HIGH PRAISE for the last riddle goes to joeschmo1of3. So, is this exercise making us all feel more confident the next time a sphinx blocks our path?
Anyway, another riddle:
I shield my eyes,
A cry is heard,
Justice comes soon.
Be the first to answer this riddle and you’ll win… hmm… what do I have as a prize… oh yeah…
Illegal fireworks?
Raiders of the Lost Ark
the naked guy at the obama event
Under Dog
That would be lady justice.
Janet Reno’s last days in office?
A prisoner being executed.
A firing squad.
electric chair?
Fire in the White House deep fat fryer.
Yay! Hype raise! Hyper A’s! Wait, what? Oh. High praise… That’s good too.
A naked Hillary Clinton falling into a hot vat of burning fat.
Opening the Ark of the Covenant!
Rosie O’Donnell knocking-over an AC-powered TV into her bubble bath.
Monica Lewinsky?
Spiderman or Batman. F!@# Firefox for not having Spiderman built into its dictionary. Though after that hObama crap, I’m through with the little web-slinger.
IJ, so, she shielded her eyes with the Blue Dress? Is that how it got that way?
Princess Buttercup teaches Frank another lesson in parenting.
DesertElephant –
Yes, that’s the story of the blue dress. As for “Justice comes soon”, she probably had him confused with David Souter.
@Jimmy: That was an image that I could have lived a full life without.
Dr. Manhattan from the Watchmen
I can’t believe it, I’m going to get some sweet high praise.
David Caruso in CSI Miami. YEEEAAAHHHHHHH!
[Funny thing is someone basically wrote the answer in a comment to one of Harvey’s posts right after this went up. -Ed.]
Captain America?
That would be marriage #3 for me. I did a lot of eye shielding and she screamed at me a lot. Is that the same as crying?
You gotta watch TV to play this riddle game?
[You have to be marginally cultured. Even if you’ve never seen CSI Miami, you should know the stereotypical opening. -Ed.]
Damnit!! Who reads Harvey’s posts anyway? I’m claiming my rightful high praise.
Ok, I’ve got one for Frank:
Announcing their departure with a sound like horns,
In the setting sun I behold,
they are truly misnamed.
So you are saying I should save my Lorena Bobbit answer for Monday’s riddle?
From the all-inspiring Monty Python and the Holy Grail comes the nearest thing I could find on the internets relating to pig chumps, the “pig dog’ insult. It started in France, apparently, and was taken to England by French kaniggets.
GUARD: Mind your own business!
ARTHUR: If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle
by force!
GUARD: You don’t frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your
bottoms, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called
Arthur-king, you and all your silly English kaniggets. Thppppt!
Ah heck, late to the party again.
Oh well, my answer was Frankj changing Buttercups diaper for the first time and remembering Sarahk saying, “I’ll make you pay for doing this to me!” during labor.
Completely OT, but if you guys haven’t seen IowaHawk’s latest, you definitely need to check it out. He’s got Obama playing a text-based adventure game of “run the US”, and it’s hilarious. Required reading for all you Zork alumni.
The poet’s name is Marie Antoinette
Rosie O’Donnell and Madeline Albright in a mud raslin’ competition…NUDE!!! I think I just grossed myself out!
I got money on the Albright, ussjc. She’s nasty. Oh, and talk about gross! (yeah, like mine were little vignettes of tastefullness).
Riddles always make me feel really stupid. As all can attest, I need no help in this department.
I believe this was actually a passage from one of Obama’s books referring to the time he saw a bug and the big attack Wookie had to kill it, because Barry was too scared. He sat in the corner in the fetal position wearing his bicycle helmet for hours afterward.
“[You have to be marginally cultured. Even if you’ve never seen CSI Miami, you should know the stereotypical opening. -Ed.]”
Well, as an Irishman, I hate margarine but enjoy cultures of milk – and potatoes! BTW,. is CSI a suburb of Maimi with some kind of city gate? I’m confused by all of this.
And I hope Buttercup grows up without TV ! 😉
Wait. The answer was actually David Caruso in CSI: Miami?
Marginally cultured? Marginally cultured? CSI:Miami??? I’d say “marginally” is an overstatement of the culturing involved.
That guy with that thing doing that stuff on that one show with those people?
Aw man, and I had a picture of Harry Reid crouched in the corner, hiding his eyes and crying about the coming election…
I’m flipping thru the channels and hit MSNBC
I shield my eyes,
A cry is heard,
I hit the channel up button
Justice comes soon.
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