Making Fun of Obama

Steven Crowder wrote a letter to Lorne Michaels offering his services to help SNL make fun of Obama and thus appealing to huge segment of people out there. Not going to happen. It would be irresponsible. If someone made fun of President Obama (pbuh), there would be mass confusion and riots in the streets. You saw what happened with the chimp cartoon when people thought it was possible that it was trying to make fun of Obama. I don’t care if Obama gets a bucket stuck on his head and repeatedly runs into walls in front of visiting dignitaries; we don’t make fun of him. We need to treat him like that kid who could send people to the cornfield and keep saying to him no matter what he does, “That’s a real smart thing you did, Obama. A real smart thing.” Otherwise, someone is going to send us to the cornfield.


  1. I’m all for SNL taking plenty of shots at the current administration, just so long as Steven Crowder has nothing to do with it. The guy simply isn’t funny.

    And in fairness to SNL, I believe they’ve had all of three episodes since Obama’s taken office. I hope they make fun of Obama soon, though, because I really hate black people.

  2. Naw, corn is good. Corn on the cob, cornpone, popcorn, creamed corn, corn flakes, corn poop, ethanol, corn as high as an elephant’s eye, children of the co- hey waitaminnit…

    Maybe it’s my latent rebellion kicking in, but I say that anyone who goes that much trouble to NOT be mocked is precisely the type of sacred cow that NEEDS to be mocked. Obama should man up and take his mockage like all 43 office holders before him did; it’s part of the job he wanted so badly, and being able to laugh at oneself is called Being A Good Sport.

    Mocking Obama: doing the job the media refuses to do.

  3. It would be bad form for snl to not make fun of him, seeing as how it was open season on all the others since snl came to be. if they didnt, it would show favoritism and other isms that elude me at the moment.

    off topic:
    I seem to recall some time back that people were wondering what the letters “imao” meant.. i’ll take a shot.

    IMAO, in my authoratative opinion?

    you might have to email me a response.. not sure when I’ll get back over here.

  4. There is a video on Youtube that presents one Larry Sinclair as stating that he had gay sex with Obama and testifying regarding the murder of another of Obama’s male lovers. Google it.

    It might explain why all of the Obama White House staff have voices like high school freshmen and his chief of staff Emanuel is a balerina.

    No need to worry about simians or the “M word”. It may explain why the Sobomites are so sensitive and have their feeling hurt so easily.

    Who’s running the country are not only freshman Marxist ideologs without a clue but they may be freshman gay Marxist ideologs without a clue. Great!!

    If Sinclair isn’t lying then who is Michelle? Michael?

  5. Narrator: No comment here, no comment at all. We only wanted to introduce you to one of our very special citizens, little Barack Obama, age 47, who lives in a village called Washington DC in a place that used to be America. And if by some strange chance you should run across him, you had best think only good thoughts. Anything less than that is handled at your own risk, because….if you do meet Barak you can be sure of one thing: you have entered the Twilight Zone.

  6. McBride said “Crowder is not funny” … me thinks he is a troll for Mr Crowder whether he be New York style or New England is very funny.

    Oh my god you commenters are using the word “corn” and “cornhole” in your comments. This is getting dangerously close to Sarah C**nhole C**nicles. You will have Franky in the water closet frantically washing his hands if you are not careful.

  7. BTW: I had a neighbor who was a black female. She used to laugh and tell me the story how black guys think that they are not gay if they are not the one with the tallywacker in their mouth. To wit: If they get a Lewinski from a guy they are not gay. My neighbor used to laugh and say “If you have your member in another guys mouth YOU ARE GAY”

  8. snl, wasn’t that a shitcom back in the 70’s? Is it still on? Is that why nbc is last in all of the ratings? obbbammmama, isn’t that the shoe shine boy in the White House?

  9. Midwestconservative: You forget that it was Joe Biden that competed in the Special Olympics in Idaho recently, not The One! It may sound “corny”, butt Obama was practicing pirouettes with Emanuel?

  10. #6 Jeep Thang – It is an English as a second language statement of identity. FrankJ considers himself the reincarnation of Mao Zedong. Unfair. Unbalanced. Unmedicated. What else could it mean?

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