Headline of the Day

AP: Jury Finds Muhammad Guilty in Sniper Trial
Well, what did you expect after drawing all those cartoons mocking the guy?


  1. Seems that Muhammad’s “I thought it was open season on Honkies” defense just wasn’t convincing enough. The to follow it off with “I was just in the area looking for my wife and kidswhen my gun went off several times” didn’t wash either. I just hate the hate crime playas!

  2. Lawyers in this country have taken jury tampering to a new level never before seen in history. Yet he chose to represent himself. He should leave the tampering to the proffesionals. And probably not drawn those cartoons either.

  3. If Muslims act that crazy when we draw pictures of Muhammad, just think what they’ll do when we put him in jail and then execute him!
    (Yes, he’s been in jail for quite a while now, but it took them a few months to get worked up over the cartoons. The necessary seething will take a little longer for this.)

  4. I don’t know, the headline looked perfectly good to me. It said exactly what I thought it should. A statement like that is somewhat like Hamburger helper:
    Muhammad guilty, just add atrocity
    To add insult to injury, they could put a picture on the box, doesn’t really matter what the picture is of course, as long as the name Muhammad is on the front the crazies will take it from there.

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