Fun Trivia

What is the proper response to someone who calls the humor at IMAO “hostile” and “infantile”?

Punch him in his dumb monkey face.


  1. HA! You Punch him!
    Because, see, you are strong, and he is weak!
    Because he is a Liberal! Spineless Cowards!
    Oh, and he has a money face!
    Because, all liberals look the same.
    Like Monkeys!
    When are you taking this show on the road?
    Because I think the Kings of Comedy and the Blue Collar Comedy Tour better look out — IMAO is going to bust some comedy tour box office records!

  2. No-name person,
    Sarcasm? Not sure. Keep trying, you’ll get it. Buck up little trooper.
    I have a money face too. People flinch, throw change at me and say “Gah, just don’t point that thing at me!”
    Now that’s funny!

  3. PaleoMedic:
    I was complimenting Frank on his funny joke.
    Sarcasm? I would never be sarcastic. That is not funny.
    That is the type of humor employed by those money-faced (see, it is funny because monkeys are both silly and funny looking) Liberals.
    I hate Liberals.
    I want to punch them in the face!
    Because they have monkey faces!
    And because they are Liberal.
    Hilarious! I can’t stop laughing!
    Keep’em coming Frank! Where you get these jokes, I don’t know. But keep’em coming!

  4. He doesn’t have to “get” them from anywhere, because liberals do have monkey faces. Liberals don’t have a sense of humor, so they mistake observation for it. Sad. Which is why they have to be punched in their monkey faces.

  5. You don’t punch people because they’re cowards. That would be racist. The same as calling them the French.
    That is racist Liberal thinking, imagining that conservatives want to punch people for such reasons. Clearly, they only want to punch people for having monkey faces. And being liberal. But those two go together.
    Sicko Liberals, get your mind outta your racist gutter! It makes me want to punch you in your monkey face!

  6. Does anyone else find it ironic that someone who won’t leave a name, an e-mail, or a URL would use the phrase “Spineless Cowards!” in his comment?
    Honestly, people, if you’re too ashamed of your words to attach your name to them, maybe you shouldn’t be saying them.

  7. Such a cute kid, it’s too bad she’ll have a monkey face. Who knows, maybe she’ll realize she’s getting a monkey face, and stop being a liberal before the effects are permanant and require punching. Of course, it’s also possible she is a Rudy type conservative, in which case she won’t develope the monkey-facication associated with liberalism.

  8. I take “hostile” and “infantile” as a compliment from them.
    It’s obvious that they want to crush you in the jaws of their absolute intellectual superiority but they’re just too stupid to come up with a good put-down.
    That makes me laugh.

  9. Do monkey-faced liberals with punched-in monkey-faces look better than the ones with unpunched-in monkey-faces? I mean, if it would really help their self image… Otherwise, I’m not sure I want to touch one.

  10. Actually, I think the message on the little girl’s shirt was meant as irony, and was actually a pro-life message. “Now that I’m safe…” clearly indicates that the child could have been aborted by a liberal and wouldn’t be here, and points out that the pro-abortion liberals wouldn’t want to have been aborted themselves, but want to kill babies nonetheless.

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