Finally a Place to Send Those Funds You Are No Longer Giving to the RNC

Fred Thompson has raised $220,000 in 18 hours (his campaign site only launched yesterday). I put a money raising widget on the right sidebar. Maybe if he raises enough money, he can hire me as a humor advisor for his campaign. Politicians needed a smarter application of humor, and only I understand the science of humor to tell them how.
They know how to contact me.
(hat tip Conservative Grapevine)

Neighbor in Trouble

It used to be that people lived in small towns where everyone knew everyone. You had trouble, you had the whole town to turn to. Nowadays, people are more mobile and less neighborly, but we have our digital community to turn to. If I have trouble, I know I can turn to the blogosphere for support and advice.
In that spirit, I should mention that Danny Carlton (Jack Lewis) and his family are in quite a spot. Their children have a rare congenital disorder, so they were lucky when his wife was able to get a job with a national company with health insurance. What happened later, though, was her boss made advances to her and was rebuffed. He later charged her with sexual harassment and then got her fired without any evidence (it would sound too awful to be true if it weren’t for experience). Because sexual harassment is considered gross misconduct, they can’t even COBRA their insurance and their children are in constant need of medical attention.
You can read the whole story here, including what company fired her so summarily. John Hawkins has a little about Danny Carlton here.
To be honest, I was planning on rattling the tin cup soon, but Danny Carlton and his family needs it a ton more. If you have any way to help them, please do. We’re a community.

Frank Debate Questions Suggestions

I watched a bit of the Republican primary debate (the lovely and talented SarahK blogged it here), and it was pretty boring. I think I have some ideas for questions that would make it a lot more entertaining. They may not go directly to the issues, but I think they’ll help us learn a lot about the candidates as people.
* If you had to pick a minority group you like the least, which one would it be?
* What are your theories on what’s happening on Lost?
* Should gays be allowed in the military? Should straights be allowed in figure skating?
* For this next round, you can only speak using song titles.
* If you had to choose a country in Europe to declare war against, which one and why?
* Who wants a hug?
* Close your eyes and see if you can name all the other candidates on stage. I bet you can’t!
* Would you leave nukes on the table in our dealings with the moon?
* I’m going to read a list of names and I want you to raise your hand if you’d hit that.
* Would you support torture against terrorists? How about e-mail spammers?
* Now commences the brick round. You each get one brick you can throw at another candidate.
* Any of you know where to score some blow?
* Prove you’re not an alien impostor!
* Is our nation prepared for a ninja attack or is our kung fu weak?
* If King Kong were unavailable, who would you put in his place to fight Godzilla?
* We can all agree this is pretty pointless without Fred Thompson, right?
I should mention that one of those was in the questions I sent to Tom Tancredo that he didn’t answer.

Get Your Fred On

New Fred Thompson shirts from!

Look how awesome it is! You must have one!
I came up with the slogan, and Doug from came up with the design. He also has a “I’m with Fred” shirt that goes well with Fred Thompson’s new campaign site and a “Better Fred than Dead” shirt.
Anyway, make sure you get a Fred Thompson shirt now to show everyone you support his candidacy. Otherwise, people might think you’re still on the fence and waiting for Chuck Hagel to enter the race.

If Fighting Terrorists Causes Terrorism…

Hapkido of Crunch Time follows the logic with other causes & effects.
I’m jealous for not having come up with this angle myself.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Scientist predict that the giant BOOM! that will occur when Fred Thompson officially enters the race will not only be heard worldwide, but will also be heard in other galaxies and possibly cause their stars to explode.