After much analyzation of the problems in the Middle East and all the violence there, I think I’ve come upon a simple solution: Remove all the Muslims.
Isn’t it short-sighted to blame Islam for violence in the Middle East? Isn’t, in fact, the culture in the Middle East to blame for much of the problems?
That’s a good point. There are many peaceful, successful Muslims who live in America (which is another argument why relocating is good for Muslims). Still, this all comes down to an issue of practicality, and the fact is it’s feasible for us to move a large number of Muslims, but we have no idea how to move a culture.
Just throw a dart and where it lands will be Mecca. If you hit a body of water, optionally throw again.
Won’t Muslims be resistant to being moved from their holy land, especially Mecca?
Tell me where in the Bible it says you can’t relocate Mecca. I think we can make this a peaceful move. Let’s use cruise ships to move the Muslims, because who is going to refuse the offer of a free cruise? We can fill the cruise ships with things Muslims love to do, such as giving them inflatable Jews to kill.
Where would me move the Muslims to?
I’m thinking Europe. A lot of Muslims have already moved there, so it won’t take much adjusting for the new arrivals.
Won’t we just have violence coming out of Europe, then?
Europe is nice; it will be such a relief after the harsh desert living that I’m sure all the Muslims will calm down and learn to be friends with each other without killing.
What about the Europeans?
We’ll send them to the Middle East.
Won’t they be resistant to that?
They’re a bunch of wusses. We’ll just slap them around a bit and they won’t put up a fight.
And you’ll think they’ll be fine in the Middle East?
They are kinda useless, so I would expect a number of them to die from the harsh desert living… but circle of life and all that. The survivors better learn how to get us our oil before we get mad, though.
And what if the Europeans in the Middle East are resistant to giving us oil?
Then we bomb the crap out of them; let’s not make this more complicated than it is.
Seems like you thought of everything.
I always do. So let’s get moving on this and get us some peace, yo.
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