I get the feeling the democrats think they are Jedi:
[waves hand] This is the change you’ve been looking for…
[waves hand] Everything wrong with the world is George Bush’s fault…
[waves hand] We had nothing to do with the economic mess…
[waves hand] Barney Frank is just being friendly, so just bend over…
WE ARE THE SITH! Didn’t anyone read the Rotty’s column on why Conservatives are the Sith and SW is all anti-Sith propaganda? No? Just me? Never mind. Just forget me. I’ll go off somewhere and do some Darthing.
Only on my other planet – and wouldn’t you know, I’m missing it because I’m on THIS planet!
Damn, I forgot to get my cards out again. Well, belated cards will once again have to do.
My religion forbids it. I must work overtime on all pagan holy-days.
I am 4th. #4. The Forth is with me. But I can’t stand that movie series.
Hmmm, Jimmy can’t stand great movies, that one can’t stand great movies. Just sayin.
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a Dick Cheney assasination squad by your side.
Washington D.C., you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
if only Jedi’s ran congress
I get the feeling the democrats think they are Jedi:
[waves hand] This is the change you’ve been looking for…
[waves hand] Everything wrong with the world is George Bush’s fault…
[waves hand] We had nothing to do with the economic mess…
[waves hand] Barney Frank is just being friendly, so just bend over…
the dems are the sith…..Obama is there sith lord
IH8Socialist……..you spilled sh*t wrong.
Number 11 you spelled….spelled….wrong, dumb ass.
May 4th,preparation day for Cinco de Mayo,commemorating Mexico’s defeat of the French Surrender Monkeys. Bartender, mas Cervezas por favor!
WE ARE THE SITH! Didn’t anyone read the Rotty’s column on why Conservatives are the Sith and SW is all anti-Sith propaganda? No? Just me? Never mind. Just forget me. I’ll go off somewhere and do some Darthing.
yeah your right zzyzx sh-t would be a more appropriate term…..the Dems are sh-t and Obama is there Sh-t Lord. Obama The Dork Lord of The Sh-t
“Welcome, to Cinco de Quatro.” Dijo el primer president negro de Los Estado Unidos.
Thay the thread title and thith potht out loud…thoundth like lithping.
Use the forks!