May the 4th Be with You

Happy Star Wars Day!

Anyone get this off as a religious holiday?


  1. #8 IH8Socialist says:
    May 4th, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    if only Jedi’s ran congress

    I get the feeling the democrats think they are Jedi:
    [waves hand] This is the change you’ve been looking for…
    [waves hand] Everything wrong with the world is George Bush’s fault…
    [waves hand] We had nothing to do with the economic mess…
    [waves hand] Barney Frank is just being friendly, so just bend over…

  2. WE ARE THE SITH! Didn’t anyone read the Rotty’s column on why Conservatives are the Sith and SW is all anti-Sith propaganda? No? Just me? Never mind. Just forget me. I’ll go off somewhere and do some Darthing.

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