A Union Boss Is Gone, So Just Be Happy

Did you know the FBI is still looking for Jimmy Hoffa? I guess if you lose a Hoffa, it will just dog you until you find him again. So did they check the couch? I lose stuff a lot either under couch cushions or under the couch itself if the cats were batting it around. When they last saw Hoffa, were the cats playing with him?
And, are they sure they have his home phone number right? Maybe the reason they called his house and never got an answer all these years is they were dialing the wrong number. Hoffa could just have been home all this time watching TV while the FBI dialed the wrong number looking for him; won’t they feel dumb if that’s true.


  1. Whenever I lose something, my first tactic is usually asking myself “If I was said lost thing, and I was hiding from myself, where would I be?” works every time.
    Maybe that’s why the FBI hasn’t found Hoffa. They aren’t asking themselves the right questions.

  2. He was last seen on July 30th, 1975, getting into a car filled with known professional murderers. Gee, I wonder what could’ve happened to him? Maybe, as an experiment, we should put some more union bosses into cars filled with murderers, and see what happens. It may be instructive.
    Well, probably not, but it WOULD be entertaining.

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