I’ve talked to numerous people who were either at Rashid Khalidi’s party in 2003 or have seen the video the L.A. Times is suppressing, and here is what they say occurred there. Now, I don’t completely trust my sources, so I rate each of these of having a 65% chance of being accurate.
* Obama pounded his table while chanting, “PLO! PLO!”
* At one point Obama said, “I like the Palestinians because they’re Muslim, just like me!”
* Obama repeatedly hugged William Ayers while exclaiming, “You’re my BFF!”
* When one attendee shouted, “Death to Israel!” Obama added, “Because it’s full of joooooos!”
* When Rashid Khalidi urged more bombing attacks on Israel, William Ayers said, “Bombing America is great too.” To which Obama said, “It’s awesome! Tell me again about how you bombed stuff, Bill. I love those stories which you have told me repeatedly and made me fully aware of through out our long, close relationship.”
* At one point, Obama became annoyed with all the negative things said about Israel and shouts, “Enough about that stupid state that will soon be wiped off the map! Let’s talk about about how we love Communism!”
* Ayers describes his plan to round up capitalist Americans into camps and kill 25 million of them while Obama muses whether that can be paid for by just raising taxes on the rich.
* Eventually the whole thing breaks down into a gay orgy between Obama and terrorists.
Again, my guess is a number of these won’t pan out when we finally see the tape, but I’m quite sure most are accurate.
if you keep watching the tape (the original one) turns out that this party was taped over one of Barack’s home movies…you probably didn’t see the part that was shot in “night vision mode” where Comrade Obama and Khalidi “consumate” their friendship. Boy, that Obama really knows how to use his mouth.
Wha tape? I’m intrigued
It’s on this site, so it must be 100% accurate.
By the way, first one to rate this post! 😀
Ok, that finally made me laugh this morning.
Me-damn it! How did so many copies of that tape get around? At least they must have seen the edited version, since you didn’t mention the worst stuff I did that night.
Having seen the tape, I can say that nothing in it resembles your description. What really is in it:
– Reading of last month’s ACORN Director’s meeting minutes
– New business: announcement that donations to Obama campaign can be made through Al Jazeera gift cards
– Bernadine Dohrn and Michelle Obama pole dance
– Collection taken up for Usama Bin Laden’s widow
– Obama cracking jokes about how many Jews can fit into a phone booth
This past St. Patrick’s Day, I accidentaly walked in to an Irish bar. Lo and beheld, I discovered an amhazing secret about Senator Government (Or should I say Senator Guinness!!!!???11)
“Barack” is secretly Irish! His real name is Seamus Padraig O’Bama! I’m not joking! I have a video from the Barr (As in Bob Barr LOL!!!!) showing O’Bama singing Danny Boy and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary.
We cannot have a Paddy (Or a member of the international Zionist conspiracccy!!!) in teh white house!
Please emale this to all your non-Jewish and non-Irish freinds!
Did you see the part where he says he’s going to run for president and after he wins, in order to make sure everyone takes him seriously he’s going to declare the moon racist, and make it illegal?
“Look at that moon up there…all…uh…white and stuff…generating all that light that other…uh…dimmer stars should have. That’s just racist. Sitting up there….uh…looking down on me like that. You know only white people have ever visited the moon? You tell me that’s not….uh…racist, Rashid! Maybe we can send some of your people up there to deliver a message”.
Little knows fact – the tie Comrade Obama is wearing in that video was given to him by Mahmoud Ahmadinijad when they met and had a brief but intense affair at a Holocaust denial seminar. He still wears it for time to time as their “little secret shout-out”.
Way to make me laugh, Frank. 🙂
Oh, and when are you gonna cover the Phillips head screwdriver incident? Too much red meat there.
I knew it !! *shakes fist*
* Ayers describes his plan to round up capitalist Americans into camps and kill 25 million of them while Obama muses whether that can be paid for by just raising taxes on the rich.
I’m sure that hit a nerve with the Obama/Ayers campaign, Frank (forget Biden, he has absolutely no clue).
Obama has proven that his foreign money sources would be quite sufficient for such a task without raising taxes.
I think you made this up.
Obama said to rile audience up during toast. He congratulates Khalidi for his work saying “Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine” plus there’s been “genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis.”
* Khalidi congratulates Michelle Obama on having had her third abortion.
* Let’s just say there was a large birthday cake and somebody with the initials OBL jumped out of it.
* Michelle Obama is wearing a burkha.
* When he burn the American flag while stomping on it, Ayers sets his pants on fire.
* The whole event was catered by Lucifer Himself Productions of Glenwood.
* If you look closely at the meal, it’s just kittens that had been knocked unconscious with a shovel. That’s right – they ate live kittens!
The fact that he would attend the birthday party of a radical islamofacist should be enough to call into question his judgment. Remember a few years ago when the MSM got all hot and bothered because some republicains spoke at Liberty University? How much more serious is being a guest at a terrorists birthday party?
I’m definitely glad they left out the usual Muslim blood sacrifice to Satan, who then appeared and told everyone that he worships Me! He even let Me poke him with his pitchfork!
Gay orgy? On the whole I no longer wonder why they call it A-CORN. Obama is thinking that on the whole there will be glory on erection day. ( Japanese speaker confuses his l’s and r’s )
I almost shot my soda out of my nose when I read the last line!!! hahahaha
I don’t think accuracy matters any more in media, so this will unfortunately fit right in on the dinnertime news, sometime between the arugula and the hummus.
What’s scary is that the left, when informed, will simply nod their zombie heads; respond, “Yeah, but Bush is Hitler and you Repukes are always makin’ stuff up!;” and walk away, downtrodden that they were not invited to the Second Coming.
Pun intended.
McCain Funds PLO?
OBAMA AND HIS PALS ARE BEHIND 9-11-2001 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now this freakin herd of flying dust bunnies for brains is going to put the Bastid in the White House !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can’t make this stuff up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Gay Orgy is ok, except Barney Frank was invited as the “Sexpert” and he has requested that the tape not be released at this time as he steers the Ship of State through these troubled financial times…
Marko, I knew he was Irish by the toast he gave Khalidi. I have it posted on my blog. Check it out at
You forgot about the sacrificing of babies. How could you forget about that? It’s Michele’s favorite part.
Oh and Dan and Marko there’s no way B O’s Irish. If nothing else the Irish know how to and appreciate a good fight. Osamabama couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
They also have a fine tuned sense of the ridiculous. For example this Irish toast:
May you be in Heaven a full half an hour before the devil even knows you’re dead.
May you have nicer legs than yours under the table before the new spuds are up.
“Rashid Khalidi is a gentleman,
Who through strategy and stealth,
Drove all the Jews from Palestine,
Here’s a toasting to his health.
But not too many toastings
Lest you lose yourself and then
Forget the good Rashid Khalidi
And see all those Jews again.”
That sounds pretty Irish…..
This is so hilarious!!! Nice work. And the comments are pretty funny too … they ate kittens knocked unconscious with a shovel!!!!
This really breaks up the boredom of the usual leftist illuminati stunts.
* Georgy Soros and Michael Moore were sumo rassling on the carpet just after the heart warming toast. The winner got first pick of the litter.
Here is the real reason the tape is being suppressed. It shows Obama saying this about Khalidi: “I mean, you got the first mainstream Arab who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Obviously, if such a gaffe were to become public, then Obama’s unconditional
surrendertalks with our enemies in the middle east would require even moreconcessionsnegotiating on our part.