As you all know, IMAO is pretty centrist. Still, we like to bring in a wide variety of viewpoints, so here to talk about the stimulus bill from the right is Musashi and from the left Scary Evil Monkey.
I Will Be Stained in the Blood of Traitors
By Musashi
Traitors! Brigands! You who voted for the stimulus bill, you dishonor all those who fought and died for this country. You mock that which is much greater than you. For this, my sword will taste your blood! There is no forgiveness for this, only death! I will slaughter you, and slaughter your children (as is the custom in the political process).
As for those who dare called themselves Republicans and voted to sell their countries values, hopefully they can regain enough honor to disembowel themselves before I disembowel them! Their names shall be blotted from the books so that no future generation will know them as Republicans. Upon their graves we shall build urinals.
When all those responsible for the stimulus lay dead, the Capitol shall be burned to the ground. The stimulus bill has now made it an unholy place, and no good shall ever come from it again. Perhaps by this act we can seek forgiveness from the gods and the economy will flourish once again.
We Have All Your Money
By Scary Evil Monkey
i cannot stop laffing at dum stoopid neocon heelbilly jues! now that my monkey friends in congress pass stimulus bill, all ur money is now ar money! evreewun lik obama an hate you dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues, so dey take ur money and giv it to heem. now instead of spending on dum stoopid tings, he spend it on smirt elegant tings like guvment financing of gay porn and assistance for all my monkey freends in iran.
wut? dis make u sad? oh poor dum stoopids neocon heelbilly jues with no money becuz the smirt government took it all. u afraid der no money for nascar and churches an other dum stoopid tings? it weel be alright. i weel giv u sum money. how about i giv u five dollars if you let me EET UR EYBALLS AN TURN DEM INTO POO AND THROW THE POO AT U! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
i kid. i not give u five dollars for that. ur eyeballs are now mine. check the stimulus bill if you no believe me. no mor rights for dum stoopids. u all say gudbai to ur countree. an say gudbai to UR EYEBALLS WHICH WEE WEEL EET AN TURN INTO POO… an so on an so forth.
* * * *
I hope you enjoyed this debate and hearing both sides of the issue. Please give us feedback so we here at IMAO can better serve the community.
SEM spells better and is more articulate than most leftists.
Samurai said, “When all those responsible for the stimulus lay dead, the Capitol shall be burned to the ground.” When can we get started on this?
$500 large for my eyeballs… I need time to “ponder’ this!
Foretaste of what the Fairness Doctrine will do to IMAO. Every IMW will also have to have a bizarro-IMW where Obama is actually a good pres and doesn’t have bucket issues.
Ok, ok, I’ve pondered it! Obama is speaking and before the market goes to -7,000 i’ll take the $500 large! Take my eyeballs, but please poke out my eardrums at the same time so I don’t have to listen to this nit wit for another 4 years!!!
Does Musashi have a radio program?
You get 48 hrs to ponder this……SYKE!!!!! hahahahaha
Whoa whoa whoa…Frank…are you sure you can mention monkeys? Are you sure you aren’t making some veiled insult at African Americans. Some people go ape over this sort of thing. OH NO! Look what you made me do? I said “go ape”! AHHH I did it again! I can’t stop myself. I must be some sort of racist.
Thank you for the fair and balanced reporting. I think that this should become a permanent feature to the sight.
Ha …. Ha ….ha…..All your money are belong to us!
Did anyone notice that SEM talks better then the twit occupying the White House? And without a teleprompter too!
SEM looks like a Reid/Pelosi love child. eeewwww.
thought it would’ve been a jackyl.
Scary Evil Monkey is such a homo! Obama plans are not bout just evl m0ney…thy also bout kailing baibies…if eye seee scarry eevil monkee i weel puut mey foot uup hiis soory stuupid leeberal ass, thenn wee well taake hiss stuupid bluue baals and purple scrootum and stuuuf them dooown hiisss stuuuupid throoooaaaat till he says ugggggggggggurgrgurgurgurgurgurg…diediediediediediedie!!!! BWAAAAAAA!!!!
I demand more Musashi vs. Scary Evil Monkey debates but maybe SEM needs a more proper name. I suggest Nancy.
Should we bring our own tools, or does Musashi have a connection inside Costco?
