Frank Riddles

On the previous riddle, Tim K got it first and wins the…


Here’s a harder one, though.

I swing the axe triumphantly,
Fist in the air,
Only to be made the fool.
I pick a flower not for my love,
But for whom I hate the most.

Be the first to solve this one and win…



  1. The “Axe” is of course Axelrod.
    The “fist” is that obnoxious fist-bump move the Obamas do.
    Probably the answer is OBAMA, but I honestly can’t say that I know why, or what the “flower” refers to.

  2. Minecraft, obviously. You are chopping down a tree, then the axe wears out and suddenly you are punching it with your fists. The flower is for yourself, whom you hate for spending too many hours playing Minecraft. It will go in the chest with the other 40 flowers.

  3. Aw, man. I read this and instantly thought, “Mario” only to find out in the comments that it had already been solved.

    It comes of having a 7-year-old who plays old video games like mad. The day is coming for you too, Frank J. (And it’s awesome.)

  4. ..I swing the axe triumphantly (victory)
    ..Fist in the air (liberal revolution)
    ..Only to be made the fool (by Obama)
    ..I pick a flower not for my love (taxes)
    ..But for whom I hate the most (government)

    After the Victorious Revolution
    thee Obama is Taxing us to death

    the end cometh soon

  5. That will teach me to go off exploring other parts of the internet. I come to IMAO to find another riddle and the answer in the comments.

    I, however, think “the botnet” deserves praise (normal medium sized praise) for the Wahoo McDaniels reference.

  6. You know, I used to ignore this because it didn’t matter that much but seriously FrnakJ, you need to stop getting high and praising people.

    You have a little FrnakJr on the way, what’s she going to think?
    Won’t you please think of the child?

    And look, it’s getting worse, now you’re shouting while you’re all high and getting ready to praise someone.

    I’m not so much mad as disappointed.

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