First of all, I didn’t wanna watch. Frank is making me. I’m doing financial stuff, so to be watching political debate on top of personal and business accounting crap is not my idea of a fun evening. But I’m having too much fun with it, to be honest, and I have too much to say. Every time anyone says something stupid (McCain on amnesty, Giuliani on murdering babies), I have something to talk about. Every time they ask a stupid question that makes me ask, “Now why in the world are they asking that question? Why do I need to know that about a man who’s running for president?” I’ve got something to spew. So I figured I might as well share and stop talking over everyone so Frank can just read it at his leisure (or never read it, as is his custom) instead of my talking over everyone so he can’t hear the TV and we have to keep rewinding the DVR.
Now we came in late, because Fred’s not even in this thing, so who cares? Fred’s the next president, and every time he speaks, my heart for him just grows sweeter and sweeter. Why do I care what these guys have to say? I trust Fred’s judgment in picking a running mate. Plus, he’s gonna be on that show where they just yell over each other later anyway, and we’re Tivoing that bad-boy. Of course, who will be stupid enough to yell over Fred? Even H&C aren’t that dumb. Or desperate to die.
So here are my thoughts since we started watching:
McCain: It’s amnesty, English should be our first language, and did you say that Mexicans should speak Spanish in their own communities just like the Native Americans? Yeah, that’s fine. If you wanna round ’em up and put ’em in reservations like the Native Americans. I’m sure they’ll love it just as much as the Indians do. Arriba!
Giuliani: Every time that electronic buzz thing happens? That’s God saying you are NOT going to run HIS country. Sorry, bud. Better luck never.
Evolution questions: Seriously? Our next president needs to believe the same way I believe on creation vs. evolution? Heck, my own husband doesn’t even believe the same way I believe on that subject. And I have sex with that man. I have NO intentions of having sex with Fred. Nor his running mate. Though I’ve gotta say, this loony creationist Christian sure does like that Mike Huckabee a lot better now. Not for sex, just for president. So maybe you should ask more questions like this. You’re right! Who cares about the war? Forget taxes! Forget spending! Forget that pesky terrorism issue. Let’s talk about evolution and whether Paris Hilton should be allowed to keep her hair extensions in jail!
Brownback: Dude, what’s with the squinting? This is something I want to know about a potential vice president. You’re too Renee Zellwegger for me. Off with your head! Not literally, of course.
Romney: I was half expecting, after he said all the things he believed in, that he would say, “I believe in The Book of Mormon.” But he didn’t. And then he DID say, “I’m not gonna distance myself from my religion.”
ManBearPig: I LOVE that God keeps cutting out Giuliani’s mic. I am giggling every time. Is this topic ever going to be over? Hey, that Sam’s Choice tropical trail mix that you buy at Walmart is my very favorite trail mix ever. Haha, Romney just said Putin. His name always makes me laugh. Hey guys, in the ’70s, they said we were all gonna freeze to death, so don’t worry. This global warming is just making up for that Ice Age. We’re just evening things out now. It’s ok. Our livingroom looks so awesome. Oh no. They’re gonna let Ron Paul speak again. He’s a big bag of crazy. Welcome, oh ye Ron Paul googlers! Go back to your crazy land, shake hands with the leprechauns, and go to sleep. He’ll never EVER be president. Your breath is wasted yelling at me. (That’s called a preemptive strike, also called passing the time until the ManBearPig topic is oooooover.) Yay! A new question! No! Paul again!
Gays in the military and don’t ask don’t tell: Why don’t you let the military (below commander in chief) make policy. Like maybe… people closer to the ground. I say fine, if gay people wanna go kill terrorists, woohoo, go kill terrorists, ooh-rah! But I’m not in the military, and I have no idea what kind of complications that causes. Like in the barracks. They have separate men’s barracks and women’s barracks, right? And isn’t the main purpose of that (for practical reasons, let’s be adults) to keep them from having sex all the time, which would be disruptive and cause all kinds of problems? So if they start having open homosexuality all over the military, and you’ve got gay men in barracks with gay men, isn’t that going to be disruptive? Giuliani: time of war or not, boot camp, training, I think it would be disruptive. So I actually kinda think don’t ask don’t tell is pretty good. But again, I’ve never been in the military. There you go, McCain, there’s your soundbite. But what’s your answer? I hate soundbite answers. Anyway, I kinda think that if I were in the military, I’d rather not know if the girls in my unit were lusting after me (I mean, come on, look at me, why wouldn’t they?). Because I would so obsess on that. Because then it’d be like a guy being in your barracks (no, I didn’t just say that lesbians are guys, shut up with your twisting of my words), and you know he’s secretly watching you undress every night, and meanwhile, you’ve got your man waiting for you back stateside, and would he just quit looking at you? So I wouldn’t wanna know.
Tommy Thompson is annoying me more with every answer.
Brownback: I’m a cruel woman for saying this, and I am in no way saying that this guy is a creepy alleged child molester, but he kinda looks like JMK, that guy who said he killed JBR (the dead girl whose dad is dating that other missing probably dead girl’s mom). And actually, I don’t think Clinton (Bill) has been that bad as an ex-pres. Carter, on the other hand, has been most likely the worst president ever and the worst ex-president ever. Yeah, I said it.
Tancredo: Are they keeping him at the kiddie table? That’s the first time they let him talk? He looks mad. Also, I agree. I’d tell Bush to stay away from my house. I’m not a racist, and he’s not my friend anymore.
Huckabee talks like a pastor or preacher (the hand motions are correct).
Duncan Hunter: Would pardon Ramos and Compean. I’m ok with considering him as Thompson’s running mate.
The Scooter Libby thing: I was surprised that more people didn’t come out and say yes right away. Considering the ridiculous sentence, all that “not without looking at the transcript” nonsense. We all know what it was about. Make a decision, yes or no.
At halftime: McCain and Giuliani don’t look any better to me than they already did. Huckabee and Hunter looked fine when I saw them. I like Hunter’s answers for sure. I’ve known all along that I’d like to see him run with Fred so Romney is fine I guess but nothing special.
Well, anyway, we screwed up trying to do something special on the Tivo and lost the townhall portion of the debate. I was enjoying snarking it. Not American Idol fun, mind you. Whatever. Fred.
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