Huukd ahn fawniks werkd fer me! Ya’ll
I actually had a supervisor once that would write my team big long e-mails that frequently featured the conjuction of ‘should’ and ‘have’ (should’ve) except she never failed to write it “should of” (She got a bit snippy with me when I tried to correct her.)
i could use some rags to clean up after the new puppy piddles in the house…
currently i’m using a nuke the moon shirt i found in the goodwill bargin bin…
That’s funny. I would buy one of the incorrect ones just for kicks if I weren’t so annoyed by the snotty tone of the message. Look, it’s polite to at least try learning the language of the country you want to live in. When I was stationed in Germany I always tried to speak their language, and while I was never fluent, the Germans appreciated the effort. Why can’t we expect the same from those who come here?
Thats too funny………..worked at a screenprint place back in day, we printed 1200 shirts that read,
Tiananmen Square
They made nice dust rags…………
Maybe sum evil capitolist will by them an cell them just too liberals. They won’t notice sew we can spot them easier two laugh at them write before we punch them in they’re faces.
Vielleicht sollte er Englisch erlernen, bevor er sich beschwert, daß Amerikaner keine andere Sprachen sprechen.
And the only reason we need to speak other languages is so we can tell them to learn English!
Ironically, my Italian is languishing now that I write in English most of the time, play games and watch movies/TV series in English, and most importantly that I’ve given up on my fellow Italians.
As someone who got a job by nit-picking the printed publication that I now work for, I must say, grammar is indeed important.
Und das stimmt, Master Shake. Ich bin damit einverstanden.
And kudos on trying to learn the German, PaleoMedic. As you can tell, I like it a lot. 😀
At one time or another, I’ve learned Spanish, German, and Japanese.
Then, after a few years of zero practice, the best I can do is count to ten and order beer in each of them.
Some times, I order ten beers.
Again with the Germans. Seriously, this is the first time I’ve seen Germans on the web O-O. At B2k (homepage, gaming + forums), we’ve got Swedes, Aussies, Canucks, Brits, South Africans, Koreans, and even a gal from Portugal…but no Germans. Meh, I muse.
As we all know, there are no natureal-born Americans who speak more than one language. We’re all dumb, ignorant hicks and xenophobes and racists. Hiss, hiss!
When I was in high school, I was a lifeguard, and saw this 18 or 19 year old kid with a tattoo that read: “To Tough” or something or other…I asked him about it, and he had no idea what I was talking about. Kids…
Although I learned Spanish years ago in college, due to the fact that my use and practice has been limited, I have lost most of my ability to speak it fluently. Now, with that said, I am sure that if I were forced to need it to communicate, I could remember it or learn it again. The fact that the immigrants come here and don’t even bother to learn the language which would help them communicate and assimilate is a major problem. In short, LEARN THE F’N LANGUAGE.
Well Illinois, move on down here to tejas and you will get all the practice you need on that there Espanol. It’s the primary language in many companies here.
I am what you call multi-lingual. I speak English, Spanish, Italian, and Random phrases of the 18 countries I’ve visited and a couple of Japanese phrases as well. That being said, when you immigrate… assimilate. I lived in Italy for roughly a year and spoke Italian so much that my english suffered.
Hey and why are those demands taken as insults to Mexicans? The same is expected of Asian and European immigrants, but most often they try, seing as they came here willignly.
If I have to learn monkey to communicate with liberals, immigrants can learn English… or I’ll punch them in the face too.
oh and though I speak many languages, I can’t spell in any of them so lay off the spelling errors.
I’m with you IllinoisReuplican, especially the last part – LOL
And Shane: bargin bin? did you mean that or are you too excited by desecrating your nuke the moon t-shirt to care? 😀
Here in Detroit, we have the largest Middle Eastern population outside of the Middle East. Every so often, there is a billboard up in Arabic. Let me tell you, THAT’S a little freaky. At least with Spanish, you can guess the basic content of the message. Gringos estan stupidos. Well, I can take a wild guess. Try deciphering squiggle squiggle squiggle BACKWARDS!
BTW, the Continental Congress DID vote on a national language. English beat German by 1 vote. So we DO have an official language. Ever wonder what would have happened if we would have had stronger ties with Germany (or at least Prussia) instead of England, say, in 1914?
