Perhaps We Need to Increase 1911 Awareness

Treat me right.

I finally have to ask: Am I wrong and the world right, or is there never a reason to manually cock a 1911?
I see it all the time in movies and TV and even recently saw it in a comic book (The Watchmen — not a light afternoon read); people draw a 1911 and then cock it (the novel Cryptonomicon even had someone removing the safety and then chambering a round on a 1911 which I won’t even get into how ridiculous that sequence that is). As I understand, you should never have the hammer down on a 1911 with a round in the chamber. Also, decocking a 1911 is awkward and should probably never be done with a round in the chamber (I have to use two hands to do it; one to hold down the grip safety and squeeze the trigger and the other to thumb the hammer). You either carry the 1911 with no round in the chamber or you carry with it cocked and safety engaged (and you can only engage the safety if the gun is cocked). Or you leave it at home.
Am I wrong?

Obama Warns of “Quiet Riot” Among Blacks

HAMPTON, Va. (AP) — Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Tuesday that the Bush administration has done nothing to defuse a “Quiet Riot” among blacks that threatens to erupt just as riots in Los Angeles did 15 years ago.
The first-term Illinois senator said that with black people from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast still displaced 20 months after Hurricane Katrina, frustration and resentments are building explosively as they did before the 1992 riots, prompting Obama to give the following fiery speech:

“Those ‘Quiet Riots’ that take place every day are born from the same place as the destruction in New Orleans. We look around that once-fair city and see the rusted-out hulks of cars everywhere. The ‘Metal Health’ of New Orleans is in a sorry state. We are tempted to abandon you, New Orleans, yet we ‘Don’t Wanna Let You Go’.”
“We love that city, but thanks to Bush’s neglect, we’ve discovered that ‘Love’s a Bitch’. We are left ‘Breathless’ with sorrow, anger, and frustration at the unfairness of it all. Bush does nothing but drive through in his ‘Slick Black Cadillac’ for a cheap political photo-op with the downtrodden residents. People with no jobs, no homes, and nothing to comfort them except maybe a cheap bottle of ‘Thunderbird’. People who had to ‘Run for Cover’ when Katrina made the city a ‘Danger Zone’. And Bush did nothing for us. He ignored us because we remained silent.”
“But no more! We must scream and shout and pound out our anger so that the very earth itself trembles, and we can say to Bush all the way in Washington, ‘Cum On Feel the Noize’! We must rise up as one and become a veritable ‘Battle Axe’ of protest! The time for calm discussion has passed. Let’s get our message out by any means necessary! ‘Let’s Get Crazy’!”
“This is your last chance, President Bush. We’d prefer peaceable means, but if we have to ‘Bang Your Head’, we will.”

[NOTE: explanatory linkage for the 80’s-impaired]

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson doesn’t believe in myths such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and extraterrestrials — and he knows their existence is myths since he killed them all with his bare hands. Also, he knows for a fact that Elvis is dead since he strangled him in a shopping mall in 1987.