“Thanks for stopping that giant asteroid, Superman, thus creating or saving billions of jobs.”
Biden says the imaginary benefits of the Recovery Act wouldn’t have happened if Republicans had successfully teamed with rogue unicorns. I’m paraphrasing.
Bastille Day? What’s a bastille? Wasn’t it that giant snake in the second Harry Potter?
A terrorist bomb in Newark? Are next they going to threaten to blow up the city dump?
If Obama gives me a thousand dollars, I will create or save a million jobs for him.
I’m going to start new business where I both sell carbon credits and create or save jobs. And trade magic beans for cows.
So when will Cheney finally be more machine than man?
Bastille Day is when the French celebrate replacing one opressive form of government with an even more oppresive government before settling on several failed governments, three massive German invasions, and Charles de Gaulle.
Very succinct, Marko.
What we need is Cheney’s living brain in a robot, Frank.
You’ll get the job that way, Frank. Everyone knows that the Obama never creates a job for less than $700,00 each.
I just stole part of that for my fb status. But I cited your page as a reference. You’re welcome.
>>A terrorist bomb in Newark? Are next they going to threaten to blow up the city dump?
Hey! I work in Newark, at Prudential Financial … headquartered here since the co’s founding in 1876. Pru’s buildings were already once targeted in an uncovered terrorist plot. Also, there are buildings full of major telecom infrastructure in Newark, and all the major rail arteries that serve NYC come through Newark Penn station. A plot involving Newark is not far fetched at all.
More on the Newark plot here: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/542
Can I have some magic beans, please sir? They may not be many, and they may not be magic, but they are real beans that I can hold in my wee little hand. Mum will beat me for sure if I come home with a carbon credit.
“Thanks for stopping that giant asteroid, Superman, thus creating or saving billions of jobs.”
However, this is not an accurate analogy if you were to apply it to the Obama administration. In that case it would be Obama implementing a plan that actually made it so an asteroid that would have missed the earth, instead, crashed into the USA. Then Nancy Pelosi would make a speech claiming that it was actually a good thing that it happened because death and destruction is a great stimulus for jobs, especially in the healthcare industry.
“Bastille Day? What’s a bastille? Wasn’t it that giant snake in the second Harry Potter?”
Not sure. Are any of the Harry Potter cast still alive, or have they all become victims of honor killings ignored by the media?
Dick Cheney has us all fooled. He is getting those special implants. I am awaiting the first appearance of ther Six Million Dollar Dick Cheney. He can punch hippies at sixty miles per hour.
The Bionic Bigfoot is already in the White House.
We alrerady had a terrorist bomb from Newark. It’s called Biden.
Maintaining the Six Million Dollar Dick Cheney and his death laser implants will create 37.256 jobs.
Bastille: The only fortified emplacement ever conquered by the French. The fact that the Bastille was also manned by the French explains the first fact.
What’s a bastille? A bastille is French for a person who’s father isn’t married to his mother.
Bastille Day? What’s a bastille? Wasn’t it that giant snake in the second Harry Potter?
Hey, Bastille Day is also my birthday! Be nice! You didn’t even send a card.
The Bastille wasn’t in Harry Potter, it was in one of the Indiana Jones movies. Remember? – “Snakes, why does it always have to be snakes?”
I have a tree in my yard that I will cut down this year if 24 people do not but IMAO t-shirts. Since a tree absorbs 48lb of CO2 per year, that means each IMAO shirt is now worth one milliton* of carbon offsets!
* one milliton== 1000 microtons