I learnded that-there in mah Amurcan heestry class.
Notice how even the webmaster at Cafepress makes fun of this retardo. (look at the title bar)
There’s no reason for them to learn english since most of them live in areas that they feel are supposed to be Meheeko’s land anyway. Only problem is, my 9mm feels differently…
As a victim of EDA [Extremely Dense Americanism] I would like to say that I am offended by that T-Shirt slogan. I demand reparations and a nice Island somewhere in the South Pacific as compensation for my aggrieved sensibilities.
Or else learn me how to say “Let me see your immigration papers Amigo” in Spanish.
to dense. verb. To perform a German folk dance.
I dense, you dense, he/she/it denses, we dense, they dense.
I speak three languages (English, Spanish, and Russian) and studied some Swedish to prepare for visiting in-laws in Sweden (Sverige). When visiting Guaymas, Mexico, I spoke Spanish and did not expect anybody to speak English to me. When visiting Skelleftea, Sweden, I hobbled along in Swedish until the Swede couldn’t stand it any longer and spoke English to me, but that was pure charity on their part. Habla Ingles, estupido — YO hablo!
I suspect the T-shirt is intentionally being ironic. I can’t say for sure, but that’s the feeling I get.
Notice that the title of the page is “Too Dense” and the url is
In addition, I’m pretty sure that “The reason…….is because..” is technically incorrect, and should be “The reason… that……”
Hey, I know it’s nitpicking, but if you’re going to be so pompous and self-righteous, your #$^&*$# grammar had better be PERFECT.
Huukd ahn fawniks werkd fer me! Ya’ll
I actually had a supervisor once that would write my team big long e-mails that frequently featured the conjuction of ‘should’ and ‘have’ (should’ve) except she never failed to write it “should of” (She got a bit snippy with me when I tried to correct her.)
Good catch. The question is, what will they do with thousands pieces of misprinted apparel?
ware them.
Where them?
i could use some rags to clean up after the new puppy piddles in the house…
currently i’m using a nuke the moon shirt i found in the goodwill bargin bin…
That’s funny. I would buy one of the incorrect ones just for kicks if I weren’t so annoyed by the snotty tone of the message. Look, it’s polite to at least try learning the language of the country you want to live in. When I was stationed in Germany I always tried to speak their language, and while I was never fluent, the Germans appreciated the effort. Why can’t we expect the same from those who come here?
Thats too funny………..worked at a screenprint place back in day, we printed 1200 shirts that read,
Tiananmen Square
They made nice dust rags…………
Maybe sum evil capitolist will by them an cell them just too liberals. They won’t notice sew we can spot them easier two laugh at them write before we punch them in they’re faces.
Vielleicht sollte er Englisch erlernen, bevor er sich beschwert, daß Amerikaner keine andere Sprachen sprechen.
And the only reason we need to speak other languages is so we can tell them to learn English!
Ironically, my Italian is languishing now that I write in English most of the time, play games and watch movies/TV series in English, and most importantly that I’ve given up on my fellow Italians.
Americans need to become multilingual because the rest of the world is too stupid to learn English.
Is that the message?
Maybe to dense is a verb and none of us has sufficiently mastered English to understand the deeper meaning of this highly philosophical text.
Im’a goin ta bye wun know… laff all yu wont.
I can’t stand shit like this. It’s grammatical abortions like this that are slowly turning people into retards.
As someone who got a job by nit-picking the printed publication that I now work for, I must say, grammar is indeed important.
Und das stimmt, Master Shake. Ich bin damit einverstanden.
And kudos on trying to learn the German, PaleoMedic. As you can tell, I like it a lot. 😀
‘Member, wuncen’t y’all been learnt to tawk gud Ainglish, ain’t nobody learn you no differnt.
Sho’ nuff!!
At one time or another, I’ve learned Spanish, German, and Japanese.
Then, after a few years of zero practice, the best I can do is count to ten and order beer in each of them.
Some times, I order ten beers.
Even if I cleaned up my grammar, my jokes would still stink. They might annoy me a little less though.
Am spikking fife languuags, and of da fife, am spikking Englicch da best.
Again with the Germans. Seriously, this is the first time I’ve seen Germans on the web O-O. At B2k (homepage, gaming + forums), we’ve got Swedes, Aussies, Canucks, Brits, South Africans, Koreans, and even a gal from Portugal…but no Germans. Meh, I muse.
