Obama’s secret plan to balance the budget

Those of us on the right have criticized the president for his using of the current financial situation to further his socialist ideology.

Sure, this whole mess began falling apart after the Democrats took over Congress back in 2006.

And the seeds were planted by Dodd, Frank, Clinton and the other Democrats when they pressured banks to make risky loans.

And George Soros is enjoying the crisis.

And, of course, the president is spending your and my money like a drunken sailor.

And no way to pay for it. Except raising our taxes.

Or so those of us on the right thought.

Turns out, though, that it seems that Obama has a large source of income for the treasury.

“What is it?” you ask.

Simple. He’s going to have all his cabinet pay their taxes. We ought to be able to bail out all his cronies, pay for everything he’s proposing, and still have a budget surplus.

Turns out Obama is a genius after all, huh?


  1. NOT MUCH! ALL of The Obamas constituents live off the public dole. Liberals don’t EARN a living, they just find a way to “redistribute the wealth!”

    [You’re right. In fact, I had more real job experience by the time I was 21 than the entire Obama administration has had in their lives combined. – B]

  2. THE OBAMA is bailing water out of one end of the bathtub and pouring it in the other end expecting the level to fall on the first end and rise on the second end!!!—OR— He is cutting one foot of material off of one end of a blanket -sewing it onto the other end and expecting the blanket to be one foot longer when he is done. I wish he (THE OBAMA) was a “special olympics contestant” , maybe then he would make some sense.

  3. I can’t wait until I have kids and their Teacher tells them to do a project on why Obama was such a good Pres., because I am going to have fun shredding that poor souls existence.

    This is assuming we survive April Fools Day of coruse I mean look at the line for forApril 1st, 2009

    – Massive Virus is supposed to destroy Interwebz
    – North Korea’s doing some crap with a Dong Missile
    – The g20 is meeting
    – Obama is talking to the world

    I give us a 50% chance of survival.

  4. the president is spending your and my money like a drunken sailor.

    What a slur.

    The Drunken Sailors Anti-Defamation League
    will be writing you a stern letter, I bet.

    Drunk sailors could only spend like that
    if they were printing money.

  5. We in the state of Oz wish to thank the CIT (commander in thief) for releasing us from our state of bondage to Kathleen Spendalotus.

    Now the entire country can benefit from her;
    A. Spendthrift ways (she’s a true Demoncrat-all money is the governments money, they just haven’t stolen it yet) and
    B. Her holier than thou, I know what’s best for you bunch of rubes and morons attitude (see A)

    Maybe now the rubes and morons in this state can elect someone with integrity, morals, brains and common sense. Wait will we have to raise someone from the dead for that or is there anyone left still breathing that fits this description.

    I despair.

    (Is there not ONE democrat who is not a thief and a crook- and they beat up on Nixon. At least he paid his taxes)

  6. Soon-to-be-real News: U.S Treasury Secretary Tim ZeitGeitner announces the introduction of ‘The One’ Trillion Dollar Bill. President O-bah-muhh has OK’d the new Federal Reserve Note ( backed by the full faith and credit of the best government George Soros can buy ) and has graciously consented to pose for Treasury Engravers. This new bill will allow the U.S. to pay back all it owes it’s creditors in a few bills rather than wheelbarrows full of cash. ” This is just another example of efficient governing and paying tribute to my awesomeness.”, gushed President O-bah-muhh. No word on whether the president posed without the bucket on his head.

  7. I’m doing my taxes this week and checked the box that says:

    â–ˆ You owe nothing. The money is yours anyway and Obama and the Congress can suck it.

    Oh, and did you see the news item on Drudge? “Seanmahair goes to Topeka!”

  8. At least drunken sailers have a new tattoo to show for their drunken spending. Obama and friends (and yes Bush and Hank Paulson) have just flushed trillions of our dollars with nothing at all to show for it. No one even got a hooker…well, except for Obama, but he married Michelle years ago.

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