a person, isn’t he!?!
Sorry to break this to you Laurence, but they don’t have the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride anymore. It’s being converted into the ‘Finding Nemo’ sub ride. On another note I think Gore should be happy because then he’d actually be rignt on at least one thing.
Of course they changed it.
Because they were worried about Global Warming after Al Gore scared the pants off of Michael Eisner.
(Of course, Eisner claims this is the reason why he and Al Gore were in his office without pants on…)
But the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride was one of my happiest childhood memories!
Oh great. A new meme “FrankJ’s Happiest Childhood Memories.”
Heh, that would be a great podcast idea… ever thought about starting an IMAO podcast?
There is only one reason Algore should be rooting for Global Warming. For the 1st time in his life he will be able to say “I was right” and not be a liar.
Al Gore should be in favor of climate change as a result Global Warming, because then he wouldn’t look look quite as stupid as he did in January in NYC by giving a speech on Global Warming on a near record cold day.
PS What html do you use to do the “Read More” and “Close it” bits on your posts?
Insert Manbearpig reference here.
If there is such a thing as global warming I propose that it is a result of Al spewing all the HOT AIR and that would infact make him the INVENTOR/Originator of global warming. He gets my vote as first to be eaten by cannibals, with Micheal Sheen following.
Shimauma, he does indeed seem to spew a lot of hot air, doesn’t he? It wouldn’t worry me so much if he had factual basis for his spewing. But he always seems to take something that isn’t necessarily true and run hard and fast with it. This movie is no exception.
If AlGore can predict global warming, sorry, “climate change” (that covers all bases, warmer OR colder), someone should ask him to predict this weekend’s weather. In every major city on earth.
Then check back with him on Monday and see how accurate he was. Anything less than 99% accuracy and he should have to do a stint at McMurdo Research Station in the Anatarctic (current conditions: -16F, clear) like Capt. Stillman at the end of the movie Stripes.
Pretty convenient that Al Gore should get behind such a highly-publicized cause right now before the ’08 elections…