Tooo funny.
As we all know, there are no natureal-born Americans who speak more than one language. We’re all dumb, ignorant hicks and xenophobes and racists. Hiss, hiss!
And I meant to spell it “natureal.”
When I was in high school, I was a lifeguard, and saw this 18 or 19 year old kid with a tattoo that read: “To Tough” or something or other…I asked him about it, and he had no idea what I was talking about. Kids…
To funny! Er…two funnie!or something like that.
My Dad, who’s Polish, taught me, who’s a wet-back, Cherman. “Scheisse-kopf”. How’s that, you freakin’ furners?
Although I learned Spanish years ago in college, due to the fact that my use and practice has been limited, I have lost most of my ability to speak it fluently. Now, with that said, I am sure that if I were forced to need it to communicate, I could remember it or learn it again. The fact that the immigrants come here and don’t even bother to learn the language which would help them communicate and assimilate is a major problem. In short, LEARN THE F’N LANGUAGE.
Well Illinois, move on down here to tejas and you will get all the practice you need on that there Espanol. It’s the primary language in many companies here.
Espanol…that spells “moon”
I am what you call multi-lingual. I speak English, Spanish, Italian, and Random phrases of the 18 countries I’ve visited and a couple of Japanese phrases as well. That being said, when you immigrate… assimilate. I lived in Italy for roughly a year and spoke Italian so much that my english suffered.
Hey and why are those demands taken as insults to Mexicans? The same is expected of Asian and European immigrants, but most often they try, seing as they came here willignly.
If I have to learn monkey to communicate with liberals, immigrants can learn English… or I’ll punch them in the face too.
oh and though I speak many languages, I can’t spell in any of them so lay off the spelling errors.
I’m with you IllinoisReuplican, especially the last part – LOL
And Shane: bargin bin? did you mean that or are you too excited by desecrating your nuke the moon t-shirt to care? 😀
Here in Detroit, we have the largest Middle Eastern population outside of the Middle East. Every so often, there is a billboard up in Arabic. Let me tell you, THAT’S a little freaky. At least with Spanish, you can guess the basic content of the message. Gringos estan stupidos. Well, I can take a wild guess. Try deciphering squiggle squiggle squiggle BACKWARDS!
BTW, the Continental Congress DID vote on a national language. English beat German by 1 vote. So we DO have an official language. Ever wonder what would have happened if we would have had stronger ties with Germany (or at least Prussia) instead of England, say, in 1914?
I learnded that-there in mah Amurcan heestry class.
Notice how even the webmaster at Cafepress makes fun of this retardo. (look at the title bar)
There’s no reason for them to learn english since most of them live in areas that they feel are supposed to be Meheeko’s land anyway. Only problem is, my 9mm feels differently…
As a victim of EDA [Extremely Dense Americanism] I would like to say that I am offended by that T-Shirt slogan. I demand reparations and a nice Island somewhere in the South Pacific as compensation for my aggrieved sensibilities.
Or else learn me how to say “Let me see your immigration papers Amigo” in Spanish.
to dense. verb. To perform a German folk dance.
I dense, you dense, he/she/it denses, we dense, they dense.
I speak three languages (English, Spanish, and Russian) and studied some Swedish to prepare for visiting in-laws in Sweden (Sverige). When visiting Guaymas, Mexico, I spoke Spanish and did not expect anybody to speak English to me. When visiting Skelleftea, Sweden, I hobbled along in Swedish until the Swede couldn’t stand it any longer and spoke English to me, but that was pure charity on their part. Habla Ingles, estupido — YO hablo!
Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! …Beiherhund da Oder die Flipperwald gersput!
Ach! Zat iss not fun….Hahahahahahah…Erk! *
It should say “too dense” not “to dense”. Who ever did the shirt should learn english. Freaking tards.
I suspect the T-shirt is intentionally being ironic. I can’t say for sure, but that’s the feeling I get.
Notice that the title of the page is “Too Dense” and the url is
In addition, I’m pretty sure that “The reason…….is because..” is technically incorrect, and should be “The reason… that……”
Hey, I know it’s nitpicking, but if you’re going to be so pompous and self-righteous, your #$^&*$# grammar had better be PERFECT.