Random Thoughts

I think it would be cool to have a renegade president who doesn’t play by the rules. Then again, Nixon was forced out of office.

Come to think of it, the presidency really should come with a badge and a gun.

“That’s it, Obama! You’ve gone too far with this health care nonsense! I’m taking away your gun and badge!”

I bet Obama gets most of his bills passed after he loses his badge.

I’m just kidding; evidence shows he’s not an effective politician regardless of the circumstances.

If a clown scares you, just ask it to hide its horrible visage behind a hockey mask.

I like using “Democrat” as an adjective.

Watching Leno and wondering how it gets that reddish purple color. No, wait, I’m watching a turnip.


  1. “If a clown scares you, just ask it to hide its horrible visage behind a hockey mask.”

    Have the clown take you to a hardware store full of knives and chainsaws so he can be less scary.

    “I think it would be cool to have a renegade president who doesn’t play by the rules. Then again, Nixon was forced out of office.”

    Didn’t Nixon say he didn’t need no stinkin’ badge?

  2. I like using Democrat as a verb:

    “Everyone stay seated and shut up, I’m Democrat-ing this airplane to Cuba!”

    “Dude’s got more money than me, I’m going to Democrat his wallet.”

    “Hey watch this while I Democrat this ship into that iceberg.”

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