Wow. What another great week of IMAO blogging excellence!
Here’s what to look forward to next week:
* Part 5 of our 7 part series on whether John Edwards has girl parts where man parts should be
* An in depth look at what impact Fred Thompson’s announcement of entering the Presidential race could have on the global climate
* A visual guide to surviving a gay bomb attack
* A salute to firecrackers
All that and your daily horoscopes. Also, make sure to stop by for our fantastic weekend programming.
IMAO: The best political humor site… that you’re aware of.
Archive of entries posted on 22nd June 2007
Never Speak Negatively of Ham
When SarahK was checking out IMAO earlier today, she saw in the banner ad below the logo an ad for HamNation (new one up now of MKH visiting the the liberal Take Back America conference) that included a quote from me about Mary Katharine (Suparstar!) Ham that had SarahK laughing for quite a bit. And what I said is completely true with no exaggeration, so keep a look out for it.
In other video stuff, here’s a funny little satire ad for Hillary Clinton. I hope to put some time aside to make some more video eventually, but I think my best one was the one didn’t actually have any video in it.
Taking the Lefties to Humor School (Again)
Gabe & Max from HuffPo try to make fun of the “gay bomb” thing, but outside of “scoliosis toast”, I think their whole bit was just off. Here’s why:
Problem 1: Overusing the “invisible” reference – While a “running gag” is a time-honored comedic technique, it really only works when you have enough material between uses for your audience to forget about the gag. That way, when you hit the reference again, they go “Ha! I remember that!” instead of “Oh… THAT again”. Using it four times in a ten item list is sleep-inducing, at best.
Problem 2: Brevity! – Unless you’re in a permalink contest, the key to list humor is brevity, or at least economy of phrasing. Adding endless qualifying phrases is ok ONCE, as a change-up. Using the technique six times in a ten item list bogs down the pace and muddles the timing. It ends up reading like a third-grader’s “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” essay.
Problem 3: Brevity! Brevity! Brevity! – Rather than resorting to the amateurish technique of explaining how the weapons work, try thinking like a professional. Use the NAME of the weapon to tell the joke.
Problem 4: END the piece – Don’t just let your list peter out and then call it a day. Tack on a little bonus joke at the end to wrap it up in style.
Here’s how a REAL web humorist does it:
From the makers of the “gay bomb“, here are the latest technologically advanced weapons the Army is developing to incapacitate terrorists on the battlefield:
* Lambada bullets
* Michael Moore super-weight-gainer bomb
* Hippie smell missile
* Ron Paul loony laser
* Can’t get the chorus from “Hey, Jude” out of my head grenades
* Restless Leg Syndrome rockets
* Satellite-based wedgie weapon
* French courage gas
* Special Olympics mines
* Portable pit o’ ravenous Rosies
* Paris Hilton work ethic ray
* Not-so-fresh feeling cluster bombs
And the most effective hi-tech terrorist-stopper of all:
(see extended entry)
Continue reading ‘Taking the Lefties to Humor School (Again)’ »
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
I Was Thinking…
Many of you probably don’t like the government much right now, but never forget that we need a government. Without a government, what would stopping me from shooting you in the face? Nothing but the trigger pull weight on my gun. I always want to shoot anybody who looks at me in the face, but as long as there’s a government out there to retaliate, I have to think twice about it.
So never give up on the government; it’s what keeps me from shooting you in the face.
Why Won’t You Die!
John Hawkins keeps scooping everybody by giving a report on exactly what’s going on behind the scenes to bring back the immigration bill. Harry Reid just won’t rest until America’s borders are destroyed. I admire his conviction.
But why are some Republicans pushing for this bill when all it will do is make everyone hate them? Is it a cry for help? Have they been checked for depression? These are the questions the MSM just won’t ask.
More Evidence That Republicans Are Insensitive
The GOP are trying to make it illegal for the House Speaker to visit a terrorist state, and they’ve done it all without taking into consideration Nancy Pelosi’s vacation plans. Now how can she undermine America is the eyes of terrorists? Is she going to have to invite the terrorists over to her house? Last time she did that, one of them ran off with one of her grandkids. She has a lot of grandkids, so it’s not that big a deal, but, still, she’d rather not have the terrorists over.
The Sun Is Hot
An MSNBC study found that journalists’ political donations are 9 to 1 to Democrats and liberals. Journalists responded by vowing to hunt down that 1. Actually, there’s this whole website Media Matters devoted to finding and destroying the insidious bias of that 1.
What I wonder about are the liberals who insist that the media isn’t liberal despite all the evidence. There are even some who argue it’s biased towards conservatives. That’s pretty much like arguing the sun is cold.
LIBERAL: I hate the sun! It’s so cold!
NORMAL PERSON: Um… the sun is hot.
LIBERAL: Really? Then give me one example of the sun being hot!
NORMAL PERSON: It’s always hot. Right now, as we’re speaking, the sun is hitting us with its heat.
LIBERAL: It’s not hot; it’s corporate biased… and it’s cold!
Liberals are so stupid. Sometimes I want to burn them with fire — which is hot. Before anyone misconstrues my point, I’m not saying that liberals should be burned with fire, I’m just saying that I find it entertaining when pain is inflicted upon them.