I’m putting my trust in our new “Stimulus Czar”: Vice President BIDEN, At least he has only a 30% chance of getting it wrong as opposed to Obama / Pelosi’s 100%.
Say, FrankJ: I’ll bet you a nickel that Scary Evil Monkey would change his tune – or at least his octave – if you’d give him a good, swift kick to that bright blue scrotum of his.
I’m with NunyaB on that burning to the ground thing, by the way. Will the party be BYOWP (Bring Your Own Willie-Pete)?
“…and from the left Scary Evil Monkey.”
You racist BASTARD!
You KNOW that “Evil Monkey” is ‘code’ for OBAMA!!!
– MuscleDaddy
love it!! and all the comments too. you guys make me feel less concerned about being at the top of a no-fly list b/c I speak out about the government….although I fear the days are coming when we’ll have to go off the grid to protect ourselves from the nazi in washington!
Any word yet on when Scary Evil Monkey is getting his own show at MSNBC to fill in the nutjob space between Countdown and Hardball? It’s sad when Rachel Maddow is considered your middle of the road reporting only because she’s the only person on MSNBC at nightly that wouldn’t sell their soul to kiss President Obama on the lips. If President Bush had Mushasi as a press secratery his aproval rating wouldn’t rase but at least I’d tune in to press confrences. Side note: How would Mushasi deal with Hellen Thomas, because How do you kill that which has no life?
Ladies, Gentlemen. With the downturn in today’s stockmarket I have decided to take a break from being President and take a much deserved vacation to Hawaii. Joe will be taking over my postion, and I will be handing over the Playstation controller for the time being.
Musashi oh wise one, will you please come to Indiana and run for the US senate? We need a wise man such as yourself to lead our country back to greatness
Sun Tzu says that war is a powerfully convincing tool of political process. Maybe he’s friends with Musashi.
FRANK, you REALLY need to turn this into a YouTube. It’s just not the same without the evil scary monkey’s voice.
I believe you made scary evil monkey far too articulate but certainly he has the liberal world view down pat.
Since the sweet spouse has taken up hunting we have been experimenting with different recipes. Crazy Evil Monkey stew or maybe golash sounds interesting. Even better however is that thought of Monkey Jerky (which is somewhat of an oxy-moron. It would be the best use of Stupid Silly Monkey.
From one of my hero’s Dr. Franklin,
“All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.”
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790)
Higher, certainly, than she feels for them. Never was such a valuable possession so stupidly and recklessly managed, than this entire continent by the British crown. Our industry discouraged, our resouces pillaged… first of all our very character stifled. We’ve spawned a new race here, Mr. Dikinson. Rougher, simpler; more violent, more enterprising; less refined. We’re a new nationality. We require a new nation. – Ben Franklin to John Dickenson in 1776. (sometimes something correct slips by those in the land of Nod or Hollyweird, but not often enough).
The more things change the more they stay the same.
The stimulus pork bill billion of dollars blown away by tax & spend liberal deamcrooks i mean alreay NANCY PELOSI has already gotten $180: million to protect silly mouse JUST HOW REDICULOUS DO THESE REPULSIVE DEMACRATS GET?
The heck with SEM, but I would like to see a lot more of Musashi. Since the IMWs are sort of rare these days (I can certainly understand it, it seems that there is very little to laugh about at the moment), perhaps some of the slack can be taken up by our local samurai hero, Miyamoto no Musashi. I wouldn’t mind seeing his reaction to a lot of the antics of our “political betters.”
motopolitico says:
February 23rd, 2009 at 8:14 pm
FRANK, you REALLY need to turn this into a YouTube. It’s just not the same without the evil scary monkey’s voice.
Seconded, make it so. You don’t even have to get that complicated, just flash the pictures as you use appropriately tuned voices to make the statements.
“Stimulus” sounds like something only degenerate perverts are into. What would a straight guy call it? A rip-off? How much can we pass through to our idiot relatives and left-wing thugees before someone calls it a Rip-Off?
Now to degenerate to another topic,
SEM is evil, and complements must go to Frank for that,… (How do you crawl into your characters so believably?)… but I think Evil requires a higher form of life than a monkey, though. “Evil” has to have a mellow voice like Nancy-Pants when she says “We have to pass it so we know what’s in it, and don’t forget I’m a typical Italian Catholic grandmother.”